Media Transparency

Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, The

Sleepy Hollow, NY

Total Grants to Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, The
Total $ Granted: $ 48,000
For Years: 2004 2003 2001 2000 1998 1997
# Grants: 8

Grants to Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, The

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-31-2004 1,000 In support of the new emergency department Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-2003 4,000 In support of the new emergency department Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
6-17-2003 10,000 A trustee grant, designated by James Piereson, to support emergency room services John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 20,000 a trustee grant, designated by James Piereson, to support the first two years of a hepatitis screening program John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 2,000 For the Phelps Hospice; In loving memory of Mr. Francis McRickard F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-11-2000 5,000 Program Area: Social Welfare/Healthcare William E. Simon Foundation
12-31-1998 5,000 Capital Campaign Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-1997 1,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation