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Grants to:

Center for Individual Rights
Collegiate Network
Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies
National Journalism Center
Young America's Foundation


John M. Olin Foundation
Collegiate Network
Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies


PZ Myers
April 27, 2006

Are you ready for Coulter?

...Coulter's research [method - supporting Creationism]: find the most wrong-headed fool around and parrot his ill-informed opinions. This [Coulter's new book] is going to be world-class suckage. This book is going to be a black hole of reason -- reading it is going be like sticking your brain in a Cuisanart. What we're going to find in there is all the lies and nonsense we can expect to hear echoed back at us for the next decade, the dishonest crap that every clueless wingnut bozo is going to absorb instead of real science.

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December 21, 2005

Coulter: "[T]he government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East and sending liberals to Guantanamo"

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Mpls. Star Trib
April 25, 2005

St. Thomas president denounces Ann Coulter's speech as hateful

The president of the University of St. Thomas on Monday condemned a speech at the Catholic school last week by conservative author Ann Coulter, saying "such hateful speech vulgarizes our culture and goes against everything the University of St. Thomas stands for."

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Editor and Publisher
February 26, 2005

Coulter: Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president

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Media Matters
December 21, 2004

Coulter delivered falsehoods and smears during FOX debate on Iraq war

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Media Matters
December 1, 2004

Coulter quoted Donna Brazile out of context; mocked her as "liberals' idea of a 'competent' black woman"

Just last month...Ann Coulter labeled Democrats as "racist" for questioning the credentials of national security adviser Condoleezza Rice and conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas ... Coulter ... quoted ... Donna Brazile out of context in an attempt to support her claim that "[i]t's extremely valuable for Democrats to be able to campaign in black neighborhoods while talking about the 'white boys' running the Republican Party." Coulter also described Brazile, in the context of Gore's failed presidential bid, as "liberals' idea of a 'competent' black woman."

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Media Matters
October 6, 2004

Ann Coulter on tour: "I think a baseball bat is the most effective way these days" to talk to liberals

[FOX News Channel, DaySide with Linda Vester, 10/6]

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Media Matters
October 4, 2004

Coulter on ABC & FOX - opining that Dems have "all become jock-sniffers for war veterans"

Ann Coulter appeared on ABC's Good Morning America on October 5, and on FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes the previous evening, to promote her book How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann Coulter, released October 5 by the Crown Publishing Group. During those appearances, Coulter disparaged former Democratic Senator Max Cleland as the Democrats' "designated hysteric"; claimed that Democrats have "all become jock-sniffers for war veterans" and that today's Democrats "certainly wouldn't have fought World War II"; and asserted that all Muslims whom "we haven't killed" should be converted to Christianity.

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Media Matters
September 7, 2004

Coulter: "Kerry will improve the economy in the emergency services and body bag industry"

Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter, in an appearance on FOX News Channel's Hannity & Colmes, defended Vice President Dick Cheney's September 7 comment that the United States would risk another terrorist attack if voters made "the wrong choice" in November.

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World O'Crap
January 28, 2004

Coulter calls John Kerry a "gigolo" on Faux News other Ann news, she used her recent column (such as it is) and an appearance on Hannity and Whosit to call John Kerry a "gigolo."

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Brendan Nyan
June 29, 2003

Screed: With Treason, Ann Coulter once again defines a new low in America's political debate

With her new book Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, syndicated pundit Ann Coulter has driven the national discourse to a new low

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St Petersburg Times
August 25, 2002

Bestseller trampled under footnotes

Slander, conservative Ann Coulter's bestseller about ''liberal lies'' gets counter-punched by the left at the hands of fact-checking critics on the Web.

Also see:

Fact Checking Ann Coulter

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June 26, 2002

When right-wing fembots attack

Ann Coulter dishes out a fresh bookful of hypocrisy, distortion and half-crazed rants. Can't conservatives find a better champion than this?

