Click date for grant details.
Date |
Amount |
Purpose |
Funder |
12-31-2004 |
5,000 |
Toward general support for GW's Dean's Scholars in Globalization Program |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
300,000 |
Spirituality and Health Initiatives for Practicing Healthcare Professionals |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
198,000 |
Spirituality and Medicine Residency Training Awards |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
193,500 |
Spirituality and Medicine U.S. Curricular Awards |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
81,000 |
Spirituality and Medicine Research Assessment for Canada |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
239,553 |
Bridge Grant 2003 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
145,127 |
Spirituality & Health Education Awards, Evaluation & Development |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
31,840 |
Spirituality in Medicine Curricular Awards 1999 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
4,500 |
Mount Vernon Campus In support of the Shelby Cullom Davis Scholarships Fund |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
30,000 |
Spirituality and Medicine Curricular Awards - 1999 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
153,527 |
Spirituality & Medicine Curricular Awards, Compendium of Outstanding Curricula and Gwish Exhibit for AAMC Annual Meeting |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
508,744 |
Spirituality & Health Education. Awards, Evaluation & Development |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
-1,102 |
Psychiatry and Primary Care Residency Training Awards |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
129,845 |
Privatization and Democratization in China: The Growing Influence of "Red Capitalists" Bruce Dickson will research and write a book on the role of China's business entrepreneurs in the Chinese Communist Party. He will survey entrepreneurs and local pl party and government officials in the Zhejiang, Shandong, Hebei, and Hunan provinces in order to examine how the entrepreneurs view the role of the Communist party in China's economic and political evolution. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
2,000 |
No purpose given. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
60,000 |
No purpose given. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
-12,038 |
Beyond Relativism: The Social Sciences Rediscover Values (symposium) |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
-1,606 |
Spirituality & Medicine Curricular Awards - 1997 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
-37,649 |
Spirituality & Medicine Course Evaluation - 1997 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
204,663 |
Spirituality & Medicine Curricular Awards, Compendium of Outstanding Curricula And Gwish Exhibit For AAMC Annual Meeting |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
-6,471 |
Spirituality & Medicine Curricular Awards - 1998 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
-20,000 |
Spirituality & Medicine Course Evaluations - 1998 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
9,827 |
Renewing and Expanding the Residency Awards Program |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
96,380 |
Psychiatry and Primary Care Residency Training Awards |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
-18,220 |
Evaluation Planning for Spirituality & Medicine Curricular Awards |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
500 |
Award Prize for Psychology Residency Training Program - Children's National Medical Center |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
2,000 |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
75,000 |
Mount Vernon |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
16,981 |
Spirituality & Medicine Curricular Awards Program - 1997 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
46,562 |
Spirituality & Medicine Curricular Awards - 1999 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
40,000 |
Spirituality & Medicine Course Evaluation - 1997 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
402,272 |
Spirituality & Medicine Curricular Awards: Compendium of Outstanding Curricula and AAMC Annual Meeting/GWISH Exhibit |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
50,000 |
Spirituality & Medicine Curricular Awards - 1998 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
20,000 |
Spirituality & Medicine Course Evaluations - 1998 |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
138,111 |
Renewing and Expanding the Residency Awards Program |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
206,726 |
Psychiatry and Primary Care Residency Training Awards |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
44,488 |
Evaluation Planning for Spirituality & Medicine Curricular Awards |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
4,500 |
Award Prize for Psychology Residency Training Program - Children's National Medical Center |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
2,000 |
Eleanor Roosevelt Papers |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
60,000 |
Resolving International Trade Disputes: The Promise and Perils of WTO Legalization James Smith will research and write a book on how trade disputes are settled within the World Trade Organization (WTO). He will review all of the trade disputes that have come before the WTO and conduct a series of case studies. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
75,000 |
Mount Vernon |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
6-6-2000 |
25,000 |
To support research and teaching project on the McCarthy era |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 |
100,000 |
Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism: A Systematic Examination of Individual and Group Decision Making Jerrold Post will research and write a report analyzing the decision making processes of terrorist groups and the factors shaping their deliberations about the potential use of weapons of mass destruction. He will conduct extensive interviews with defectors from terrorist groups and imprisoned terrorists in the Middle East.
