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Grants for "Second Thoughts"
David Horowitz Freedom Center
(formerly Center for the Study of Popular Culture)


David Horowitz Freedom Center (formerly Center for the Study of Popular Culture)

Related stories:

Original MT Report Center for the Study of Popular Culture becomes David Horowitz Freedom Center
Original MT Report David Horowitz s Campus Jihads
Original MT Report David Horowitz: Campus Crusader
Original MT Report Foaming campus cleanser sputters at Temple
Original MT Report Immigration politics draws attention of David Horowitz

April 9, 2006

Horowitz falsely claimed he doesn't attack professors' "political speech" outside the "classroom"

Right-wing activist David Horowitz falsely claimed that although he has criticized what university professors teach in the classroom, he has refrained from criticizing "professors' political speech" outside the universities at which they teach. Horowitz added that he makes "a very clear distinction between what's done in the classroom" and "what professors say as citizens." In fact, in his most recent book, The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America, Horowitz criticizes numerous professors for their political views and participation in political events outside the classroom.

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Joshua Frank
April 26, 2005

Horowitz's Gang Smears the Dead

David Horowitz and gang never cease to amaze. From their crackpot intellectualism to their red-baiting antics, it's clear the folks over at are nothing short of fascist

Also see:

Justin Raimondo: In Defense of Marla Ruzicka: Debbie Schlussel is glad she died – and so is David Horowitz

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Graham Larkin
Inside Higher Ed / Views
April 24, 2005

David Horowitz’s War on Rational Discourse

...these twistings of the truth are part of the same campaign of Horowitizian bullshit, lies and doublespeak. It’s a dirty job all right, but we need to keep exposing this fraudulent talk for what it is.

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Michael Berube
April 10, 2005

Why Horowitz Hates Professors

Horowitz isn’t just a far-right ideologue. He’s also a sorry old fraud

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Center for American Progress
March 15, 2005

"Students" for Academic Freedom? Right.

The organization is actually just a wing of Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture and it is staffed by a recent graduate...SAF is working closely with the American Legislative Exchange Council to pass legislation. SAF's website has a list of existing legislation. Look out California, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, and Tennessee, legislation is already introduced.

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March 15, 2005

Horowitz admits Colorado exam story is phony

[David Horowitz] has admitted that a story highly publicized by his group concerning alleged events at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) "appears to be wrong," and that "our presentation of this case appears now to have had several faults."

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March 6, 2005

Media repeat unsubstantiated Horowitz tale of anti-conservative bias on campus

This incident is not the first time that Horowitz has trumpeted dubious anecdotes in the service of his ideological agenda

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February 13, 2005

David Horowitz paid controversial Jesse Helms advisers to advise him

David Horowitz -- the right-wing pundit who has recently sought to defend himself against charges of racism by baselessly branding one of his critics, radio host Al Franken, a "racist" -- paid nearly $300,000 to Rotterman & Associates, a Republican media consulting firm that helped run the racially divisive campaigns of former Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC), a review of the tax filings of Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture shows.

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Associated Press
February 11, 2005

Bills in several states aim to counter perceived liberalism of college professors

...legislation being pushed in Ohio and several other states by conservatives would prohibit public and private college professors from presenting opinions as fact or penalizing students for expressing their views...

... Similar legislation failed in California and Colorado last year...The Ohio legislation is based on principles advocated by Students for Academic Freedom, a Washington, D.C.-based student network founded by conservative activist David Horowitz.

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Justin Raimondo
February 26, 2004

The Neo-Authoritarians

David Horowitz whines about a lack of 'academic freedom' – and calls for government regulation of campuses to ensure 'diversity'

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Jesse Walker
September 16, 2003

Chilling Effects

David Horowitz tries to redefine "academic freedom"

The Republican firebrand David Horowitz is mad at the Colorado media. Seems that when the Centennial State started mulling ways to enact the Academic Bill of Rights, a document devised and promoted by Horowitz's group Students for Academic Freedom, the local press suggested that it would amount to a quota bill for right-wing professors.

