Media Transparency

Grant Search Results: SEARCH TERM: "TechnoPolitics"

Found 4 grants for a total of $ 125,000

Date Amount Purpose Recipient Funder
8-9-1998 25,000 To support production of TechnoPolitics ETV Endowment of South Carolina, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
4-8-1998 25,000 To support production of TechnoPolitics ETV Endowment of South Carolina, Inc. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-29-1997 50,000 To support TechnoPolitics, special circumstances Blackwell Corporation, The The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 25,000 The public television program, "TechnoPolitics" ETV Endowment of South Carolina, Inc. John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.