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December 5, 2005

Why is C-SPAN hosting Brent Bozell?

The December 3 edition of the program After Words on C-SPAN2's Book TV featured an interview with former CBS producer Mary Mapes conducted by L. Brent Bozell III, founder and president of the conservative Media Research Center (MRC), an organization that purports to "prove -- through sound scientific research -- that liberal bias in the media does exist and undermines traditional American values." Yet at no point did C-SPAN identify Bozell or his organization as conservative, nor was it noted that Bozell and the MRC have long criticized Mapes for her role in the controversial CBS 60 Minutes II story on President Bush's alleged failure to meet his Vietnam-era Texas Air National Guard (TANG) requirements. In the C-SPAN interview, Bozell confronted Mapes with unsourced "criticisms" of the TANG story, leaving viewers unaware that the "criticisms" Bozell offered were actually drawn from MRC research and his own nationally syndicated columns.

Also see:

Brent Bozell

Media Research Center

Media Research Center


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