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Rocky Mountain News
September 5, 2003

GOP takes on 'leftist' education

Top Republican legislators are working on a plan that would require Colorado colleges and universities to seek more conservatives in faculty hiring...

...In hatching the idea, Gov. Bill Owens and Republican legislators quietly met in June with David Horowitz, a controversial and outspoken Los Angeles conservative who is leading the national effort with his group called Students for Academic Freedom...

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September 4, 2003

Horowitz in denial: The flamethrower as victim

The Southern Poverty Law Center...published a recent report depicting Horowitz' Center for the Study of Popular Culture as one of several groups that promote bigotry.

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Scoobie Davis
August 24, 2003

David Horowitz is a big fat liar

In response to the excerpts of Joe Conason's new book Big Lies published in Salon, David Horowitz responded by calling Conason a liar

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December 31, 2002

Horowitz Watch

Great new Horowitz tracker website from Scoobie Davis and others

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Justin Raimondo
December 4, 2001


Pro-war 'Think Twice' speaking tour starts on a weird note

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December 2, 2001

A contradictory position

Ultra-conservative activist David Horowitz shot through North Carolina last week to take aim at his favorite target: left-wing college students and professors.

But his intent was quite a turnaround from his quest earlier this year, when he argued that free speech often is stifled by the political correctness practiced at many of the nation's universities.

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David Horowitz on the cover of The Nation

Scott Sherman
The Nation
July 29, 2000

Horowitz's Long March

David Horowitz's career evokes the familiar "God that failed" trajectory of the disillusioned leftist who swings violently to the right

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Eric Alterman
The Nation
November 21, 1999

Stealing Blurbs and Other Progressive Causes

"Horowitz is being forced to relive yet another painful event in his recent past: the disowning of a blurb he featured in his self-promotion campaign...We eagerly await the next chapter in the adventures of the world's first serial blurb thief."

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Jack E. White
Time Magazine
August 29, 1999

Horowitz "A Real, Live Bigot"

"Horowitz's real message: a blanket assault on the alleged moral failures of African Americans so strident and accusatory that it made the antiblack rantings of Dinesh D'Souza seem like models of fair-minded social analysis"

Also see:

Joe Conason, on Horowitz's announcement that he was suing TIME for $50 million for defamation of character

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David Horowitz

David Horowitz represents one of the right's favorite kinds of people: lapsed leftists (See Marvin Olasky).

He is the president and founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center (formerly Center for the Study of Popular Culture - CSPC), which is a well-funded ($350,000 + from the Bradley foundation alone in 1998) launching pad for his and others attacks against supposed liberals, the supposedly liberal media, and public television in particular.

Horowitz was paid $330,000 in 2003 by the CSPC, according to their IRS 990

Horowitz was paid $330,000 in 2003 by the CSPC, according to their IRS 990

From his perch at the CSPC, Horowitz frequently appears on TV and radio to denounce the left and attack it for various "falsehoods."

Horowitz's holds a bachelor's degree from Columbia University (1959) and a Master's degree from the University of California, Berkeley (1961).David Horowitz From his perch at the CSPC, Horowitz frequently appears on TV and radio to denounce the left and attack it for various "falsehoods."

Horowitz's holds a bachelor's degree from Columbia University (1959) and a Master's degree from the University of California, Berkeley (1961).

Shortly after graduating from Berkeley Horowitz became a leader of what was called the " New Left " movement, editing the influential left wing magazine Ramparts.

Horowitz's big career move came in the 1980s, when he and his partner Peter Collier reversed their ideological perspective, coalescing in their 1989 book, "Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts about the Sixties."

Collier and Horowitz also created a project of the CSPC called the Committee on Media Integrity (COMINT), designed specifically to attack Public Television. People for the American Way (PFAW) has reported that:

While Horowitz claims he does no direct lobbying, he takes credit for legislative attacks on PBS: "Probably Senator Dole and I are the two individuals that had the most to do with the present hold" [on reauthorization of PBS funding]. Buying a Movement, from People for the American Way.

