Media Transparency

University of Sheffield


Total Grants to University of Sheffield
Total $ Granted: $ 130,746
For Years: 2003 2002 2001 2000
# Grants: 5

Grants to University of Sheffield

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2003 -30,394 Does Forgiveness Enhance Brain Activation Associated with Empathy in Victims of Assault? John Templeton Foundation
12-30-2002 17,426 Does Forgiveness Enhance Brain Activation Associated with Empathy in Victims of Assault? John Templeton Foundation
12-31-2001 9,000 Department of Philosophy
During calendar year 2002 for preparation of a book, EMERGENT HUMANITY: THE PHILOSOPHY OF MICHAEL POLANYI, Christopher Goodman, Research Principal
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2001 34,853 Does Forgiveness Enhance Brain Activation Associated with Empathy in Victims of Assault? John Templeton Foundation
12-30-2000 99,861 Does Forgiveness Enhance Brain Activation Associated with Empathy in Victims of Assault? John Templeton Foundation