Media Transparency

Lees-McRae College

Banner Elk, NC 28604-0128

Total Grants to Lees-McRae College
Total $ Granted: $ 525,000
For Years: 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998
# Grants: 7

Grants to Lees-McRae College

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-31-2004 75,000 Scholarship Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation
12-31-2003 75,000 Scholarships-Math and Science Teachers Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation
12-31-2002 75,000 Scholarships Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation
12-31-2001 75,000 Scholarships-Math and Science Teachers Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation
12-31-2000 75,000 Scholarships Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation
12-31-1999 75,000 Scholarships Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation
12-31-1998 75,000 Math Department Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation