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Internal Links

Grants to:

National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise


The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise

Other internal:

Original MT Report Sponsoring Conservative Minorities

External Links

Robert Woodson bio at NCNE website


Robert L. Woodson, Sr.

Robert Woodson is the founder of the well-funded National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, who has consistently opposed federal anti-poverty initiatives as reinforcing of dependency and who was selected to serve as an advisor to Congressman Newt Gingrich in 1996 on neighborhood issues.Robert Woodson Robert Woodson is the founder of the well-funded National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, who has consistently opposed federal anti-poverty initiatives as reinforcing of dependency and who was selected to serve as an advisor to Congressman Newt Gingrich in 1996 on neighborhood issues.

He focuses his attacks on reviving our nation's inner cities through economic growth and policies which encourage home ownership and "'workfare' not welfare."

Woodson is a frequent visitor to Milwaukee, the home of the Bradley foundation, which provides millions of dollars to the NCNE.


Phil Wilayto
March 10, 2001

Milwaukee Genesis

Where George W. Bush's "Faith-Based" initiative really comes from

Just nine days after being sworn in as president, George W. Bush announced the establishment of a new White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, which opened for business on February 20, 2001. The stated goal of the new office is to help religious groups receive government funds and contracts to deliver social services, especially to the very poor

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Alice Lipowicz
January 15, 2007

Robert L. Woodson Sr. named to Homeland Security Advisory Council

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh and Robert L. Woodson Sr. have been appointed by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff as new members of the Homeland Security Advisory Council.

Judge Freeh served as FBI director from September 1993 to June 2001. He currently is president of The Freeh Group.

Woodson is the president of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, which he founded in 1981. He served as a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

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