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Glassman bio at AEI


Brad DeLong
September 15, 2003

Not the Whopper of the Quinquennium

...Glassman and Hassett didn't dare to print the subtitle of their book: "The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market" [because that ] would have made their whoppers too transparent.

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James Glassman

James Glassman, a [former] writer for the Washington Post, is also a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and hosts the [former] PBS show TechnoPolitics.James Glassman James Glassman, a [former] writer for the Washington Post, is also a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and hosts the [former] PBS show TechnoPolitics.

Glassman is the guy who predicted in 2000 that the stock market would soon rise above 36,000. Today, June 20, 2002, it hovers near 9,500 - much lower than when Glassman made his ridiculous prediction.


Nicholas Confessore
Washington Monthly
November 30, 2003

Meet the Press

How James Glassman reinvented journalism--as lobbying

As a writer and public figure, Glassman has, over time, aligned his views with those of the business interests that dominate K Street and support the Republican Party; he has also increasingly taken aggressive positions on one side or another of intra-industry debates, rather like a corporate lobbyist.

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October 7, 2004

Washington Post fires 'DOW 36,000' James Glassman

"It was getting to the point that the note at the end of the column might be longer than the column," says one Post editor.

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Editor's note
St Louis Post / Dispatch
May 19, 2004

Digging deeper into criticism of "Super Size Me"

...Glassman used information from dietary specialists and data from McDonald's to ridicule ["SuperSize me"]...we did not know ...that McDonald's is one of the "sponsoring corporations" of [Glassman's]

Also see:

Also see: Mpls Star Trib gets burned by Glassman

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