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Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Geneva, NY

Total Grants to Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Total $ Granted: $ 124,976
For Years: 2001 2000 1999 1998
# Grants: 4

Grants to Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2001 2,802 Forgiveness, Health and Well-being in the Lives of Post-Collegiate Young Adults John Templeton Foundation
12-30-2000 69,080 Forgiveness, Health, and Well-being in the Lives of Post-collegiate Young Adults John Templeton Foundation
12-30-1999 47,340 Forgiveness, Health, and Well-being in the Lives of Post-collegiate Young Adults John Templeton Foundation
12-30-1998 5,754 The Colleges of Seneca
Forgiveness, Health, and Well-Being in the Lives of Post-Collegiate Young Adults
John Templeton Foundation