PFAW has also reported that more than 50 percent of the CSPC's budget in 1992 came from three foundations: Olin, Bradley and Sarah Scaife (joint contributions totaling $482,500). COMINT itself was begun with $125,000 in start-up funds from the Sarah Scaife Foundation in 1988.

Grants to the CSPC.

Grants to the National Forum Foundation.   Horowitz and Collier first received money (at least $825,000 -- money you wouldn't see as going to Collier and Horowitz were you to just search for grants to the CSPC) from the right wing movement through the NFF.


Max Blumenthal
April 25, 2006

The Demons of David Horowitz

Since David Horowitz switched his political allegiance from the radical left to the authoritarian right, he has engaged in one embarassingly paranoid crusade after another. Each one is designed to stifle a liberal conspiracy which exists only in the hollow canyons of his own mind, and each one fizzles out in a mist of his own petulant frustration. Each time, insidious liberal influence is to blame for his own failures.

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March 2, 2006

Horowitz: "There are 50,000 professors ... [who] identify with the terrorists"

On MSNBC's Scarborough Country, right-wing activist David Horowitz claimed that "[t]here are 50,000 professors" who are "anti-American" and "identify with the terrorists." There are just over 400,000 tenured and tenure-track full-time university professors in the United States. If Horowitz's numbers are accurate, that means approximately one out of every eight tenured or tenure-track college and university professors is a terrorist sympathizer.

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January 24, 2006

LA Times continues to publish David Horowitz despite his history of misinformation

The Los Angeles Times printed an op-ed by David Horowitz regarding academic freedom on college campuses despite his history of false statements and unsupported allegations on this very topic. The op-ed marked the 29th time Horowitz has been published in the Times, according to a Nexis search.

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Nicholas Lemann
Columbia Journalism Review
January 8, 2006

On Balance carry out [David] Horowitz’s program would require our asking prospective faculty members (and, perhaps, students, too) to tell us their political views, which we don’t do, and which seems intrusive to me...most of what we teach does not have any obvious ideological content. There is not a liberal or conservative way to teach students how to write clearly and accurately and quickly, or how to work by high ethical standards...To follow Horowitz’s prescription would be to make our school more ideological, not less...[taking] us away from our core assumption, which is that reporting can get you meaningfully closer to the truth. Not a version of truth -- the truth.

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June Kronholz
Wall Street Journal
October 3, 2005

Congress Wades Into Campus Politics

Republicans Push for Academic Bill of Rights To Ensure 'Dissenting Viewpoints' in Class

College campuses can be political hotbeds. And that has some members of Congress thinking they should get involved.

Some Republicans are pushing a measure through the House of Representatives meant to ensure that students hear "dissenting viewpoints" in class and are protected from retaliation because of their politics or religion. Colleges say the measure isn't needed, but with Congress providing billions of dollars to higher education, they are worried.

The measure's chief promoter, Marxist-turned-conservative activist David Horowitz, says an academic bill of rights will protect students from possible political "hectoring" and discrimination by their professors. "We have enough institutions in America that are political. Let's keep [universities] above that fray," he adds

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Frederick Sweet
Intervention Magazine
July 12, 2005

David Horowitz: College Assassin for Hire

Former left-wing radical turned right-wing gadfly David Horowitz is engaged in a well funded mission to seize control of America's so called "liberal" universities to silence their opposition to the radical right.

Read the full report >

Jennifer Jacobson
Chronicle of Higher Education
May 5, 2005

What Makes David Run

David Horowitz demands attention for the idea that conservatives deserve a place in academe

[Horowitz] claims he would make more money as a liberal, too, "at least three times," what he earns now. According to the center's most recent available tax form, Mr. Horowitz received an annual salary of $310,167 in 2003.

