Click date for grant details.
Date |
Amount |
Purpose |
Funder |
12-30-2005 |
240,000 |
General operating, project and publication support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-30-2005 |
25,000 |
During calendar year 2005 for preparation of a white paper on "Property Rights and Wireless License Values," Thomas Hazlett, Research Principal. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2005 |
400,000 |
General support |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-30-2005 |
10,000 |
Empire Center for State Policy General operating fund |
Roe Foundation |
12-30-2005 |
5,000 |
Urban public policy research & education |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-15-2005 |
75,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-9-2005 |
25,000 |
To support the "" web site |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
6-14-2005 |
220,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2004 |
100,000 |
Toward general support for the Center for Legal Policy |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-2004 |
37,500 |
General support |
F.M. Kirby Foundation |
12-31-2004 |
20,000 |
General Support |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2004 |
25,000 |
General Support |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2004 |
3,000 |
Project Support |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
150,000 |
General support |
Gilder Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
190,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
5,000 |
General support |
Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
10,000 |
No purpose given. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
74,000 |
Workable Immigration Reform Tamar Jacoby will organize a working group to develop immigration policy reform proposals. The project will consider key questions posed in immigration policy debates, such as developing a guest worker program, providing pathways to allow illegal immigrants to earn legal status, and increasing enforcement of immigration laws. The project's findings will appear in a series of policy briefs and a final report. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
10,000 |
Fellowship Research Grant Amity Shlaes During a twelve month period beginning July 2002 to continue preparation of a book on the Great Depression. (Amended 7/12/04, time period through January 2005). |
Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
45,000 |
During calendar year 2004 to support the research and publication program of Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom towards the book, RACIAL SEGREGATION IN CONTEMPORARY AMERICA. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
200,000 |
How Market Reform Can Make American Health Care Better, Cheaper, and More Accessible |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
2,000 |
Public policy educational programs |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
5,000 |
Publication of "Education Myths" |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-26-2004 |
50,000 |
General support |
William E. Simon Foundation |
12-9-2004 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-2-2004 |
75,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
11-9-2004 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
10-7-2004 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
9-9-2004 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-29-2004 |
25,000 |
To support the Center for Legal Policy, including "" |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
7-8-2004 |
40,000 |
To support the Inter-American Policy Exchange program |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
7-6-2004 |
400,000 |
General support |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
4-18-2004 |
5,000 |
General support |
William E. Simon Foundation |
4-12-2004 |
25,000 |
To support research on the impact of public support for faith-based initiatives |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2003 |
35,000 |
General operating support |
Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
37,500 |
General support |
F.M. Kirby Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
200,000 |
General Operating Support |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
30,000 |
Project support |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
10,000 |
General support |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
25,000 |
General support |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
25,000 |
General support |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
100,000 |
In support of the Center for Legal Policy's online magazine focusing on tort reform |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
95,000 |
Charitable |
Walton Family Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
35,000 |
During calendar year 2003 for the research and publication program of Abigail and Stephan Themstrom. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
25,000 |
Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
150,000 |
General operating and publication support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
30,000 |
Project support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
5,000 |
Public policy educational programs |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
100,000 |
General support |
Gilder Foundation |
12-23-2003 |
20,000 |
General support |
William E. Simon Foundation |
12-23-2003 |
75,000 |
General support |
William E. Simon Foundation |
12-11-2003 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-9-2003 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-7-2003 |
5,000 |
General support |
Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
11-9-2003 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
10-19-2003 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
9-9-2003 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
4-24-2003 |
400,000 |
City Journal; a fellowship for Heather MacDonald; an initiative on race in America; and the Center for Medical Progress |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
3-10-2003 |
10,000 |
A table at the Alexander Hamilton Awards dinner |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2002 |
10,000 |
