Media Transparency

Third Millennium: Advocates for the Future, Inc.

New York, NY

Total Grants to Third Millennium: Advocates for the Future, Inc.
Total $ Granted: $ 170,550
For Years: 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994
# Grants: 10

Grants to Third Millennium: Advocates for the Future, Inc.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-31-2000 5,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-1999 8,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-1998 20,000 To promote Medicare and Social Security reform. JM Foundation
12-31-1998 10,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-1998 10,000 No purpose given. Jaquelin Hume Foundation
12-31-1997 49,750 Social Security: Back to the Future or Forward to the Past? A Symposium for Historians and Policy Makers
This grant supports a conference on the history of Social Security. Richard Thau will commission papers that will foster a better understanding among policy makers, policy analysts, and the general public of the history of Social Security and past efforts to reform the system.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 3,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-1996 10,000 To support public education on Social Security reform JM Foundation
12-31-1995 44,800 Local Solutions to a National Program: How State and Municipal Pension Plan Systems Offer Prototypes for Social Security Reform
This grant supports a research monograph on state and municipal pension plans in order to enhance the quality of debate over Social Security reform. The project will analyze the performance of seven state or municipal employee pension funds whose participants were allowed to direct their Social Security contributions into pension funds that invested in private debt and equity markets.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1994 10,000 Toward educational programs on generational equity, volunteerism, and government reform JM Foundation