Media Transparency

University of Hawaii at West Oahu

Pearl City, HI 96782

Total Grants to University of Hawaii at West Oahu
Total $ Granted: $ 22,000
For Years: 2004 2003 1997
# Grants: 3

Grants to University of Hawaii at West Oahu

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2004 9,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Louis Herman
Department of Political Science
During the second semester of academic year 2003-2004 to complete preparation of a book, PRIMAL QUEST: BEYOND POST-MODERNISM.
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2003 9,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Louis Herman
Department of Political Science
During the period January - May 2003 to complete preparation of a book, PRIMAL QUEST. (Amended 5/12/2003, time period through August 2003.)
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 4,000 Louis Herman
Department of Political Science
During 1998 to continue preparation of a book, PRIMAL POLITICS: BEYOND POSTMODERNISM.
Earhart Foundation