Join us for an American Experiment Luncheon Forum at which Dr. Sally Satel talks about how politically correct nonsense -- don't hyperventilate -- is undermining even health care these days.
Dr. Satel challenges the "counterfeit idea" that "injustice produces disease and political empowerment is the cure." Rather than help, she argues, such activists, at best, "create distractions and waste." At worst, they "interfere with effective treatment." "PC medicine," she writes, "puts ideology before patients."
How so? Some believe, she contends in her new book, PC, M.D., that the promotion of social and economic justice is a fit job for public health experts fighting AIDS. "Doctors like me, on the other hand, who expect their addicted patients to stop using drugs or use condoms . . . are accused of blaming victims."
Sally Satel is a practicing psychiatrist and a lecturer at Yale.
Reservations are $25 ($20 for members of the Center) if received by Monday, February 19. Add $5 afterwards. Scholarships are available. Checks made out to American Experiment, along with the form below, should be sent to 12 S. 6th St., Suite 1024, Minneapolis, MN 55402. Questions? Call 612-338-3605. Thanks.
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