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July 25, 2005

The Federalist (Society) Papers: John Roberts and the Right’s Move to Take Control of the Judiciary

ALFRED ROSS: Well, Roberts, whether he’s paid his dues or not, was prominently listed in the 1997/1998 leadership directory published by the Federalist Society itself. So it is very difficult to believe that he didn't have any membership. He was on the Steering Committee. The important question is not whether he paid dues as a member or not. The question really at stake here is where does Roberts and his Federalist Society cronies plan to steer our ship of state. If one looks at the history of the Federalist Society, which was established at the inspiration of Robert Bork in the early 1980s, their entire trajectory has been to move our judicial system in an extremely radically right wing direction.

Also see:

Federalist Society

Federalist Society

The Conservative Cabal That's Transforming American Law

Robert Bork

Grants to "Bork"


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