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June 14, 2005
Doug Ireland

The Times hypes dangerous right-wing virginity study

Today's Times front-pages a report on new studies by the oh-so-conservative Heritage Foundation claiming "young people who took virginity pledges had lower rates of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases and engaged in fewer risky sexual behaviors." This is nonsense -- in an article last year for the L.A. Weekly on the Bush administration's war on the condom, I cited "a Minnesota Department of Health study of the state’s five-year, abstinence-only program, which found last year that sexual activity by students taking the program actually doubled, from 5.8 percent to 12.4 percent."

Also see:

Heritage Foundation

Heritage Foundation

Seeing The Forest: The CDC used your tax dollars to pay Heritage Foundaton for this study.

Tapped: Why would the Times report that two new studies "rebut" earlier peer-reviewed work ... when, according to the Times's own reporting, the study was not peer-reviewed


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