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New York Times
June 23, 2003

Angry Groups Seeking a Justice Against Affirmative Action

The Supreme Court rulings on the University of Michigan admission policies set off a wave of consternation among conservative groups today. As a result, several officials of the groups plan to demand that President Bush choose someone whose opposition to affirmative action is beyond doubt for a vacancy on the court.

..."This is a very political decision, and the administration's brief played a crucial role, I believe, in influencing Justice O'Connor, who turned out to be the swing vote," Linda Chavez, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, said. Her group was among those challenging the Michigan programs...

..."It's outrageous that the majority in favor of these racial preferences was formed by Republican appointees," said Clint Bolick, vice president of the Institute for Justice, another conservative group that challenged the Michigan programs...

"Conservatives will want to make sure that anyone appointed to the court in this administration is a strong and sure opponent of racial preferences," Mr. Bolick said.

Also see:

Justices Back Affirmative Action by 5 to 4


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