Media Transparency

American University of Beirut

New York, NY 10022-6297

Total Grants to American University of Beirut
Total $ Granted: $ 25,800
For Years: 1999 1995 1994
# Grants: 6

Grants to American University of Beirut

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-31-1999 7,400 To support a distinguished visiting lecture program during academic year 2000-2001. Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 3,300 Fellowship Research Grant
Ahmad S. Moussalli
Department of Political Studies and Public Administration
During a 12 month period beginning September 1995 to continue preparation of one or more journal article(s) and/or a book on the topic, "Ideology and Politics: Islamic Fundamentalism and World Order"
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 1,850 Fellowship Research Grant
Ahmad S. Moussalli
Department of Political Studies and Public Administration
During a 12 month period beginning September 1995 to continue preparation of one or more journal article(s) and/or a book on the topic, "Ideology and Politics: Islamic Fundamentalism and World Order"
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 8,100 To support completion of a book IDEOLOGIES AND POLITICS: ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISM AND WORLD ORDER, Ahmad Moussalli, Research Principal. Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 3,300 Fellowship Research Grant
Ahmad S. Moussalli
Department of Political Studies and Public Administration
During a 12 month period beginning September 1955 (sic - means 1995) to continue preparation of one or more journal article(s) and/or a book on the topic, "Ideology and Politics: Islamic Fundamentalism and World Order."
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 1,850 Fellowship Research Grant
Ahmad S. Moussalli
Department of Political Studies and Public Administration
During a 12 month period beginning September 1955 (sic - means 1995) to continue preparation of one or more journal article(s) and/or a book on the topic, "Ideology and Politics: Islamic Fundamentalism and World Order."
Earhart Foundation