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Pacific Forum, CSIS

Honolulu, HI

Media Transparency Profile

Total Grants to Pacific Forum, CSIS
Total $ Granted: $ 1,222,545
For Years: 2004 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1995 1994 1986 1985 1984
# Grants: 12

Grants to Pacific Forum, CSIS

Click date for grant details.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2004 120,000 Comparative Connections: A Quarterly Electronic Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations
Ralph Cossa will edit and publish "Comparative Connections: A Quarterly Electronic Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations," a publication designed to track developments in key bilateral relationships in East Asia.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 120,000 Comparative Connections: A Quarterly Electronic Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations
Ralph Cossa will edit and publish Comparative Connections: A Quarterly Electronic Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations, a publication designed to provide the policy community with timely analysis of developments in key bilateral relationships in East Asia.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2001 184,700 Comparative Connections: A Quarterly Electronic Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 182,700 A Quarterly Electronic Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations
Ralph Cossa will edit and publish Comparative Connections: A Quarterly Electronic Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations, a publication designed to provide the policy community with timely analysis of developments in key bilateral relationships in East Asia.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 179,300 A Quarterly Electronic Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations
Ralph Cossa will lead an effort to publish Comparative Connections: A Quarterly Electronic Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations, a publication designed to providethe policy community with timely analysis of developments in key bilateral relationships in East Asia.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 44,075 No purpose given.
[This grant not listed in annual report - but was listed in IRS 990 report]
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 171,500 Quarterly Electronic Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations
James Kelly and Ralph Cossa will publish a quarterly electronic journal that tracks and analyzes the evolution of key bilateral relationships among the major Pacific powers.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 50,270 Regional Implications of Conflict in the Spratly Islands: Defining Potential Triggers to Conflict
This grant supports a study of the potential scenarios for conflict over the Spratly Islands, with particular emphasis on identifying the actions by states that could trigger heightened tensions and policy responses that could prevent military hostilities.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1994 60,000 PACIFIC FORUM / CSIS
The Carthage Foundation
9-29-1986 35,000 Purpose not available The Carthage Foundation
12-31-1985 25,000 To support the 1987 Pacific Parliamentary Caucus John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1984 50,000 Support of special projects The Carthage Foundation

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