Media Transparency

Heartland Institute

Chicago, IL 60603

Founded in 1984, Heartland is "...a non-profit public policy research organization serving the nation's eight thousand federal and state elected officials, journalists, Heartland members, and other opinion leaders."

The April/May 1997 issue of its bi-monthly magazine Intellectual Ammunition (whose title suggests that its activities are more oriented toward political advocacy than exploration) includes such offerings as "Choking on Clean Air Regulations," "Privatization: Welfare Reform Presents New Privatization Opportunities" (the article issues Wisconsin) and "Welfare: Wisconsin's Welfare Miracle," a piece by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation. [From the Heartland website.]

" of several arch-conservative state-based 'think tanks' that focus as much energy on media relations as on policy development," Heartland's literature reaches every state legislator in Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin, as well as 1,200 media centers.