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Dr. Graham Larkin / American Association of University Professors
Stanford University
April 30, 2005

Legislating Academic Freedom: The Larkin-Horowitz Debate

Read the full report >

Graham Larkin
Stanford University
February 21, 2005

"More Than a Stretch": David Horowitz's Imagined Supporters Speak Out

Michael Bérubé, Stanley Fish, Todd Gitlin, and Eugene Volokh respond to David Horowitz's contention that they are behind his Academic Bill of Rights

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February 15, 2005

Horowitz's Politically Correct Database

A lot has been said...about David Horowitz’s proposed "Academic Bill of Rights," now being considered as a law in the Ohio State Senate. Horowitz says it is necessary because political bullying occurs regularly in college classrooms. Here are some examples of what he is apparently talking about, from his Academic Student Abuse Center..

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David Corn
February 13, 2005

Is David Horowitz a "Lunatic"?

...after [CSPAN] aired a tape of Ward Churchill's recent defiant speech at University of Colorado, it cued up what it billed as "another speech about academic freedom." This was a tape of Horowitz addressing a sparsely attended meeting of College Republicans in July 2003. In a talk purportedly on ideological diversity on campuses, Horowitz referred to Howard Zinn, a progressive historian, as a "lunatic."

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November 30, 2004

Horowitz's "racist" habit

...Horowitz has a conspicuous record of freely applying the "racist" label to a wide variety of people and organizations, including [Al] Franken; Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai; the Democratic Party...

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August 2, 2003

Horowitz: Kerry "basically was happy to see" Communists win in Vietnam

David Horowitz...claimed on August 2 that, during a debate more than 30 years ago on The Dick Cavett Show, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) indicated that he thought "Communists were just nationalists and basically was happy to see them win." Horowitz made this false accusation as a guest on C-SPAN...Kerry said nothing of the sort. In fact, Kerry was quoted expressing exactly the opposite sentiment to Horowitz's assertion in a December 12, 1971, Boston Globe article: "I don't like Communists," Kerry said. "In fact, I hate them. I hate all totalitarians. I'm totally dedicated to representative, pluralistic, free democracy."

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New York Daily News
March 22, 2001

Richard Cohen on what's wrong with Horowitz's ad

"Even someone who might agree with Horowitz calls him "smug," "cold," and "dismissive."

...What's wrong is the message between the lines. What's wrong is its casual breeziness, its failure to acknowledge the pain of racism, the horror of slavery, and instead to treat the commerce in human beings as something akin to a drought — a Dust Bowl for blacks...It's been a while, so get over it — that's the attitude...if I were a student editor, I would not have accepted the ad. I'd be under no obligation to do so. Newspapers reject ads all the time, sometimes simply to avoid offending readers. The student editors who thought the First Amendment gave them no choice were mistaken.

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Alicia Montgomery
March 14, 2001

Brothers under the skin

Like his nemesis Al Sharpton, David Horowitz seems more interested in inflaming racial tensions than resolving them

Poor David Horowitz! He's been thrown against the barricades once again for standing up to the "racial arsonists" who advocate reparations for slavery. Or that's what he wants everyone to believe. Perhaps he even believes it himself

But he shouldn't be able to shrug off the "racial provocateur" label so easily. He's spent years earning it. He's done more than his share to lower the level of discourse on racial issues in Salon's pages, and his recent self-defense was no exception. Rhetorically, Horowitz has much more in common with rabble-rouser Al Sharpton than he cares to admit.

Read the full report in Salon

Horowitz delivers a speech to the College Republicans (natch) at U Cal Berkeley on March 16, 2001.

Read the full report >

Daily Californian
March 1, 2001

What About The Debt Blacks Owe To America?

David Horowitz asks (in full page ads in college newspapers)

Pimping his newest book (with tax-exempt funds?) Death of the Civil Rights Movement, Horowitz is taking out full-page ads in college newspapers. According to the Daily Californian, which apologized for running it:

"The ad, titled 'Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Slavery is a Bad Idea - And Racist Too,' proclaimed that slavery was self-inflicted by blacks and that efforts for reparations should be stopped."