General Fund |
Hickory Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
30,000 |
General support |
F.M. Kirby Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
100,000 |
General support |
Jaquelin Hume Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
200,000 |
General Operating Support |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
100,000 |
Tort Reform Initiatives |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
206,029 |
Safe Cities: Local Police's Role in the War on Terror George Kelling will lead an effort to help local and state law enforcement agencies develop strategies for responding to the threat of terrorism. He will convene a series of meetings for local andd state law enforcement officials at which they will explore issues such as information sharing and how to police public spaces and transit systems. The project's findings will appear in a series of white papers, a final edited volume, and a series of journal or op-ed articles. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
50,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
75,000 |
Charitable |
Walton Family Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
5,000 |
Public policy educational programs |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
74,600 |
General support |
Gilder Foundation |
12-4-2002 |
5,000 |
General Funds |
Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
11-14-2002 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
10-9-2002 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
9-9-2002 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-8-2002 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
5-2-2002 |
25,000 |
No purpose given. |
JM Foundation |
2-11-2002 |
25,000 |
No purpose given |
Randolph Foundation |
1-22-2002 |
9,000 |
No purpose given |
Randolph Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
150,000 |
No comment provided |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
30,000 |
No comment provided |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
10,000 |
Fellowship Research Grant Amity Shlaes During a twelve-month period beginning July 2002 to continue preparation of a book on the Great Depression |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
35,000 |
During calendar year 2002 for completition of a book GETTING THE ANSWERS RIGHT: RACE, CLASS AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom, Research Principals |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
25,000 |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
400,000 |
City Journal; a fellowship for Heather Mac Donald; an initiative on race in America; and the Center for Medical Progress |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2001 |
43,000 |
a John M. Olin Fellowship for Chester E. Finn's work on education policy issues |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2001 |
107,745 |
Safe Cities: Local Police's Role in the War on Terror |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
71,500 |
Redefining the Melting Pot |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
100,000 |
No purpose given. |
Jaquelin Hume Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
2,500 |
General operating fund |
Roe Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
25,000 |
General support |
F.M. Kirby Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
33,200 |
General Fund |
Hickory Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
176,000 |
Education |
Walton Family Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
50,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
800,000 |
Project support |
W.H. Brady Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
5,000 |
Public policy educational programs |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
55,000 |
General support |
Gilder Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
50,000 |
Templeton Lecture at Manhattan Institute |
John Templeton Foundation |
11-7-2001 |
75,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
10-11-2001 |
75,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
9-9-2001 |
75,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-9-2001 |
75,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
1-9-2001 |
25,000 |
No purpose given. |
Randolph Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
35,000 |
General operating support |
Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
150,000 |
No purpose given. |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
60,000 |
No purpose given. |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
40,000 |
To provide support during 2001 for completion of a book, GETTING THE ANSWERS RIGHT: THE RACIAL GAP IN ACADEMIC ACHIEVMENT AND HOW TO CLOSE IT, Stephen and Abigail Thernstrom, Research Principals |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
100,000 |
General Operating Support |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
43,000 |
A John M. Olin Fellowship for Chester E. Finn's work on education policy issues |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2000 |
400,000 |
City Journal; fellowships for Heather Mac Donald, Tamar Jacoby and Abigail Thernstrom; and the Jeremiah Project |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2000 |
231,245 |
What Are Teachers Teaching? Henry Olsen will lead an effort to explore whether teachers follow education school philosophies in the classroom. The effort will include a national survey of teachers in fourth and eighth grades that will document the methods that teachers use and the content that they teach. The project’s findings will be published in a report. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
173,800 |
Redefining the Melting Pot Tamar Jacoby will lead an effort to examine the future of immigrant assimilation in the United States. She will commission a series of essays on a wide range of topics associated with immigrant assimilation and convene two conferences. The project’s findings will be published in an edited volume. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
100,000 |
No purpose given. |
Jaquelin Hume Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
25,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
25,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
