Media Transparency

Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, Inc.

Mequon, WI 53092

The Wisconsin Policy Research Institute (WPRI) was given $2.9 million by the Bradley Foundation between 1990 and 1992. WPRI has been out front on that state's school voucher programs.

Also prominent in formulating recommendations for state policy on prisons.


Phil Wilayto
October 3, 2000

Wisconsin's Exploding Prison Population: The Bradley Connection


The nation's number one funder of conservative policy and action organizations has given the WPRI $4.8 million for numerous "Studies" that generate public support for jailing more people, and for privatizing the state's prison system. (See the links below)

Media Transparency
May 20, 1994

For a flavor of the Institute's politics, here's a sample of some recent reports and articles:

"Why College Is Too Cheap," by J. Issac Brannon

"Turning Back the Tide of Political Correctness," by Thomas W. Still

"Another Look at Tolling Wisconsin Interstates," by Robert W. Poole, Jr

"Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: A Critical Look at Smaller Class Sizes," by Thomas Hruz

"Political Manipulation of Wisconsin's Students: Environmental Education in Action," by Michael Sanera

Media Transparency
May 20, 1984

Recent WPRI articles and reports dealing with the criminal justice system include:

"Outstanding Warrants in Milwaukee County: Fugitives From The Justice System," by Jean M. White;

"Private Prison-Industry Enterprises: Is it an Idea Whose Time Has Come (Again)?," by Sammis White;

"The Truth About Sentencing in Wisconsin: Plea Bargaining, Punishment, and the Public Interest," by George A. Mitchell and David Dodenhoff;

"Privatizing Parole and Probation in Wisconsin: The Path to Fewer Prisons," by George Mitchell.