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Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter at St Thomas University in St Paul

Ann Coulter at St Thomas University in St Paul, Minnesota, from My Conversation With Ann Coulter. Photo by Rob Levine.

From The Public Eye:

Clinton, Conspiracism, and the Continuing Culture War(pdf)

Starr, the Federalist Society and Collegial Networks

...Coulter attended Cornell University, where she launched the conservative Cornell Review, part of the conservative Collegiate Network funded by Scaife. She trained at the National Journalism Center, run by conservative columnist M. Stanton Evans, whose lectures are sometimes sponsored by the Young America's Foundation. The Center claims no partisan bias but its lecturers and postings are skewed to the right. The center receives funding from the conservative Olin Foundation. While at the University of Michigan law school, Coulter founded the local chapter of the Federalist Society. After the Republicans Congressional takeover in 1994, Coulter joined the staff of [former] Sen. Spencer Abraham, (R-MI), a Federalist Society activist. She then became a legal commentator for MSNBC.

Coulter's book was published by Regnery. Phillips/Eagle, a major owner of Regnery, also publishes Human Events. Coulter went to work for the Scaife-funded Center for Individual Rights, then as a legal affairs writer for Human Events, which had previously run a favorable review of her book. Coulter also played matchmaker, helping Paula Jones find lawyers and suggesting that attorney Jim Moody help Linda Tripp with her legal problems [ More...].


Ron Brynaert
Raw Story
August 19, 2006

New Coral Ridge TV special featuring Ann Coulter blames Darwin for Hitler

An upcoming television special produced by a Christian broadcaster [Coral Ridge Ministries] that features conservative pundit Ann Coulter blames Charles Darwin for Adolf Hitler, RAW STORY has learned.

"Author and Christian broadcaster Dr. D. James Kennedy connects the dots between Charles Darwin and Adolf Hitler in Darwin’s Deadly Legacy, a groundbreaking inquiry into Darwin’s chilling social impact," announces a press release issued by Florida's Coral Ridge Ministries. "The new television documentary airs nationwide on August 26 and 27 on The Coral Ridge Hour."

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Joe Conason
New York Observer
June 13, 2006

A shameful silence on Coulter's spewing

McCain and Lieberman abandon Jersey Girls in face of Coulter bullying

With the predictable regularity of a locust plague, Ann Coulter and her enablers at the once-reputable firm of Random House have issued yet another volume of fascistic entertainment. Now the hard-drinking, trash-talking, fortysomething bachelorette bills herself as a Christian moralist, in holy battle against the liberal heathens.

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Max Blumenthal
Huffington Post
February 9, 2006

Ann Coulter at CPAC on "Ragheads" and Assassinating Bill Clinton

On Friday, February 10, the rock star of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was none other than Ann Coulter. Before an overflow crowd of at least 1000 young right-wing activists, Coulter took her brand of performance art to new heights. Afterwards, I caught up with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to ask him about Coulter's characterization of Muslims as "ragheads."

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August J Pollak
January 5, 2006

Pimp your dorm with right-wing pinup gals!

The Young Americas Foundation, which attacks "liberal PC-ness" at universities and hosts right-wing speakers on college campuses nationwide, has opted for a new fundraiser sure to appeal to the young college conservative desperate to have their very own pin-up poster for their dorm room, but spare them from the hypocrisy of accepting that sex appeal isn't icky....purchase your very own glamour shot poster of Ann Coulter.

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July 20, 2005

Coulter caught cribbing from conservative magazines

A RAW STORY examination found Coulter's work to be at worst plagiarism and at best a cut-and-paste repetition of points authored by conservative religious groups in the early 1990s. These groups sought to de-fund the National Endowment for the Arts, detailing projects paid for by the NEA they dubbed "obscene."

