Media Transparency

University of San Diego

San Diego, CA

Total Grants to University of San Diego
Total $ Granted: $ 120,000
For Years: 2005 2004 1998 1997 1996 1995 1984
# Grants: 7

Grants to University of San Diego

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2005 10,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Bernard H. Siegan
School of Law
During the fall semester of academic year 2003-2004 to prepare a book, ECONOMIC LIBERTIES AND THE CONSTITUTION II.
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2004 10,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Bernard H. Siegan
School of Law
During the fall semester of academic year 2003-2004 to prepare a book, ECONOMIC LIBERTIES AND THE CONSTITUTION II.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1998 10,000 School of Law
Bernard H. Siegan
During a 12 month period beginning July 1998 to prepare a journal article and/or a book on property rights. (Amended 12 July 1999, time period through December 1999.)
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 10,000 Bernard H. Siegan
School of Law
During a 12 month period beginning July 1998 to prepare a journal article and/or a book on property rights.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1996 10,000 Bernard H. Siegan
School of Law
During a 12 monthe period beginning June 1996 to continue preparation of a book, THE AGINS RULES: A MAJOR ADVANCE IN TAKINGS CLAUSE JURISPRUDENCE.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 10,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Bernard H. Siegan
School of Law
During a 12 month period beginning June 1966 (sic - means 1996) to continue preparation of a book, THE AGINS RULES: A MAJOR ADVANCE IN TAKINGS CLAUSE JURISPRUDENCE.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1984 60,000 Center for Criminal Justice and Policy Management
General operating support
The Carthage Foundation