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University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA 22903

Web address:

Media Transparency Profile

Total Grants to University of Virginia
Total $ Granted: $ 10,112,696
For Years: 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986
# Grants: 245

Grants to University of Virginia

Click date for grant details.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2005 30,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Eric M. Patashnik
Department of Politics
During the fall semester of academic year 2004-2005 for preparation of a book, THE POLITICAL ODYSSEY OF REFORM: SUSTAINING GENERAL-INTEREST POLICIES IN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. (Amended 9/13/04, time period Spring semester of academic year 2004-2005.)
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2005 6,700 H. B. Earhart Fellowship
Peter R. Henry
Charlottesville, VA
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2005 7,800 H. B. Earhart Fellowship
Bridger Korbett Bell
Austin, TX
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2005 8,300 H. B. Earhart Fellowship
Peter R. Henry
Charlottesville, VA
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2005 18,000 Center for Oceans Law & Policy
School of Law
During July 2005 to provide fellowships for graduate students and/or junior faculty from developing countries to participate in an instructional program on international maritime law on the island of Rhodes.
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2005 430,000 General support John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
8-21-2005 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-21-2005 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2005 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2005 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-30-2004 -35 Grant returned and/or cancelled in 2004. Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-2004 78,780 Sustaining Policy Victories: What Makes Reform Stick in American Government
Eric Patashnik will research and write a book that will examine how public policy reforms, once enacted, either succumb to or withstand the pressures of interest groups and political opponents to reverse them. He will undertake a series of case studies of policy reforms, such as the 1986 law that simplified the tax system. He will assess how well the principles embodied in those reforms have endured and explore the lessons for contemporary policy making.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-2004 6,300 H. B. Earhart Fellowship
Peter R. Henry
Charlottesville, VA
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2004 15,000 School of Law
Center for Oceans Law & Policy
During July 2004 to provide fellowships for graduate students and/or junior faculty from developing countries to particpate in an instructional program on international maritime law on the island of Rhodes.
Earhart Foundation
12-14-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-14-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-14-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-14-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-19-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-19-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-19-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-11-2004 150,000 Final grant for John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
1-19-2004 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-19-2004 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-19-2004 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-14-2004 140,000 The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-30-2003 6,450 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Peter Henry
Charlottesville, VA
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2003 15,691 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
James M. Patterson
Charlottesville, VA
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2003 7,500 Fellowship Research Grant
Dean Lueck
School of Law
During a twelve-month period beginning July 2002 to prepare one or more journal article(s) on the topic, "The Organization and Behavior of Bureaucracy: An Empirical Analysis of State Wildlife Agencies."
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2003 12,000 School of Law
Center for Oceans Law & Policy
During July 2003 to provide fellowships for graduate students and/or junior faculty from developing countries to participate in an instructional program on international maritime law on the island of Rhodes.
Earhart Foundation
11-9-2003 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-19-2003 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-19-2003 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-17-2003 140,000 The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
1-27-2003 75,000 A program of John M. Olin Graduate Fellowships and Visiting Scholars in American Government John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
1-27-2003 140,000 The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
1-12-2003 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-12-2003 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-12-2003 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
10-16-2002 25,000 No purpose given. Randolph Foundation
9-9-2002 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-9-2002 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-9-2002 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
3-3-2002 34,229 No purpose given. Randolph Foundation
12-31-2001 6,200 H B Earhart Fellowship
April D. Hahn
Washington, DC
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 12,058 H B Earhart Fellowship
Peter Henry
Charlottesville, VA
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 14,906 H B Earhart Fellowship
James M. Patterson
Charlottesville, VA
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 6,750 Fellowship Research Grant
Dean Lueck
Law School
Visiting Professor of Law
During a twelve-month period beginning July 2002 to prepare one or more journal article(s) on the topic, "The Organization and Behavior of Bureaucracy: An Empirical Analysis of State Wildlife Agencies"
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 750 Fellowship Research Grant
Dean Lueck
Law School
Visiting Professor of Law
During a twelve-month period beginning July 2002 to prepare one or more journal article(s) on the topic, "The Organization and Behavior of Bureaucracy: An Empirical Analysis of State Wildlife Agencies"
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 15,000 School of Law
Center for Oceans Law and Policy
During the summer of 2002 to provide fellowships for graduate students and/or junior faculty from developing countries to participate in an instructional program on international maritime law on the island of Rhodes