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Media Matters
April 17, 2005

Even after Time's cover story, you still don't know "the real Ann Coulter"

...after reading [TIME's] nearly 6,000-word profile of Coulter, readers still don't know the real Ann Coulter... because Time carefully hid her from view, glorifying her legal work, whitewashing her habitual lies, and downplaying her -- at best -- grossly inappropriate rhetoric.

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Nathan Newman
February 11, 2004

Has She No Shame?

Well, no-- like her hero, Ann Coulter has no depth to which she will not sink

Defending Bush, she decides to smear Max Cleland [with lies]

Also see:

Tbogg chimes in: Ann Coulter- Lying Bitch. Yeah. Like that's a revelation.

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Richard Cohen
Washington Post
August 14, 2002

Blaming of the Shrew

May I say something about Ann Coulter? She is a half-wit, a termagant, a dimwit, a blowhard, a worthless silicone nothing, physically ugly and could be likened to Eva Braun, who was Hitler's mistress. As it happens, these are all descriptions or characterizations Coulter uses for others in her book, "Slander." It ought to be called "Mirror."..

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The Daily Howler
June 30, 2002

"Coulter is a crackpot"

The Daily Howler takes on "journalists" who blindly accept allegations made in Coulter's new book

"..Coulter is a crackpot, a clown— and a balls-out dissembler. Her procedures are an insult to the American public interest. And so we have a simple question for lazy [Bill] O’Reilly and worthless [Mickey] Kaus. Nobody made you host a TV show. Nobody forced you to go on the web. But boys, are you here to perform your actual duties? Or are you really just here to f*ck around?

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Justin Raimondo
October 4, 2001


Ann Coulter, another conservative philanthropy frankenstein

A spat on the Right reveals a lot

Ann Coulter is a leggy, sassy blonde telebimbo, (and constitutional lawyer) whose career as a TV talking head took off during the Clinton scandals – and, like Clinton, she never really went away. Her column...has been a mainstay of the firebreathing Right...Ms. Coulter is now embroiled in one of those intramural spats on the Right that reveal more about the participants than anyone ever intended, a scrap which underscores the new era of ugliness that now seems to be dawning in wartime America [more...]

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Ann Coulter, who recently imploded in print, is nearly a complete product of the conservative philanthropies, having worked for or received funds from no fewer than six of their funded institutions. She was recently fired from her job as columnist for the National Review Online after she advised that the US conquer Muslim countries and convert them to Christianity.

In college she benefited from funds from the Collegiate Network - funded by Richard Mellon Scaife. She trained at the National Journalism Center, which itself is connected to the Young America's Foundation, and run by the conservative philanthropy funded columnist M. Stanton Evans. She founded a chapter of the Federalist Society at the University of Michigan Law School, and later worked for former Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham, himself deeply involved with the Federalist Society.

Later Coulter worked at the Scaife-funded Center for Individual Rights. Now she's just been picked up by David Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture, one of the most prominent recipients of conservative philanthropy money.]

Also see:

Center for the Study of Popular Culture

Full page ads Horowitz has taken out in college newspapers urging students not to protest the new "war".

Washington Monthly's"The Wisdom of Ann Coulter"

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Adam Nagourney
New York Times
March 2, 2007

G.O.P. Candidates Criticize Slur by Conservative Author

McCain, Giuliani and Romney distance themselves from Coulter's comments calling John Edwards a "Faggot"

Three of the leading Republican presidential candidates on Saturday denounced one of their party’s best-known conservative commentators for using an antigay epithet when discussing a Democratic presidential contender at a gathering of conservatives here.

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Noam Cohen
NY Times
October 8, 2006

Reuters editor lose job after penning Ann Coulter critique

He had received prior approval to write book

On Tuesday, Joe Maguire, one of two editors in charge of markets coverage at Reuters, handed his bosses the galleys of his new book, “Brainless: The Lies and Lunacy of Ann Coulter.” On Wednesday, Mr. Maguire discovered he would have plenty of free time to promote his book, which comes out this week. Neither side in this dispute would say that he was fired.

