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Grants – search grants based on their stated purpose
Recipients – search all grants to a particular recipient
Funders – search for organizations or individuals that are funding grants
People – search for people who benefit from grant funds
Website – search the website for specific text
Advanced search – specifiy multiple criteria
All-in-one search – search the website and the database at the same time for specific text



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The Nation
August 14, 2005
John Nichols

Here's the PLAN

...Despite the ugliest efforts of corporate America -- via a lobbying frontgroup, the American Legislative Exchange Council -- to warp the process from Augusta (Maine) to Sacremento (California) as thoroughly as it has in Washington, there are still openings for progressive policymaking at the state level. Those openings are the target of the new Progressive Legislative Action Network (PLAN), a coalition developed to provide reform-minded legislators with strategic and research support as they seek to address the pressing economic and social issues that are left untended in a time of corporate hegemony.

Also see:

PLAN website

AP story on opening of PLAN

American Legislative Exchange Council


Read the story >