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Seeing the Forest
January 26, 2007
Dave Johnson

Oil Price Manipulation?

Koch Supply and Trading get contract to supply oil to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

David H Koch is one of the prime funders of the whole right-wing movement. ... Koch played a role in founding the Cato Institute, which pumps out anti-government Libertarian propaganda. The Koch family had given Cato $21 million as of 1999. He was also involved in founding Citizens for a Sound Economy [now Freedomworks], another anti-government propaganda outlet. Contributions, again as of 1999, totaled $10 million. Koch also is a major funder of the Reason Foundation, yet another outlet for right-wing anti-government propaganda.

... This isn't just a quid pro quo. This government money will be pumped straight back into the Republican machine.

Also see:

Koch Foundations

Aggregated grants from Koch Foundations

Cato Institute

Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation

Reason Foundation

Patron saints of right wing think tanks acquire Georgia Pacific Corp


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