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
25,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
75,000 |
Mount Vernon |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
200,000 |
The Campaign Finance Institute Michael Malbin will direct the Campaign Finance Institute. The Institute will sponsor task forces to develop policy recommendations on critical issues in campaign finance, assess the impact and effectiveness ofexisting regulations, and convene seminars to examine critical issues in campaign finance.
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
25,000 |
Ronald Radosh Institute for Communitarian Studies During the period September-December 2000 to continue preparation of a book, THE MCCARTHY ERA RECONSIDERED. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-30-1999 |
22,216 |
Beyond Relativism: The Social Sciences Rediscover Values (symposium) |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
75,000 |
No purpose given |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
75,000 |
Mount Vernon |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
50,000 |
Military Dialogues Among Adversaries: Implications for Regional Security Policy Dalia Dassa Kaye will research and write a book on the impact of military-to-military dialogues on regional security. She will conduct comparative case studies onmilitary dialogues in the Middle East and South Asia. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
109,622 |
Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism: A Systematic Examination of Individual and Group Decision Making Jerrold Post will research and write a report analyzing the decision making processes of terrorist groups and the factors shaping their deliberations about the potential use of weapons of mass destruction. He will conduct extensive interviews with defectors from terrorist groups and imprisoned terrorists in the Middle East. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
48,000 |
The Power and Pathologies of International Organizations Martha Finnemore and Michael Barnett will write a book and a series of articles analyzing the power and autonomy of international organizations. They will focus in particular on explaining how and why international organizations sometimes become bureaucratized, unresponsive, and unaccountable. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
25,000 |
To support the teaching and research of post WWII American History |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
25,000 |
The Center for Communitarian Policy Studies Ronald Radosh During the academic year 1999-2000 to continue preparation of a book, THE MCCARTHY ERA RECONSIDERED. (Amended 12 July 1999, time period July - December 1999.) |
Earhart Foundation |
12-30-1998 |
22,217 |
Institute for Communitarian Policy Issues Beyond Relativism: The Social Sciences Rediscover Values: Symposium |
John Templeton Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
45,426 |
Media Social Responsibility This grant supports a project designed to examine how the news and entertainment media view their social responsibilities. Amitai Etzioni and Patrick Glynn will organize a series of roundtable meetings with membersof the media, policy making, and scholarly communities to develop non-governmental means of encouraging more responsible behavior from the media. The project will result in a series of reports. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
43,421 |
The Chinese Military in the 1990s This grant supports the research and writing of a book on the structure, military capabilities, and strategic thinking of China's People's Liberation Army. David Shambaugh will provide a comprehensivew of the Chinese military in the 1990s. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
146,829 |
Dual Purpose Space Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges for Policy Making This grant supports research on the strategic and operational implications of the eroding distinction between military and commercial space technologies. Ray Williamson and John Baker will examine trends in the development of dual-use space technologies; analyze the implications of the proliferation of these technologies for security in the Persian Gulf, Central Europe, and Southeast Asia; and develop policy recommendations on how best to manage the diffusion of these technologies. The final products will include a series of working papers, two seminars, a major conference, and final policy reports. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
30,000 |
No description available |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
7,500 |
Documentary History of the 1st Federal Congress Department of History To provide support for publication of the documentary record of the 1st Congress convened after the ratification of the federal constitution. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
17,875 |
Russia's Reforms and the Failure of the Hardline Opposition This grant supports the research and writing of a book on the consolidation of political parties and institutions in Russia today. Peter Reddaway will analyze the role that reactry and extreme nationalist political parties play in Russia. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
37,000 |
Power & Pathologies of International Organizations This grant supports research on the influence and evolution of international organizations. Martha Finnemore and Michael Barnett will examine how and why international organizations often become bureaucratized and unresponsive and will develop recommendations on how to structure the governance of such organizations. The project will produce a book and several articles. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
75,000 |
