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Lawrenceville School

Lawrenceville, NJ

Total Grants to Lawrenceville School
Total $ Granted: $ 11,120,500
For Years: 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
# Grants: 22

Grants to Lawrenceville School

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-31-2004 1,000,000 Reserved for Future Decision F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2004 15,000 The Lawrenceville Fund Class of '38 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2004 100,000 For general operations Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-2003 1,400,000 Reserved for Future Decision-$1,200,000; renovation of Memorial Hall-$200,000 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2003 12,500 The Lawrenceville Fund Class of '38 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2002 50,000 General Operating Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-2002 1,000,000 Reserved for Future Decision-$750,000; for restoration of Upper House-$250,000 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2002 12,500 For The Lawrenceville Fund-Class of '38 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2001 12,500 For The Lawrenceville Fund-Class of '38 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2001 1,200,000 For Restoration of Upper House-$200,000; Reserved for Future Decisions-$1,000,000 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2000 225,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-2000 10,000 For The Lawrenceville Fund-Class of '38 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2000 1,000,000 Reserved for Future Decision F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1999 225,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-1999 1,200,000 To endow Repairs and Replacements at F.M. Kirby Science Center-$1,000,000; in support of renovation plans for Upper House-$200,000 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1999 10,000 For The Lawrenceville Fund-Class of '38 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1998 1,500,000 Reserved for future decision F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1998 10,000 For The Lawrenceville Fund-Class of '38 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1998 325,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-1997 1,100,000 Reserved for future decision F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1997 703,000 For F.M. Kirby Science Center F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1997 10,000 For The Lawrenceville Fund-Class of '38 F.M. Kirby Foundation