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Grants – search grants based on their stated purpose
Recipients – search all grants to a particular recipient
Funders – search for organizations or individuals that are funding grants
People – search for people who benefit from grant funds
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Happening Here (blog)
January 27, 2007

Structural barriers are Republicans' last best hope

Tamar Lewin reported in the New York Times Friday on the results of Ward Connerly's crusade to end affirmative action. Connerly has killed affirmative action by initiative votes in California (1996), Washington (1998) and Michigan (2006). He aims to spread his poison to 10 more states in 2008.

[NOTE: The NY Times story does NOT mention anything about how Connerly is funded by the conservative philanthropies. In 2006 ACRI got a $450,000 grant (pdf) from the Bradley Foundation "To support general operations and a public-education project in Michigan." Nor does the story mention how the Bradley Foundation sponsors white racists like Charles Murray.]

Also see:

Ward Connerly

Grants to Connerly's ACRI

NY Times: Colleges Regroup After Voters Ban Race Preferences


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