20,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
25,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
25,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
20,000 |
General support |
F.M. Kirby Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
1,000 |
General Funds |
Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
10,000 |
General Fund |
Hickory Foundation |
12-30-2000 |
2,500 |
Public policy educational programs |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-2000 |
137,500 |
General support |
Gilder Foundation |
11-15-2000 |
15,000 |
Program Area: Religion/Ministry |
William E. Simon Foundation |
11-6-2000 |
62,500 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
10-9-2000 |
62,500 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
9-10-2000 |
62,500 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-9-2000 |
62,500 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
5-9-2000 |
35,000 |
To support a book project on H.L. Mencken |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 |
15,000 |
No purpose given. |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
43,000 |
A John M. Olin Fellowship for Chester E. Finn's work on education policy issues. |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 |
15,000 |
Research assistance for Sam Tanenhaus for his biography of William F. Buckley, Jr. |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 |
400,000 |
City Journal; fellowships for Heather MacDonald (Heather Mac Donald), Tamar Jacoby and Abigail Thernstrom; and the Jeremiah Project directed by Prof. John DiIulio. |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 |
50,000 |
A fellowship for E.J. McMahon. |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 |
40,000 |
To provide support during 2000 to continue preparation of a book, GETTING THE ANSWERS RIGHT: THE RACIAL GAP IN ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND HOW TO CLOSE IT. (Stephen and Abby Thernstrom, Research Principals.) [Editor's note: "Abby" is Abigail Tphen Thernstrom is her husband.] |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
183,449 |
Gaining Ground? Measuring the Impact of America's Welfare Revolution June O'Neill will research and write a report assessing the impact of welfare policies enacted after 1996. She will analyze national data sets in order to exaer changes in welfare policy affected employment, earnings, and decisions regarding family formation.
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
175,000 |
No purpose given. |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
100,000 |
No purpose given. |
Jaquelin Hume Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
2,500 |
No purpose given. |
Roe Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
10,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
15,000 |
General support |
F.M. Kirby Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
3,000 |
General Funds |
Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
11,000 |
General Fund |
Hickory Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
50,000 |
Education |
Walton Family Foundation |
12-30-1999 |
2,500 |
Public policy educational programs |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-1999 |
75,000 |
General support |
Gilder Foundation |
12-30-1999 |
15,000 |
The Jeremiah Project |
John Templeton Foundation |
1-6-1999 |
19,375 |
No purpose given. |
Randolph Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
400,000 |
City Journal; fellowships for Heather MacDonald, Tamar Jacoby and Abigail Thernstrom; and the Jeremiah Project directed by Prof. John DiIulio |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
43,000 |
A John M. Olin Fellowship for Chester E. Finn's work on education policy issues |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
30,000 |
no description given |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
175,000 |
No purpose given |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
40,000 |
To support preparation during 1999 of a book on the growing racial gap in educational performance. Abigail Thernstrom, Research Principal. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
21,185 |
To support the Congregational Mobilization for Community Transformation project |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
250,000 |
To support general operations and the Jeremiah Project |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
48,500 |
How Charter Schools and Other Competition Affect Public Schools Paul Teske will research the impact of competition on school districts. He will conduct five case studies of school districts that have charter schools and assess their impact ondistrict policies. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
143,713 |
Gaining Ground? Measuring the Impact of America’s Welfare Revolution June O’Neill will research and write a report assessing the impact of welfare policies enacted after 1996. She will analyze national data sets in order to examine whether changes in welfare policy affected employment, earnings, and decisions regarding family formation. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
25,000 |
To launch the Jeremiah Project. |
JM Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
25,000 |
General Operating Support. |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
25,000 |
No purpose given. |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
100,000 |
No purpose given. |
Jaquelin Hume Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
2,500 |
No purpose given. |
Roe Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
50,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
10,000 |
General support |
F.M. Kirby Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
1,000 |
General Funds |
Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
3,000 |
General Funds |
Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
10,000 |
General Fund |
Hickory Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
20,000 |
Project support |
W.H. Brady Foundation |
12-30-1998 |
2,500 |
Educational programs |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-1998 |
138,200 |
General support |
Gilder Foundation |
12-30-1998 |
10,000 |
