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Barnard College

New York, NY

Media Transparency Profile

Total Grants to Barnard College
Total $ Granted: $ 504,213
For Years: 2005 2004 2003 2002 2000 1999 1998 1997
# Grants: 10

Grants to Barnard College

Click date for grant details.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2005 17,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Jeffrey Friedman
Department of Political Science
During a twelve month period beginning September 2004 to continue preparation of a book, NO EXIT: THE PROBLEM WITH POLITICS.
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2004 80,000 General support Gilder Foundation
12-30-2003 2,000 General support Gilder Foundation
12-31-2002 95,000 No purpose given. Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-2000 75,000 General support Gilder Foundation
12-30-1999 50,000 General support Gilder Foundation
12-31-1998 72,416 One Asia Policy or Two? The Relative Gains Problem and Differing Policy Preferences in Moscow and the Russian Far East
Elizabeth Wishnick will research and write a book and a series of articles on Russia’s future role in the geopolitics of Northeast Asia. She will examine the contrasting geopolitical perspectives of Russia’s leaders in the central government in Moscow and local leaders in the Russian Far East.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 50,000 The Political Economy of U.S.-Cuban Trade Cooperation and Its Unraveling, 1930-1959
Alan Dye will research and write a book on the history of U.S.-Cuba trade relations. He will examine the economic and political factors that shaped this relationship after the Communist revolution and analyze the lessons for future trade relations.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-1998 25,000 General support Gilder Foundation
12-31-1997 37,797 One Asia Policy or Two? The Relative Gains Problem and Differing Policy Preferences in Moscow and the Russian Far East
This grant supports research on Russia's role in the geopolitics of Northeast Asia. Elizabeth Wishnick will examine thetrasting geopolitical perspectives of Russia's leaders in the central government in Moscow and the local leaders in the Russian Far East. The project will result in a book, two articles, and briefings for the policy community.
Smith Richardson Foundation

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