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 140,000 the John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 75,000 a program of John M. Olin Graduate Fellowships and Visiting Scholars in American Government John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 140,000 the John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 7,000 International Law and the War on Terrorism Symposium Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2001 69,490 The Federal Presence in Middletown USA: The Government Viewed from Below Smith Richardson Foundation
12-27-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Cantor The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-27-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Ceaser The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-27-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Rhoads The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
10-11-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Ceaser The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
10-11-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Rhoads The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Cantor The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 5,700 H B Earhart Fellowship
Angela M. Leigh
Clinton, MS
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 5,868 H B Earhart Fellowship
April D. Hahn
Washington, DC
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 5,000 Fellowship Research Grant
David Kovacs
Department of Classics
During academic year 2000-2001 to complete two volumes of translations of Euripides for the Loeb Classical Library
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 1,000 Fellowship Research Grant
David Kovacs
Department of Classics
During academic year 2000-2001 to complete two volumes of translations of Euripides for the Loeb Classical Library
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 15,000 School of Law
Center for Oceans Law and Policy
To provide support during the summer of 2001 to provide fellowships for graduate students and/or junior faculty from developing countries to participate in an instructional program on internationalmaritime law on the island of Rhodes
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 8,000 Center for National Security Law
School of Law
To support a conference during 2001 on "The Legal and Ethical Lessons of NATO's Campaign in Kosovo"
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 8,000 The Miller Center Foundation
During a six-month period beginning July 2001 to provide one post-doctoral fellowship in international affairs tenable at the Miller Center for Ms. Katherine Blue Carroll
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 270,000 The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 75,000 A program of John M. Olin Graduate Fellowships and Visiting Scholars in American Government John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 50,000 National Security Law Casebook
John Norton Moore and Robert Turner will write a casebook on national security law. He will commission new chapters and revise existing chapters to update the first edition in light of issues arising in the post-cold war security environment.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 57,653 Implementation of Covenant Marriage in Louisiana
Steven Nock will conduct research and write a report on Louisiana’s covenant marriage law. He will examine how the law has been implemented and how widely it has been used by the state’s residents.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 12,995 Over the Top with Tobacco: Politics and Lawsuits in the Cigarette Wars
Martha Derthick will research and write a book on the impact on the public policy making process of efforts by the state attorneys general to recover damages from tobacco companies. She will conduct a series of interviews with some of the key participants in the battle over tobacco regulation and review existing data and research on the tobacco suits.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 10,000 Project support W.H. Brady Foundation
12-25-2000 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Ceaser The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-25-2000 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Steven Rhoads The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-10-2000 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Ceaser The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-10-2000 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Steven Rhoads The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-2000 29,610 To support research and writing on American public philosophy The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-5-2000 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-5-2000 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-5-2000 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-5-2000 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 10,000 Department of Government and Foreign Affairs
A conference on the "Great Society: Now and Then."
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 133,500 School of Law
The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 130,000 School of Law
The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 75,000 Woodrow Wilson Department of Government and Foreign Affairs
John M. Olin Graduate Fellowships and Visiting Scholars in American Government.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 5,300 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Angela M. Leigh
Clinton, MS
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1999 5,000 David Kovacs
Department of Classics
During academic year 2000-2001 to complete two volumes of translations of Euripides for the Loeb Classical Library.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1999 1,000 David Kovacs
Department of Classics
During academic year 2000-2001 to complete two volumes of translations of Euripides for the Loeb Classical Library.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1999 15,000 School of Law
Center for Oceans Law and Policy
To provide support during the summer of 2000 for graduate students and/or junior faculty from developing countries to participate in an instructional program on international maritime law on island of Rhodes.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1999 150,000 The Kosovo Oral History Project
Phillip Zelikow will direct an effort to analyze the lessons of the military operation in Kosovo. He will organize a team of historians and researchers to conduct oral histories with key Western decision makers, officials, and officers.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 48,600 The Real Lessons of the Vietnam War: Reflections Twenty-Five Years After the Fall of Saigon
John Norton Moore and Robert Turner will convene a conference and publish a volume of essays on the lessons that U.S. policy makers should draw from the Vietnam War.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 84,921 Implementation of Covenant Marriage in Louisiana
Steven Nock will conduct research and write a report on Louisiana's covenant marriage law. He will examine how the law has been implemented and how the local population has responded to taw.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 75,000 Department of Government and Foreign Affairs.
