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August 7, 2005

MRC's response to news of Peter Jennings's death? Promote its political agenda

...when it comes to exploiting death, MRC set a new standard...On August 7, longtime ABC News anchor Peter Jennings died of lung cancer. The MRC acted quickly to put together a response. Words of condolence to his family? An acknowledgment of a distinguished career?

No. The MRC chose to use Jennings's death to advance its political agenda. This is what MRC vice president for research and publications Brent Baker wrote in the MRC's August 8 "CyberAlert":

"The MRC's archive is packed with documentation of liberal bias from Peter Jennings, who was frequently cited in CyberAlert, but on this day after his passing we'll focus on how a couple of times he acknowledged the media's liberal tilt."

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Media Research Center

Media Research Center


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