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Grants – search grants based on their stated purpose
Recipients – search all grants to a particular recipient
Funders – search for organizations or individuals that are funding grants
People – search for people who benefit from grant funds
Website – search the website for specific text
Advanced search – specifiy multiple criteria
All-in-one search – search the website and the database at the same time for specific text



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Talk to Action
March 16, 2006
Frederick Clarkson

New IRD President Is a Schismatic Presbyterian

...the announcement of the new president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, a Washington, DC-based organization with a 20 year history of seeking to undermine mainline Christian churches deemed "too liberal" -- is a bellwether moment.

...The Rev. Dr. James Tonkowich was trained at the Gordon-Conwell evangelical seminary and has worked for the past five years for conservative evangelical Charles Colson's Prison Fellowship. He has zero experience in mainline denominations. Perhaps most significantly, he is an ordained as a mininister in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). PCA is a small, rightwing schism that broke with mainstream Presbyterianism in 1973 over the ordination of women and membership in the National Council of Churches. ..

Also see:

Institute on Religion and Democracy

Institute on Religion and Democracy

The Resurrection of Charles Colson

Church and Scaife


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