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About the Data

Find out where the grant data comes from, and what years and philanthropies are included.

How to Search

Information, tips and tricks for making your search more successful


Grants – search grants based on their stated purpose
Recipients – search all grants to a particular recipient
Funders – search for organizations or individuals that are funding grants
People – search for people who benefit from grant funds
Website – search the website for specific text
Advanced search – specifiy multiple criteria
All-in-one search – search the website and the database at the same time for specific text



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PZ Myers
April 27, 2006

Are you ready for Coulter?

...Coulter's research [method - supporting Creationism]: find the most wrong-headed fool around and parrot his ill-informed opinions. This [Coulter's new book] is going to be world-class suckage. This book is going to be a black hole of reason -- reading it is going be like sticking your brain in a Cuisanart. What we're going to find in there is all the lies and nonsense we can expect to hear echoed back at us for the next decade, the dishonest crap that every clueless wingnut bozo is going to absorb instead of real science.

Also see:

Ann Coulter


Read the story >