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Crooks and Liars
July 27, 2006

Coulter on Clinton and Gore: Gay and fag

While talking about Clinton, Coulter responded, "I don’t know if he’s gay. But Al Gore — total fag." In concluding the interview, Matthews said of Coulter, "We’d love to have her back."

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Editor and Publisher
July 19, 2006

Columnist Ann Coulter Calls for Wiping Out All of South Lebanon

Ann Coulter, in her latest syndicated column, laments that all of South Lebanon hasn't been obliterated.

"Some have argued that Israel's response is disproportionate, which is actually correct: It wasn't nearly strong enough. I know this because there are parts of South Lebanon still standing," Coulter opines in her latest column, posted last night. Already the Israeli air attack has cost at least 300 lives and one in eight Lebanese citizens are now refugees.

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Editor & Publisher
June 21, 2006

In New Column, Ann Coulter Again Slams Murtha and 9/11 Widows

Ann Coulter used her latest Universal Press Syndicate column to repeat some of the controversial language she has used in her new book, on TV appearances, and elsewhere.

"I dedicate this column to John Murtha, the reason soldiers invented fragging," Coulter began the piece, posted late yesterday on her Web site. She had said much the same thing in an online interview last week. A spokeswoman for Universal told E&P at that time that it does not censor columnists and, in any case, the "fragging" comment had not appeared in one of her columns -- until now.

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June 8, 2006

Matalin, defending Coulter's attacks on 9-11 widows: "I take her larger point"

On MSNBC's Imus in the Morning, Republican strategist Mary Matalin joined other Republican strategists and media figures in defending Ann Coulter's attacks on the widows of the 9-11 victims, expressing agreement with Coulter's "larger point." When Imus challenged Matalin to condemn Coulter for her "repugnant attacks," including "calling these women harpies," Matalin refused, saying: "That's completely not her point," and that such remarks are Coulter's "stock in trade." She added that she would not condemn Coulter because "I don't know her" and "I haven't read the book."

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Jose Lambiet (columnist)
Palm Beach Post
February 14, 2006

Ballot botch: Coulter votes in wrong precinct

...Coulter, who owns a $1.8 million crib on Seabreeze Avenue, should have voted in Precinct 1198. It covers most homes on her street. Instead, records show, she voted in Precinct 1196, at the northern tip of the island.

...Here's the sticky part for The Right's Lady Macbeth: She wrote down an Indian Road address instead of Seabreeze on her voter's registration application. And she signed to certify the information as true.

"She never lived here," said Suzanne Frisbie, owner of the Indian Road home. "I'm Ann's Realtor, and she used this address to forward mail when she moved from New York."

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Daniel Borchers (video)
February 1, 2006

'Not Fit to Live! - Ann Coulter's Gospel of Life'

The Second in a Series of Short Anti-Coulter Video Presentations by 'Citizens for Principled Conservatism', A -- yes -- conservative organization!

Compilation of Coulter's Greatest Hate Speech 'Hits' Draws Comparison Between the Extremist Rightwinger and Osama bin Laden...

Also see:

Watch the video

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Brad Friedman
Mother Jones
January 4, 2006


Meet Daniel Borchers, a conservative who says Ann Coulter's antics are beyond the pale

In America’s pop poli-culture, she’s the Mother of All Partisans, thriving on whatever turn of phrase might most piss off the Democrats and/or “liberals” (and sell as many books as possible). For their part, her targets—although they don’t make as much money at it as she does—are all too happy to sink to her depths of crass depravity in response.

Call it the Coulter Cycle, and call it vicious.

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Rob Levine
April 18, 2005

My conversation with Ann Coulter

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Washington Post
June 26, 2002

The Thrilla in Rockefella

Ann Coulter dukes it out with Katie Couric

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Brendan Nyhan
July 15, 2001

Ann Coulter: The Jargon Vanguard

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