Media Transparency

EIN: 95-4405603

Toward Tradition

Mercer Island, WA 98040

According to an October 12, 2006 story in the Washington Post, Lapin is shutting down Toward Tradition in response to its implication in the Abramoff scandal.

Update: TT is NOT shutting down. See here.


Bill Berkowitz
Media Transparency
November 30, 2006

Abramoff accomplice right wing Rabbi Daniel Lapin is still in business

Ethically-challenged head of Toward Tradition, one of the Christian Right's most reliable Jewish allies, decides to keep the doors of his organization open

A funny thing happened to Rabbi Daniel Lapin on his journey to constantly claiming the moral high ground: Toward Tradition, his conservative Jewish organization, got so deeply involved with the shenanigans of the now-jailed Republican Party mega-lobbyist Jack Abramoff -- Lapin's longtime friend and business associate -- that rumors of the organization's demise began to percolate in the media. But despite the rumor that Toward Tradition would shut its doors -- a rumor generated largely by the Rabbi's testimony before a congressional committee -- Lapin has now pledged to keep the organization's doors open.

Frederick Clarkson
Talk to Action
October 12, 2006

Jewish Religious Right Agency Shuts Down in Abramoff Scandal

Toward Tradition, one of the leading organizations of the Jewish element of the religious right is going out of business due to it's involvement in the still unfolding Abramoff scandal. Abramoff had been as much a part of the life of the organization as the cause of its demise. He served on the Toward Tradition board until 2004 and served two terms as chairman.

It turns out that Senate investigators have shown how Abramoff used Toward Tradition head Daniel Lapin as a sock puppet for his corporate clients, notably the Channel One Network that pipes a little "news" and a whole lot of commercials into American public school classrooms.

Chuck Neubauer and Richard B. Schmitt
LA Times
February 10, 2006

Abramoff's Charity Began at Home,0,5568579.story?page=1&coll=la-home-nation

The lobbyist admits he used nonprofits to evade taxes, pad his pockets and bribe officials

Non-profits abused by Abramoff include the National Center for Public Policy Research ("Tom Delay's Right Arm"), and Toward Tradition.
