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PERSON PROFILEJack KempJack Kemp is a former pro football quarterback (Buffalo Bills), former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and was Bob Dole's 1996 vice presidential running mate. Kemp was one of the original promoters of supply-side economics, inner-city Enterprise Zones, and a plan to make public housing tenants buy their run-down apartments (thus becoming their own slumlords.) He is currently on a leave of absence as co-director of Empower America. Irving Kristol, godfather of the new right wing movement, says that he personally arranged for Wall Street Journal editorial writer Jude Wanniski to get a grant from the American Enterprise Institute to write the first book on supply-side economics. Says Kristol, " It was Jude who introduced me to Jack Kemp, a young congressman and a recent convert. It was Jack Kemp who, almost single-handed, converted Ronald Reagan to supply-side economics. "