The "ad allowed the Daily Cal (Berkeley) to become an inadvertent vehicle for bigotry," the paper's apology said.

Horowitz has a long history of racism himself. In marketing his last book, modestly titled "Hating Whitey and other Progressive Causes," Horowitz was caught and had to apologize - for the second time - for twisting critical quotes about his awful books so he could use them as blurbs (one of the authors whose words he had twisted subsequently called Horowitz a "demented lunatic").

Daily Cal stands by its apology. (March 6, 2001)
Sponsored Conservative Ward Connerly, a Regent at the University of California, declares he will no longer talk to the Daily Cal because of their apology for running his friend David Horowitz's ad (March 9, 2001).

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David Horowitz at

Search Media Matters' archive for reports on David Horowitz.

Paul Schmelzer
November 13, 2006

Horowitz's vast leftwing conspiracy and me.

Apparently, I keep interesting company: I'm like peas in a pod with Joseph Stalin, Garrison Keillor, Fred Phelps, Osama bin Laden, The Pulitzer Prize, and Bruce Springsteen, according to neoconservative David Horowitz whose website Discover the Networks (DTN) includes me in a recent update to its "Guide to the Political Left."

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August 1, 2006

Echoing Lyndon LaRouche, Horowitz and Poe smear 14-year-old George Soros as Nazi "collaborator"; new book features doctored quotes, factual errors

Echoing the rantings of political extremist Lyndon LaRouche and his followers, David Horowitz and Richard Poe charge in their new book that George Soros was a Nazi "collaborator in fascist Hungary" and "survived [the Holocaust] by assimilating to Nazism" as a 14-year-old boy. Horowitz and Poe further smear Soros and other progressives by doctoring or distorting quotes and falsely or misleadingly portraying events and statements.

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July 10, 2006

Horowitz baselessly suggested that domestic spying led to foiling of NYC tunnel plot

In his latest column, David Horowitz baselessly suggested that U.S. officials were able to uncover an alleged "attack by radical Islam" to bomb tunnels leading into New York City by monitoring the communications of Americans, an apparent reference to the controversy over The New York Times' reporting in December that the administration was monitoring domestic communications without a warrant. In fact, there is no indication, in any reports, that the FBI engaged in the kind of domestic eavesdropping on which the Times reported to uncover the alleged tunnel plot; the communications made in connection with the purported plot apparently did not involve a party inside the United States.

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Justin Raimondo
July 6, 2006

David Horowitz: It’s All About Him

Inspired, perhaps, by the recent prominence of North Korea in the news, over in the Land of the Neocons David Horowitz is doing his Kim il-Sung imitation. His “Center for the Study of Popular Culture” has been renamed: it is now the “David Horowitz Freedom Center.”

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Alan Jones
Inside Higher Ed
June 15, 2006

Connecting the Dots

By all objective measures, the dawning of the 21st century should be a golden era for American higher education...A recent review article by Jonathan Cole, provost at Columbia University, meticulously documents the preeminence of U.S. higher education in the world today as an established fact.

This broad-based and even global acclaim for higher education in the United States is strangely at odds with the concentrated political attacks that Cole warns us about and that the academy is currently experiencing. It is particularly out of step with the dark and dysfunctional picture of the academy painted by David Horowitz and his Center for the Study of Popular Culture. If Horowitz were simply a disaffected political crank, as many have hitherto regarded him, then his views on the academy could be easily dismissed. Such dismissal would seem to be all the more in order following his disastrous testimony before the legislative subcommittee in Pennsylvania in which he was forced to recant as unsubstantiated several of the cases that he had been widely circulating as documentation of alleged malfeasance in the academy.