no description given |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
50,000 |
Institute for Communitarian Studies A John M. Olin Fellowship for Ronald Radosh
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 |
30,000 |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
50,000 |
Institute for Communitarian Studies. A John M. Olin Fellowship for Dr. Ronald Radosh |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 |
127,575 |
Institute for Communitarian Studies. A John M. Olin Fellowship for Dr. Ronald Radosh |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 |
65,587 |
Conference to Educate Federal Policy Makers on Health and Welfare Topics Affecting Children at Risk This grant supports the convening of policy conferences focused on at-risk children. Researchers will be invited to present the available evidence on major social policy issues or promising interventions for at-risk children to an audience of policy makers and members of their staffs. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
57,770 |
Linking Theory and Practice at the Elliott School of International Affairs This grant supports the development of policy-relevant courses and activities for students and faculty in order to strengthen the school's links to the policy commy. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
100,000 |
Russian and East-Bloc Archival Documents Database This grant supports an archive and electronic database of important documents on the history of the cold war that will include documents released by the governments of the United States, its allies, the former Warsaw Pact states, China, Vietnam, and other participants in the cold war. The project will also commission research and convene a conference in Warsaw on the role of Poland's Solidarity movement in influencing the Soviety Unioncies near the end of the cold war. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
47,186 |
The Chinese Military in the 1990s This grant supports research on the structure, military capabilities, and strategic thinking of China's People's Liberation Army. The project seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of the Chinese in the 1990s. The research findings will be published in a book. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
66,000 |
Chinese Arms Control and Nonproliferation Behavior This grant supports research on China's arms control policies. Using a database that documents Chinese behavior across ten arms control arenas during the last fifteen years, the project s to understand the sources of Chinese behavior in arms control regimes and identify levers that can be used to influence Chinese policy. The research will result in a book. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
25,000 |
Support of the Program on Transitions to Democracy |
Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
63,557 |
Conference to Educate Federal Policymakers on Health and Welfare Topics Affecting Children at Risk This grant supports the convening of policy conferences focused on at-risk children. Researchers will be invited to present the available evidence on major social policy issues or promising interventions for at-risk children to an audience of policymakers and members of their staffs. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
100,000 |
Russian and East-Bloc Archival Documents Database This grant supports an archive and electronic database of important documents on the history of the cold war. It will include documents released by the governments of the United States, its allies, the former Warsaw Pact states, China, Vietnam, and other participants in the cold war. The database will eventually allow scholars to gain on-line access to full text versions of the documents. The grant also supports commissioned research and a conference in Warsaw on the role of Poland's Solidarity movement in influencing the Soviet Union's policies near the end of the cold war. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
83,361 |
The Chinese Communist Party in Transition: Disintegration or Rejuvenation? This grant supports research on the internal evolution of the Chinese Communist Party. The project will result in a book, focusing on whether economic reforms will lead to the erosion or enhancement of the party's central role in Chinese politics. It will involve field work and data collection about member recruitment and other variables that will affect the evolution of the party's composition and policies. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-27-1994 |
50,915 |
To support a study of law and liberalism in 18th Century America |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
7-19-1994 |
50,920 |
To support a study of law and liberalism in 18th Century America |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-29-1993 |
38,500 |
To support a book project on American foreign policy during the post-Cold War era |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
7-19-1993 |
38,500 |
To support a book project on American foreign policy during the post-Cold War era |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 |
50,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1991 |
50,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1990 |
50,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1990 |
40,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1989 |
50,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
7-20-1988 |
44,000 |
Institute for Sino Soviet Studies Research on evolving objectives of official communism. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1985 |
25,000 |
Institute for Sino-Soviet Studies |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1984 |
100,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |