Click date for grant details.
Date |
Amount |
Purpose |
Funder |
12-30-2004 |
40,000 |
War Made New: Four Great Revolutions that Changed the Face of Battle Max Boot will research and write a book on revolutions in military technology and organization that have occurred during the past 500 years. He will assess how military forces have either succeeded or failed to adapt to such changes and explore the lessons of earlier military revolutions for contemporary U.S. defense policy. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
7-9-2003 |
25,000 |
To support the "Defending America in the 21st Century" project |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2002 |
15,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
2,500 |
No purpose given. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
2,500 |
No purpose given. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
40,000 |
War Made New: Four Great Revolutions that Changed the Face of Battle Max Boot will research and write a book on revolutions in military technology and organization that have occurred during the past 50 years. He will assess how military forces have either succeeded or failed to adapt to such changes and explore the implications for contemporary U.S. defense policy. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
30,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
5,000 |
Toward an Understanding of Russia: Central and East European Views on the Current Situation in Russia and Its Foreign Policy Objectives |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
200,000 |
the Economics and National Security Fellows Program |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2000 |
116,000 |
Towards An Understanding of Russia? Central and East European Views on the Current Situation in Russia and its Foreign Policy Objectives Janusz Bugajski will commission research from Central and East European analysts on Russia's domestic evolution and foreign policies under President Vladimir Putin. The project's findings will be published in an edited volume. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
200,000 |
The Economics and National Security Fellows Program |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 |
50,000 |
The Economics and National Security Fellows Program Leslie Gelb will create a fellows program focused on the relationship between economics and national security.
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
15,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
121,000 |
Guns, Oil and Ethnic Conflict: U.S. Policy Toward the South Caucasus Sheila Heslin will prepare an assessment of the sources of instability in the South Caucasus. She will conduct fieldwork and write a monograph that examines internal and external sources of instability in Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. She will also assess the regional ambitions of local powers such as Russia, Iran, and Turkey.
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
133,870 |
Technological Change and the Future of East Asian Security Michael Green will research and write a book about the implications of the revolution in military affairs for U.S. security strategy in East Asia.
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
46,000 |
How Others See Us: The Effect of U.S. Hegemony on Relationswith Russia, China, France, and Japan Victoria Nuland will write an article that examines the Clinton administration's management of U.S. primacy in its relations with four key ss, Russia, China, France, and Japan.
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
123,503 |
Protecting the Homeland: Rethinking the Role of Border Controls Stephen Flynn will research and write a book on how to balance the growing pressures for economic globalization with the need to police and protect U.S. borders against nationalsecurity threats.
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
60,000 |
Brazil at 500 Kenneth Maxwell will research and write a book on Brazil's economic and political development. He will analyze the cultural, historical, and political factors that have limited Brazil's influence in the past and assessBrazil will play a more prominent role in international affairs in the future.
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
30,000 |
A book on The Rise of Illiberal Democracy by Fareed Zakaria. |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 |
200,000 |
The Economics and National Security Fellows Program. |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
15,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
164,000 |
The John M. Olin Fellowship Program |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
35,000 |
A book on The Rise of Illiberal Democracy by Fareed Zakaria |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
62,600 |
Environmentalism in China: Planting the Seeds of Change? Elizabeth Economy will research and write a monograph and a report that will examine whether China’s environmental problems may stimulate forces seeking political change. She willresearch the potential unintended political consequences of the Chinese government’s decision to allow the formation of non-governmental and quasi-governmental organizations committed to environmental protection. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
164,000 |
The John M. Olin Fellowship Program |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1997 |
79,750 |
Japanese Foreign Policy and U.S. Interests in Asia This grant supports the research and writing of a book on Japan's foreign policy and its policy making process. Michael Green will lead a research effort that analyzes the evolution of Jase foreign policy and its impact on U.S. interests in Asia. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
25,000 |
Independent Task Force on U.S. Policy Toward Northeastern Europe This grant supports a series of roundtable discussions on U.S. policies in Northeastern Europe. Paula Dobriansky and Steven Larrabee will lead a task force that will examine such issues as the possibility of including the Baltic states in NATO, opportunities for cooperation in northeastern Europe, and assessing Russia's role and interests in the region. The project will result in a task force report. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
40,300 |
Defense Policy Review: Four Visions for American Defense Policy This grant supports the research, writing, and publication of four papers that describe different visions of American defense policy. Four defense analysts will present alternative defense postures that challenge the basic tenets of current U.S. defense strategy. The project will result in an edited volume. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
35,000 |
A book on The Rise of Illiberal Democracy by Fareed Zakaria |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 |
164,000 |
The John M. Olin Fellowship Program |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 |
25,000 |
Economic Sanctions as an Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy This grant supports a study of the uses and misuses of economic sanctions as a tool of statecraft by the United States. The project will evaluate sanctions policy in a series of post-cold war case studies, including the former Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Vietnam, and China. It will analyze the lessons of these cases and present a set of guidelines on how sanctions can best advance U.S. interests. |
Smith Richardson Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
100,000 |
The National Security Program |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1994 |
100,000 |
The National Security Program under the direction of Richard Haass |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |