Media Transparency

St. Lawrence University

Total Grants to St. Lawrence University
Total $ Granted: $ 30,000
For Years: 1999 1995 1994
# Grants: 5

Grants to St. Lawrence University

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-31-1999 12,000 Steven G. Horwitz
Department of Economics
During the summer of 2000 to provide support for one or more journal article(s) on the topic, "Toward an Austrian Economics of the Family."
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1999 1,000 Steven G. Horwitz
Department of Economics
During the summer of 2000 to provide support for one or more journal article(s) on the topic, "Toward an Austrian Economics of the Family."
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 9,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Steven G. Horwitz
Department of Economics
During the summer of 1996 to continue preparation of a book, MICROFOUNDATIONS AND MACROECONOMICS: AN AUSTRIAN PERSPECTIVE.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 2,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Steven G. Horwitz
Department of Economics
During the summer of 1996 to continue preparation of a book, MICROFOUNDATIONS AND MACROECONOMICS: AN AUSTRIAN PERSPECTIVE.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 6,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Steven G. Horwitz
Department of Economics
During the summer of 1995 to continue preparation of a book, MICROFOUNDATIONS AND MACROECONOMICS: AN AUSTRIAN PERSPECTIVE.
Earhart Foundation