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Grants to:

Grants to "Thomas Sowell"
Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution

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Original MT Report MT Sponsoring Conservative Minorities

External Links

Sowell bio at Hoover Institution

Thomas Sowell archives at Jewish World Review

Thomas Sowell's personal website


Thomas Sowell

Sowell is a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution (website) and author of numerous books attacking welfare state policies and denying or minimizing the effects of racial prejudice on the lives of African-Americans. One of Sowell's latest works is The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as the Basis for Social Policy, which critiques what he calls the failed policies of the welfare state over the past 30 years.Thomas Sowell Sowell is a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution (website) and author of numerous books attacking welfare state policies and denying or minimizing the effects of racial prejudice on the lives of African-Americans. One of Sowell's latest works is The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as the Basis for Social Policy, which critiques what he calls the failed policies of the welfare state over the past 30 years.


Eric Alterman with Paul McLeary
Center for American Progress
October 19, 2004

Money Matters, Part II

...the Bradley Foundation has also begun awarding "Bradley Prizes" of $250,000 to individuals who advance ideas congruent with the Foundation's conservative Christian and free market principles. Recipients so far include Thomas Sowell, an economist, journalist and author affiliated with the conservative Hoover Institution, and Washington Post and Weekly Standard neoconservative Charles Krauthammer [and recently George Will].

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Washington Monthly
Kevin Drum
October 31, 2006

Thomas Sowell: McCarthyish mendacity of the worst kind

SURVEILLANCE....Speaking of Nancy Pelosi, here's part of the latest tirade aimed in her direction from desperate conservatives. This is from Thomas Sowell over at National Review:

"As regards the war on terrorism and the terrorists’ war against the west, Nancy Pelosi has opposed having international phone calls to and from terrorists monitored by American intelligence agencies."

This is, flatly, a lie. Pelosi, like many Democrats, opposes NSA surveillance of American residents without a warrant. That is all she opposes. Period.

The rest of the piece isn't much more honest.

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Thomas Sowell
March 15, 2000

Amazing politics

Sowell is the most political of figures, and an intensely partisan Republican. Read a typical column wherein he cites almost no facts yet demagogues against Democrats(capital D.)

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