John M. Olin Graduate fellowships and visiting scholars in American Government under the direction of James W. Ceaser
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 259,500 School of Law.
The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics under the direction of George G. Triantis
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 4,950 Earhart Fellowship - Erin Rose Mahan Earhart Foundation
12-31-1998 15,000 School of Law
Center for Oceans Law and Policy
During the summer of 1999 to provide fellowships for graduate students and/or junior faculty from developing countries to participate in an instructional program on international maritime la the island of Rhodes.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1998 29,610 To support research and writing on American public philosophy The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 120,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 98,936 Implementation of Covenant Marriage in Louisiana
Steven Nock will conduct research and write a report on Louisiana’s covenant marriage law. He will examine how the law has been implemented and how the local population has responded to the law.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-1998 2,500 Arts and Sciences
General support
Gilder Foundation
12-30-1998 3,000 School of Medicine
Integrating Healthcare and Spiritual Practices Conference
John Templeton Foundation
11-19-1998 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Government and Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
11-19-1998 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Government and Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
11-19-1998 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Government and Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-19-1998 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program in English The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-1998 40,000 To support a study of the reform process of the Milwaukee Public Schools The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 75,000 Department of Government and Foreign Affairs.
Graduate fellowships and visiting scholars in American studies under the direction of James W. Ceaser (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 126,000 School of Law.
The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics under the direction of George G. Triantis (two years, 1996-1998)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 126,000 School of Law.
The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics under the direction of George G. Triantis (two years, 1998-2000)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 4,700 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Mark L. Haas
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 7,499 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Spencer B. Meredith III
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 14,102 Law School
H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Cy Stefan Hersch
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 14,867 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Cy Stefan Hersch
Law School
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 5,293 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Erin Rose Mahan
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 1,000 Dante Germino
Woodrow Wilson Department of Government and Foreign Affairs
To deliver a paper, "Voegelin, Violence, and Gnosticism," to the Voegelin Society which will convene as part of the 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Political Sci
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 15,000 School of Law
Center for Oceans Law and Policy
During the summer of 1998 to provide fellowships for graduate students and/or junior faculty from developing countries to participate in an instructional program on international maritime law on the isl
Earhart Foundation
12-17-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-17-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-17-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Government and Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Government and Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Government and Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-29-1997 17,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-29-1997 17,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-29-1997 17,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-19-1997 17,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in English The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 75,000 Department of Government and Foreign Affairs.
Graduate fellowships and visiting scholars in American studies under the direction of James W. Ceaser (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 259,500 School of Law.
The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics under the direction of George G. Triantis (two years, 1996-98)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 250,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
Sarah Scaife Foundation
12-31-1996 79,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
The Carthage Foundation
12-31-1996 5,546 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Paul McCartney
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1996 4,873 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Steven P. Brown
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1996 4,300 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Mark L. Haas
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1996 7,499 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Spencer B. Meredith III
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1996 13,702 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Cy Stefan Hersch
Law School
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1996 15,000 Center for Oceans Law and Policy
University of Virginia School of Law
During the summer of 1997 to provide fellowships for graduate students and/or junior faculty from developing countries to participate in an instructional program on internnal maritime law on the island of Rhodes.
Earhart Foundation
8-29-1996 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-29-1996 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Government and Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-29-1996 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Government and Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-8-1996 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in English The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-3-1996 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in English The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-3-1996 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-3-1996 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-3-1996 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Government and Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 119,250 School of Law.
The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics under the direction of Douglas L. Leslie and George G. Triantis (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 133,500 School of Law.
The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics under the direction of George G. Triantis (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 250,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
Sarah Scaife Foundation
12-31-1995 79,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
The Carthage Foundation
12-31-1995 4,614 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Alison T. Millett
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 3,950 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Steven P. Brown
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 4,614 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Thomas W. Smith
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 3,800 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Paul McCartney
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 4,473 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Steven P. Brown
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 11,250 Center for Oceans Law and Policy
School of Law
To provide up to three fellowships for graduate students and/or junior faculty to participate in the instructional program of the Rhodes Academy which will focus on international maritime law.
Earhart Foundation
12-19-1995 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-1995 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in English The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-1995 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-1995 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Foreign Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-15-1995 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Literature The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-15-1995 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-15-1995 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-15-1995 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1994 223,500 School of Law.