General Contribution |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-28-1998 |
1,000 |
No purpose given. |
Roe Foundation |
12-4-1998 |
3,000 |
General Funds |
Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
11-10-1998 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
10-8-1998 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
9-9-1998 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-9-1998 |
50,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
1-29-1998 |
18,875 |
To support a project on congregational mobilization for community transformation |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1997 |
70,000 |
The magazine City Journal |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1997 |
250,000 |
City Journal, projects on education reform and a John M. Olin Fellowship for Heather MacDonald |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1997 |
150,000 |
Books on America's racial gap in education and on judicial consent decrees |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1997 |
200,000 |
no description given |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
30,000 |
No description available |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
30,000 |
To support during 1998 preparation of a book on the growing racial gap in educational performance, Abigail Thernstrom, Research Principal. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
35,000 |
General support; focuses on urban issues |
Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
50,000 |
Center for Educational Innovation |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
10,500 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
50,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
20,000 |
General Fund |
Hickory Foundation |
12-9-1997 |
50,000 |
To support the Center for Civic Innovation |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
10-9-1997 |
50,000 |
To support the Center for Civic Innovation |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
9-9-1997 |
20,000 |
To support a bok on the problems of the judiciary |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-10-1997 |
50,000 |
To support the Center for Civic Innovation |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
1-9-1997 |
17,500 |
To support the Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program in Public Affairs |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 |
150,000 |
The Center for Civic Innovation |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 |
180,000 |
John M. Olin Fellowships for Heather MacDonald and Sol Stern, and the promotion of America in Black and White by Stephan and Abigail Thernstrom |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 |
100,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
50,000 |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
20,000 |
To provide support during 1997 to appoint Abigail Thernstrom an Institute Fellow. |
Earhart Foundation |
8-8-1996 |
17,500 |
To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
7-17-1996 |
37,500 |
To support the Center for Civic Innovation |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
1-22-1996 |
37,500 |
To support the Center for Civic Innovation |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 |
150,000 |
John M. Olin Fellowships for two authors and City Journal contributors, Heather MacDonald and Sol Stern |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 |
25,000 |
A series of seminars in New York on important economic issues |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 |
100,000 |
The Center for Educational Innovation |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 |
100,000 |
The Center for Civic Innovation |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 |
25,000 |
A fellowship for Abigail M. Thernstrom |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 |
25,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
150,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
25,000 |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
15,000 |
Toward the Center for Civic Innovation |
JM Foundation |
12-31-1994 |
100,000 |
The Center for Civic Innovation |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1994 |
100,000 |
The Center for Educational Innovation |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1994 |
37,500 |
The Center for Educational Innovation |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1994 |
25,000 |
The completion of America in Black and White, a book by Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1994 |
20,000 |
The completion of a book by Tamar Jacoby on race relations |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1994 |
100,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1994 |
25,000 |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1994 |
15,000 |
To provide support during 1996 to complete a book, AMERICA IN BLACK AND WHITE, Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom, Research Principals. |
Earhart Foundation |
7-19-1994 |
25,000 |
To support a study on race in America |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
1-19-1994 |
25,000 |
To support a study on race in America |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 |
60,000 |
The Center for Educational Innovation, 1994 |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 |
10,000 |
The completion of a book by Michael Spicer on Western leadership in the post-Cold War world |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 |
20,000 |
A book by Tamar Jacoby on race relations, 1994 |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 |
45,000 |
A research fellowship for Linda Chavez, 1993 |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 |
50,000 |
A research fellowship for Linda Chavez, 1994 |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 |
50,000 |
A John M. Olin Fellowship for Elizabeth McCaughey |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 |
80,000 |
The quarterly magazine City Journal, and a lecture series on urban problems |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 |
175,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
7-28-1993 |
35,000 |
To support a biography of Saul Bellow |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
