Media Transparency

State University of New York at Albany

Albany, NY

Total Grants to State University of New York at Albany
Total $ Granted: $ 654,195
For Years: 2004 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996
# Grants: 12

Grants to State University of New York at Albany

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2004 5,306 Fellowship Research Grant
David H. Bayley
School of Criminal Justice
During a six month period beginning January 2004 to continue preparation of a book, PROMOTING DEMOCRATIC POLICE REFORM ABROAD.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 25,000 Fellowship Research Grant
John Kekes
Department of Philosophy
During calendar 2002 for completion of a book, THE ILLUSIONS OF LIBERALISM
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 81,294 An Experiment in American Federalism: Assessing TANF as a Block Grant Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2001 69,826 How Can Low-Performing Schools Attract and Retain High-Quality Teachers? Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 1,500 Fellowship Research Grant
John Kekes
Department of Philosophy
To provide support to attend a conference on Michael Oakeshott in London, England in September 2001
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 112,570 An Experiment in American Federalism: Assessing Temporary Assistance for Needy Families as a Block Grant
Thomas Gais and Richard Nathan will research and write a book on whether Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) can serve as a model for cooperation among the federal government and the states. They will review and synthesize the research on the implementation of TANF and conduct interviews with federal policy makers in order to examine the lessons of TANF for other policy areas that require federal-state cooperation.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 136,659 How Can Low-Performing Schools Attract and Retain High-Quality Teachers?
Donald Boyd will examine school policies on teacher quality. He will study the relationship between district and state policies in New York State and local variations inteacher quality. The project findings will be released in briefings for policy makers, conference presentations, and articles in public policy and academic journal articles.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 4,000 Department of Philosophy
During the first semester of academic year 2000-2001 to support a distinguished guest lecture program in political philosophy.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1998 2,500 Department of Philosophy
During the first semester of academic year 1999-2000 for presentation of a lecture by Professor Harry G. Frankfurt, Department of Philosophy, Princeton University.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 977 John Kekes
Department of Philosophy
To present a paper at the University of Budapest and to conduct consultations with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences concerning political philosophy with special attention to contemporary conservative theory.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1996 50,000 Conflict, Compromise or Consensus? Exploring Historical and Contemporary Relations Between the Presidents and Congress in Foreign and National Security Policy
This grant supports an examination of how the executive and legislative branches make foreign policy. The project will utilize a database that includes all executive branch requests to the Congress since 1790 in order to examine the conditions under which the branches work best together. The project will produce a book-length study.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 164,563 The Future of State Finances
This grant supports research and analysis on the short-and long-term fiscal conditions of state governments. The project will report on the fiscal capacities of all states and conduct case studies of five states that have enacted major spending or tax cut programs in order to evaluate the fiscal planning processes of state governments. The findings will be published in two reports.
Smith Richardson Foundation