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Seton Hall University

South Orange, NJ 07079-2696

Media Transparency Profile

Total Grants to Seton Hall University
Total $ Granted: $ 235,958
For Years: 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1998 1997
# Grants: 19

Grants to Seton Hall University

Click date for grant details.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2005 3,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Stanley L. Jaki
Department of Physics
During April 2005 to conduct research in England for a book, APOLOGETICS AS MEANT BY NEWMAN.
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2004 8,000 The G. K. Chesterton Institute
During the fall of 2004 to support a conference entitled, "Joseph Mitchell and the Free Life."
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2004 2,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Stanley L. Jaki
Department of Physics
During March 2004 to provide research and travel expenses to England for a book on the statement's (sic) of John Henry Newman on the Anglican Church.
Earhart Foundation
11-21-2004 18,958 General support William E. Simon Foundation
8-9-2004 25,000 General support William E. Simon Foundation
12-30-2003 2,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Stanley L. Jaki
Department of Physics
During February 2003 to provide travel and accommodation expenses to research and prepare for publication a re-edition of Newman's ESSAY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE.
Earhart Foundation
9-9-2003 1,000 General support William E. Simon Foundation
8-18-2003 25,000 General support William E. Simon Foundation
6-29-2003 5,000 General support William E. Simon Foundation
5-4-2003 65,000 General support William E. Simon Foundation
9-11-2002 1,000 General support William E. Simon Foundation
8-22-2002 25,000 General support William E. Simon Foundation
12-31-2001 2,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Stanley L. Jaki
Department of Physics
During calendar year 2002 to prepare for publication two books on the otpics of the thought of Newman on conscience and authority and on the Malines Conversations
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 2,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Stanley L. Jaki
Department of Physics
During a six-month period beginning February 2001 to support research and travel related expenses to complete preparation of a book NEWMAN TO CONVERTS
Earhart Foundation
10-9-2000 30,000 To support general operations The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-28-2000 2,500 Program Area: Education/Scholarship & Tuition Assistance William E. Simon Foundation
12-31-1998 1,750 Department of Philosophy
Robert A. Herrera
During 1998 to prepare a journal article, "Orestes Brownson and the Preservation of the American Nation."
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 1,750 Robert A. Herrera
Department of Philosophy
During 1998 to prepare a journal article, "Orestes Brownson and the Preservation of the American Nation."
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 15,000 Robert W. McGee
W. Paul Stillman School of Business
During the summer of 1998 to prepare a law review article and/or a book on the topic, "Antidumping Laws: A Bright Future for a Bad Idea."
Earhart Foundation

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