Media Transparency

East Central University

Ada, OK 74820

Total Grants to East Central University
Total $ Granted: $ 58,105
For Years: 2000 1999 1998 1997
# Grants: 4

Grants to East Central University

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2000 23,305 Religion, Freedom, and Prosperity in the Modern World - 1999 John Templeton Foundation
12-30-1999 15,000 Religion, Freedom and Prosperity in the Modern World - 1999 John Templeton Foundation
12-31-1998 9,900 Department of Political Science
Mark D. Hall
During the period November 1998-September 1999 to continue preparation of a book, BEYOND SELF-INTEREST: THE POLITICAL THEORY OF AMERICAN WOMEN, 1800-1860.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 9,900 Mark Hall
Department of Political Science
During the period November 1998-September 1999 to continue preparation of a book, BEYOND SELF-INTEREST: THE POLITICAL THEORY OF AMERICAN WOMEN, 1800-1860.
Earhart Foundation