Media Transparency

Washington Legal Foundation

Washington, DC


Media Transparency
May 19, 1997

Conservative Philanthropy supported institutions involved in the attack on Open Source

* Competitive Enterprise Institute
* Washington Legal Foundation
* Defenders of Property Rights
* Pacific Research Institute
* Citizens for a Sound Economy
* Institute for Policy Innovation
* Alexis de Tocqueville Institute

Tim Lambert
June 22, 2004

When Think Tanks Attack

Think tanks vs Open Source

The Alexis de Tocqueville Institute’s attack on Linux is just the latest in a series of attacks on Open Source by think tanks:

Also see:
January 5, 2003

The Outrageous Washington Legal Foundation

...In one of its fundraising letters, the WFL said that:

We are finally in a position we've fought more than a decade to reach -- a position where we can deal a death blow to the single most important source of income for radical legal groups all across the country," wrote WLF Chairman Daniel Popeo. Among the foundation's adversaries in the litigation, Popeo continues, are "groups dedicated to the homeless, to minorities, to gay and lesbian causes, and any other group that has drawn money from hard- working Americans like you and me to support its radical cause!

The WFL will spend hundeds of thousands of dollars to litigate a $20 case to the Supreme Court of the United States if doing so provides an opportunity to “deal a death blow” to a program that allows poor people access to justice...

Also see:
