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Grant Search Results: SEARCH TERM: "Samuel Huntington"

Found 4 grants for a total of $ 285,000

Date Amount Purpose Recipient Funder
12-31-1998 35,000 American National Identity and National Interests
Samuel Huntington will research and write a book analyzing the changing nature of American national identity and the potential effects of these changes on the definition of U.S. national interests.
Harvard University Smith Richardson Foundation
8-13-1992 112,500 To support a program on national security under the direction of Samuel Huntington Harvard University The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-12-1992 112,500 To support a program on national security under the direction of Samuel Huntington Harvard University The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 25,000 Center for International Affairs.
To support the John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship held by Samuel Huntington
Harvard University John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.