Media Transparency

EIN: 23-7042029

Young America's Foundation

Herndon, VA 20170

Sponsors conservative speeches around the country. Runs the National Journalism Center. Also see M. Stanton Evans.

Web address:

Total Grants to Young America's Foundation
Total $ Granted: $ 2,241,200
For Years: 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1995 1986 1985
# Grants: 51

Grants to Young America's Foundation

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2005 2,500 National Journalism Center Armstrong Foundation
12-15-2005 10,000 To support general operations The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2004 90,000 General support F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2004 5,000 Undesignated Bill and Berniece Grewcock Foundation
12-31-2004 15,000 In support of the National Journalism Center's Journalism Training Internship Program Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-30-2004 10,000 Educational programs Armstrong Foundation
12-30-2004 5,000 National Journalism Center
Educational programs in journalism
Armstrong Foundation
12-9-2004 10,000 To support the National Journalism Center The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-2-2004 10,000 To support general operations The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2003 25,000 General operating support Castle Rock Foundation
12-31-2003 15,000 In support of the National Journalism Center Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-2003 25,000 Toward educational activities for students at Rancho del Cielo and the Reagan Ranch Center JM Foundation
12-31-2003 135,000 Toward the Reagan Ranch Outreach Center-$50,000 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-30-2003 2,500 National Journalism Center
Educational programs in journalism
Armstrong Foundation
12-11-2003 10,000 To support general operations The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2002 5,000 Undesignated Bill and Berniece Grewcock Foundation
12-31-2002 15,000 National Journalism Center Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-2002 85,000 General support F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-30-2002 5,000 National Journalism Center
Educational programs in journalism
Armstrong Foundation
12-12-2002 2,500 To support general operations The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 20,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-2001 25,000 General operating support Charlotte and Walter Kohler Charitable Trust
12-31-2001 20,000 FM Kirby Freedom Center
For general support for the National Journalism Center during calendar year 2002
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 5,000 Undesignated Bill and Berniece Grewcock Foundation
12-31-2001 75,000 General support F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-30-2001 2,500 National Journalism Center
Educational programs in journalism
Armstrong Foundation
12-30-2001 10,000 Youth/leadership programs Armstrong Foundation
12-31-2000 25,000 No purpose given. JM Foundation
12-31-2000 5,000 Undesignated Bill and Berniece Grewcock Foundation
12-31-2000 75,000 General support F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-30-2000 10,000 Youth/leadership programs Armstrong Foundation
12-31-1999 65,000 General support F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1999 2,000 Undesignated Bill and Berniece Grewcock Foundation
12-30-1999 12,500 Youth programs; Leadership program Armstrong Foundation
2-27-1999 25,000 General support Orville D. and Ruth A. Merillat Foundation
12-31-1998 65,000 General support F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1998 25,000 A program of lectures to promote President Reagan's legacy John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 25,000 General support for speakers programs on college campuses Castle Rock Foundation
12-31-1998 50,000 Concept Design Program Support David H. Koch Charitable Foundation
12-6-1998 2,500 General support Barre Seid Foundation
9-14-1998 10,000 Youth programs Armstrong Foundation
12-31-1997 10,000 Educational Programs Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
12-31-1997 20,000 The promotion of an annual study of college courses John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 1,065,000 Toward the retirement of Young America's Foundation debt in its acquisition of Rancho del Cielo-$1,000,000 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1997 1,000 Reagan Ranch Historical Trust Bill and Berniece Grewcock Foundation
12-31-1995 25,000 Support of the Black Speakers Program, which provides conservative African American speakers to campuses; agency helps college students identify conservative speakers for campus Castle Rock Foundation
12-31-1995 25,000 Educational Programs Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation
12-31-1995 15,000 To support a national lecture series JM Foundation
7-29-1986 16,200 Support publication of the book, "Entrepreneurs and the Historians". The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1985 25,000 To support a lecture tour by Forrest McDonald and Russell Kirk on the bicentennial of the Constitution John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
10-2-1985 2,000 Printing and distribution of book entitled "Memories of a Dissident Publisher", by Henry Regnery. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.