The John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics under the direction of Douglas L. Leslie and George G. Triantis (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1994 250,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
Sarah Scaife Foundation
12-31-1994 79,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
The Carthage Foundation
12-31-1994 3,950 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Marshal Zeringue
The Hedge House
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 6,835 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Steven P. Brown
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 3,550 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Alison T. Millett
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 5,843 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Steven P. Brown
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 4,214 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Thomas W. Smith
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 3,250 Fellowship Research Grant
Alexander Tabarrok
Department of Economics
During academic year 1994-1995 to continue preparation of one or more journal article(s) on the private provision of public goods.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 975 Fellowship Research Grant
Alexander Tabarrok
Department of Economics
During academic year 1994-1995 to continue preparation of one or more journal article(s) on the private provision of public goods.
Earhart Foundation
8-29-1994 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-29-1994 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-19-1994 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Literature The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-19-1994 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
4-10-1994 9,250 To support a lecture series program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-30-1994 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Literature The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-30-1994 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-30-1994 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-30-1994 9,275 To support a lecture series program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-19-1994 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1993 250,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
Sarah Scaife Foundation
12-19-1993 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science under the direction of Dr. Steven Rhoads The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-19-1993 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science under the direction of Dr. Henry Abraham The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-19-1993 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Government and Foreign Affairs under the direction of Professor Ceaser The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-28-1993 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in English under the direction of Dr. Paul Cantor The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
5-13-1993 13,300 To support a conference on the relationship between philosophy and religion in Western civilization The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-3-1993 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Literature The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-3-1993 11,500 To support Bradley Graudate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-3-1993 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-3-1993 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1992 280,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
Sarah Scaife Foundation
12-31-1992 79,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
The Carthage Foundation
9-21-1992 11,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-7-1992 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-7-1992 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Political Science The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-16-1992 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Literature The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1991 6,707 Department of Government and Foreign Affairs.
To support a book by Steven E. Rhoads on comparable worth policy in the United States and abroad
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1991 250,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
Sarah Scaife Foundation
12-18-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Henry Abraham's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-18-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Paul Cantor's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-18-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor James Ceaser's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-18-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Steven Rhoad's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-26-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor James Ceaser's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-26-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Steven Rhoad's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-26-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Henry Abraham's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-14-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Paul Cantor's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
5-4-1991 3,500 To support the attendance of Dr. Paul Cantor at the 1991 World Congress of the International Shakespeare Association The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-4-1991 43,934 To support a research project on economics and public policy The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-1-1991 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Henry Abraham's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-1-1991 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Jim Ceaser's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-1-1991 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Steven Rhoads' direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-1-1991 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Paul Cantor's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1990 13,482 Department of Government and Foreign Affairs.
To support a book by Steven E. Rhoads on comparable worth policy in the United States and abroad
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1990 300,000 NATIONAL SECURITY LAW
Sarah Scaife Foundation
8-31-1990 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Henry Abraham's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-31-1990 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Jim Ceaser's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-31-1990 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Steven Rhoads' direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-31-1990 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Paul Cantor's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-30-1990 13,000 To support a conference honoring professor Max Hartwell entitled "Capitalism and Social Progress." The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-4-1990 43,934 To support a research project on Economics and Public Policy. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-31-1989 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Steven Rhoads' direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-31-1989 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Paul Cantor's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-31-1989 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor James Ceaser's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-31-1989 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Henry Abraham's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 221,000 School of Law.
To support the John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics under the direction of Douglas L. Leslie
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
10-24-1988 25,000 Study of comparable worth The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-29-1988 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Henry Abraham's direction The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-29-1988 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor James Ceaser's direction The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-29-1988 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Steven E. Rhoads' direction The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-7-1988 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Paul Cantor's direction The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
6-13-1988 77,859 Research on "Comparable Worth" implementation. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 146,100 School of Law.
To support the John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics under the direction of Douglas L. Leslie
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 51,027 Department of History.
To support a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Mark Thomas
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 45,208 School of Medicine
Evaluation of TIPS Training
Scaife Family Foundation
11-19-1987 56,800 Book project on the communist revolution in Grenada. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-9-1987 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor James Ceaser's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-9-1987 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Steven Rhoad's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
6-10-1987 77,859 Support of research project on equal pay for comparable worth. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 165,000 Law School.
To support the establishment of a John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
7-24-1986 19,500 Support graduate/post-doctoral students of Woodrow Wilson Department of Government and Foreign Affairs: Bradley Fellows. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.

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