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University of Tulsa

Tulsa, OK

Media Transparency Profile

Total Grants to University of Tulsa
Total $ Granted: $ 188,769
For Years: 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1988 1987
# Grants: 15

Grants to University of Tulsa

Click date for grant details.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2005 22,199 Fellowship Research Grant
Paul A. Rahe
Department of History
During a twelve month period beginning August 2005 to continue preparation of a book, SOFT DESPOTISM DEMOCRACY'S DRIFT.
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2004 21,080 Fellowship Research Grant
F. Russell Hittinger
Department of Philosophy and Religion
During the summer of 2004 to complete preparation of a book, THE POPES AND THE DESACRALIZED CAESAR: ROMAN VIEWS OF SECULAR AUTHORITY, 1775-2000.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2003 5,000 Education Walton Family Foundation
12-31-2003 240 Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Matching Grants Program
To match dollar for dollar contributions made by employees and directors of Noble companies to educational institutions of their choice
Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
12-31-2002 5,000 Education Walton Family Foundation
12-31-2001 5,000 Education Walton Family Foundation
12-31-2000 19,000 Fellowship Research Grant
F. Russell Hittinger
Department of Philosophy and Religion
During the summer of 2001 to complete preparation of a book THE POPES AND THE DESACRALIZED CAESAR
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 10,000 Education Walton Family Foundation
12-31-1999 18,666 F. Russell Hittinger
Department of Philosophy and Religion
During the summer of 2000 to prepare a book, THE POPES AND THE DESACRALIZED CAESAR.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1999 10,000 Education Walton Family Foundation
12-31-1998 11,000 Department of Political Science
Jeffrey D. Mockett
During the second semester of academic year 1998-1999 to continue preparation of a book, BROWN v. BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE POLITICS OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 5,000 Education Walton Family Foundation
12-31-1996 12,000 Nicholas Capaldi
Department of Philosophy and Religion
During the summer of 1997 to continue preparation of a book, FROM THE IVORY TOWER TO THE TOWER OF BABEL.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1988 25,792 Department of History.
To support a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Paul A. Rahe
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 18,792 Department of History.
To support a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Paul A. Rahe
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.

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