Oddly, however, his campaign goes on. Horowitz, with assistance from Karl Rove and the former House majority whip, Tom DeLay, has briefed Republican members of Congress on his Academic Bill of Rights campaign and DeLay has even distributed copies of Horowitz’s political primer The Art of Political Warfare: How Republicans Can Fight to Win to all Republican members of Congress. Rove refers to Horowitz’s pamphlet as “a perfect pocket guide to winning on the political battlefield.”

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June 8, 2006

Horowitz: "Ann Coulter is a national treasure

On The O'Reilly Factor, David Horowitz called Ann Coulter "a national treasure" and stated that the "point" of Coulter's controversial remarks on the widows of the victims of the 9-11 terrorist attacks was "right on the mark."

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April 18, 2006

David Horowitz debunks David Horowitz: a Media Matters analysis of The Professors

Right-wing activist David Horowitz has attacked Media Matters for America for noting -- contrary to Horowitz's denial on the April 6 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes -- that his recent book contains numerous instances in which he cited the purported extracurricular activities of the professors he criticized in the book. Horowitz has conceded that there is a "sliver of truth in the Media Matters statement" that documented his inconsistencies, but he downplayed this, claiming that "my book is a series of profiles of 101 professors" that includes "general perspectives, [that] may or may not be expressed outside the classroom." However, a detailed Media Matters study of the book shows that Horowitz's suggestion that his book does not rely heavily on professors' activities and speech outside of the classroom is false.

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Todd Gitlin
March 20, 2006

Horowitz: Old Whine, Continued

I suppose that somewhere out in the vast outback of the Republic there are readers who have not yet made up their minds on the credibility of David Horowitz, America’s prime abstinence-only crusader for the lost virginity of the American university. To those tender souls I dedicate these words.

In a posting this week, Horowitz gives further reason why state legislatures should toss his Academic Bill of Rights out with the rest of the garbage. Horowitz writes: “Professor Todd Gitlin is in the book [The Professors], for example, not because I have evidence that he indoctrinates students in the classroom, but because he has written approvingly of the leftist takeover of academic departments and has offered no objections to the academic abuses I document.”

My italics, his falsehood.

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Patrick Kerkstra
Philadelphia Inquirer
January 9, 2006

Hearing into bias falls short of billing

The probe of professors said to inject politics into classes at Pa. public colleges drew just one student speaker.

Yesterday's hearing on academic freedom at Pennsylvania's public universities was hyped by conservative activists as a "historic moment," in which school administrators would finally be "called to account" in front of state legislators for allowing student "indoctrination and abuse" by leftist professors.

But the hearing at Temple University did not live up to that billing.

A professor scheduled to testify about alleged rampant liberal bias at Temple canceled. The sole student to appear before the legislative committee acknowledged he had never filed a formal grievance.

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December 12, 2005

Horowitz falsely claimed that Senate report "exonerated" Bush on African uranium claim

David Horowitz falsely asserted that the Senate Intelligence Committee has "exonerated" President Bush for saying, in his 2003 State of the Union address, that "[t]he British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

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Discover Your Moma's

Parody of Horowitz's DiscoverTheNetwork

Dr. Graham Larkin / American Association of University Professors
Stanford University
November 16, 2004

What's Not To Like About The Academic Bill of Rights

Don't believe the doubletalk; Mr. Horowitz and the so-called Students for Academic Freedom are enemies of free thought and free speech

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Richard Silverstein
September 1, 2004

Restoration Weekend: Give Me a Home Where the Far Right Roams

David Horowitz has Clinton envy. He must've gotten jealous seeing the political spotlight on Bill Clinton's Renaissance Weekend concept. So he decided to start a hard right version which he creatively named Restoration Weekend... If you're going, head for the Boca Raton Resort & Club on November 11, 2004...

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Glenn J. Sacks
October 23, 2001

Horowitz's "Letter to Anti-War Demonstrators" Is Poor History Lesson

"Horowitz's ad campaign is simply a bad history lesson, because the Vietnam War was lost not at home due to student demonstrators but instead on the battlefields of Vietnam, due to the bravery and almost fanatical dedication of America's enemies"

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