Media Transparency

Nantucket Atheneum

Total Grants to Nantucket Atheneum
Total $ Granted: $ 820,000
For Years: 2001 2000 1999 1998 1994 1993 1991 1990 1989 1988
# Grants: 11

Grants to Nantucket Atheneum

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-31-2001 75,000 No comment provided Allegheny Foundation
12-31-2000 25,000 No purpose given. Allegheny Foundation
12-31-1999 52,000 No purpose given. Allegheny Foundation
12-31-1998 53,000 No description given Allegheny Foundation
12-31-1994 250,000 CAPITAL SUPPORT Allegheny Foundation
12-31-1993 250,000 CAPITAL SUPPORT Allegheny Foundation
12-31-1991 5,000 RENEWED OPERATING SUPPORT Allegheny Foundation
12-31-1991 45,000 CAPITAL SUPPORT Allegheny Foundation
12-31-1990 55,000 CAPITAL SUPPORT Allegheny Foundation
12-31-1989 5,000 RENEWED OPERATING SUPPORT Allegheny Foundation
12-31-1988 5,000 Operating support Allegheny Foundation