5-27-1993 |
24,000 |
Continued support of a seminar series |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
3-25-1993 |
16,000 |
To support a seminar series |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
1-24-1993 |
35,000 |
To support a biography of Saul Bellow |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 |
45,000 |
To support a research fellowship for Linda Chavez |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 |
60,000 |
To support completion of a book by Melvyn Krauss, The New Protectionism |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 |
40,000 |
To support a quarterly magazine, City Journal |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 |
30,000 |
To support completion of a book by Elizabeth McCaughey, Beyond Pluralism |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 |
25,000 |
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Abigail M. Thernstrom |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 |
5,000 |
To support a study on indexing capital gains |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 |
100,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1992 |
50,000 |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1992 |
30,000 |
The Carthage Foundation |
9-14-1992 |
35,000 |
To support a biography of Saul Bellow by James Atlas |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
2-12-1992 |
45,000 |
To support a book project on term limitations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1991 |
65,000 |
To support the Center for Educational Innovation |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1991 |
100,000 |
To support a research fellowship for Linda Chavez |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1991 |
40,000 |
To support NY: The City Journal |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1991 |
125,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1991 |
25,000 |
Scaife Family Foundation |
12-31-1991 |
15,000 |
The Carthage Foundation |
11-3-1991 |
35,000 |
To support a book project by James Atlas on Saul Bellow. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
11-3-1991 |
50,000 |
To support a book project on term limitations. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
9-23-1991 |
40,000 |
To support a series of economic policy meetings under the direction of Dr. Robert Mundell. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1990 |
50,000 |
To support the Center for Educational Innovation |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1990 |
25,000 |
To support a research fellowship for Linda Chavez |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1990 |
40,000 |
To support NY: The City Journal |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1990 |
20,000 |
To support a book on term limitation by John H. Fund and James K. Coyne |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1990 |
15,000 |
To support a series of seminars on economic policy chaired by Robert Mundell |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1990 |
75,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1990 |
50,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1990 |
25,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1990 |
45,000 |
The Carthage Foundation |
3-4-1990 |
60,000 |
No purpose available |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1989 |
25,000 |
To support a survey on the impact of school choice programs |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1989 |
35,000 |
To support a research fellowship for Linda Chavez |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1989 |
25,000 |
To support NY: The City Journal |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1989 |
150,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
11-2-1989 |
61,500 |
To support a study of the rise of political radicalism in the environmental movement by Alston Chase. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
7-31-1989 |
90,000 |
To support the work of Charles Murray as Bradley Visiting Fellow in 1989-90. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1988 |
50,000 |
To support the publications program |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1988 |
150,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
11-14-1988 |
67,000 |
Study on Europeanizing the American economy |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-2-1988 |
90,000 |
Support the research of Bradley visiting fellow Charles Murray |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
4-20-1988 |
90,000 |
Research project on the regulations of modern telecommunications. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
3-24-1988 |
48,000 |
Book manuscript on the environmentalist movement. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1987 |
150,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
6-21-1987 |
90,000 |
Support research work of Charles Murray, Bradley Visiting Fellow. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
3-31-1987 |
25,000 |
General |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1986 |
30,000 |
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Melvyn Krauss |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1986 |
50,000 |
To support the publication programs |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1986 |
78,000 |
Initial funding for a book on the study of the role of ideology in American politics |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1986 |
200,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
7-14-1986 |
90,000 |
Support for Dr. Charles Murray as a Bradley Visiting Fellow at the Institute. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1985 |
50,000 |
To support the publication programs |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1985 |
25,000 |
General |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1985 |
150,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1984 |
30,000 |
To support a fellowship for Charles Murray |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1984 |
150,000 |
General support and publication program |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1984 |
150,000 |
General operating and publication support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |