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MORE LINKSFeminist Majority Foundation Online State Department Funds Anti-Women's Rights Group To Train Iraqi WomenSecretary of State Colin Powell announced that the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF), was one of the recipients awarded part of a $10 million grant to train Iraqi women in the skills of democratic public life. IWF’s website states that their mission is to counter "the dangerous influence of radical feminism in the courts" and to combat "corrosive feminist ideology on campus." It was "established to combat the women-as-victims, pro-big-government ideology of radical feminism." Also see:IPS: Jim Lobe: Foe of 'Radical Feminism' to Train Iraqi Women |
RECIPIENT PROFILEEIN: 54-1670627 Independent Women's ForumWashington, DC 20036 The Independent Women's Forum is neither Independent nor a Forum. Not independent because it is largely funded by the conservative movement. Not a forum, because it merely serves up women who mouth the conservative movement party line. May 1, 2001 IWF: Pure MovementThe following facts about the IWF are from a May 1, 2001 Washington Post story about the IWF's growing political influence in the George W. Bush Administration:
The same Washington Post article described the following positions taken by the IWF:
Laura Flanders Strategic Influence reduxThe conservative philanthropies are paying to place interns within major media institutions, who then in turn use the platform to push other conservative philanthropy productFollow the amazing tale of how the conservative philanthropies subsidize interns free to journalistic institutions such as USA Today and The Weekly Standard. Two interns of the Collegiate Network -- itself an offshoot of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute -- wrote nearly identical stories parroting lines from the Independent Women's Forum's newspaper ads. One appeared in USA Today, the other in The Weekly Standard's online edition. Both stories also promoted a certain website, www.SheThinks.org, which turns out to be a project of the campus division of the IWF. What is the "Collegiate Network"? It is a place that supports "conservative campus journalists with money, free training seminars and technical assistance from mentors, including Heritage Foundation Fellow William Bennett..." Also see:Related: NY Times: Leadership Institute Trains Young Republicans in "Political Technology" Trish Wilson Antonucci Trish Wilson Antonucci's Indpendent Women's Forum Exposé #1Writing for the Women's Leadership Network, Betsy Hart's Independent Women's Forum report about domestic violence and her wholesale condemnation of the Violence Against Women Act entitled "Violence Against Taxpayers" (Winter 1995, Number 2) betrays her ignorance regarding the complexities of domestic violence. She believes that groups such as the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, the Battered Women's Justice Project, the Resource Center on Child Custody and Pro tection, and the Health Resources Center on Domestic Violence ". . . view violence against women not as a criminal problem but as an ideological one. Trish Wilson Antonucci THE INDEPENDENT WOMEN'S FORUM: AN OVERVIEWThe Independent Women's Forum promotes itself as a '... group of intelligent, capable, thinking women, who will bring common sense and a voice of reason to the social and political debates of our time,' according to the flyer that begs for $30.00 annual dues or other contributions. Just how accurate is this description? Printer friendly
OTHER LINKSPeople for the American Way profile of IWFIRC Right Web profile of IWFNancy Pfotenhauer Independent Women's Forum defends statements by Harvard President Lawrence Summers"President Summers is being vilified for telling the truth about women," said Nancy Pfotenhauer, president and CEO of the Independent Women's Forum. Scoobie Davis Independent?Today's (Sun., May 23, 2004) LA Times had an article that featured a slam against (Democratic Presidential candidate John) Kerry and that misrepesents his religion. It was written by Charlotte Allen of the Independent Women's Forum... Bill Berkowitz TeamBush to abused women: Fuhgedaboutit!Right-wing appointees spread their wings across the Beltway "Family Violence Prevention Fund President Esta Soler said that "The IWF has been working to block progress on measures that can prevent domestic violence and help victims for many years. They distort the facts, disseminate misleading information, support the backlash against our movement and undermine our efforts to end abuse. It was simply wrong for Attorney General Ashcroft to appoint the head [Nancy Ptotenhauer] of an organization [IWF] that minimizes domestic violence to the federal Advisory Council on Violence Against Women." Wendy Kaminer Will Class Trump Gender?The New Assualt on Feminism I've long held the theory that when a woman wants to change her life, or some aspect of it that is bothering her, she first does something to her hair," writes Danielle Crittenden, in a stab at political commentary. As a young and conservative writer, Crittenden regularly addresses social issues with housewifely tartness, extolling Cinderella as a "role model" for little girls and chastising a woman who resists being addressed by her husband's name. |