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American Red Cross

Washington, DC 20006

Media Transparency Profile

Total Grants to American Red Cross
Total $ Granted: $ 3,420,800
For Years: 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1994 1990 1988 1987 1984
# Grants: 27

Grants to American Red Cross

Click date for grant details.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-31-2004 500,000 For National Disaster Relief Fund - $500,000 in September 2005 and $500,000 in January 2006 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2003 2,700 Charitable Walton Family Foundation
12-31-2003 425,000 For National Disaster Relief Fund-$400,000; towards the Biomedical Services capital campaign-$25,000 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2002 250,000 For National Disaster Relief Fund F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2001 250,000 For National Disaster Relief Fund F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2001 10,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-2000 350,000 For National Disaster Relief Fund-$300,000; blood donor recruitment efforts-$50,000 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-2000 10,000 Charitable Walton Family Foundation
12-31-2000 10,000 No purpose given. Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-1999 50,000 Unrestricted Grant to General Fund Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation
12-31-1999 5,000 Charitable Walton Family Foundation
12-31-1999 200 General Funds Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation
12-31-1999 250,000 For National Disaster Relief Fund F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1998 2,000 Y2K and Disaster Brochures Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 250,000 For National Disaster Relief Fund F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1998 500,000 For Hurricane Floyd and Hurricane Irene Disaster Relief; New Jersey-$125,000, North Carolina-$375,000 F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1998 25,000 Disaster relief-Honduras Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
12-31-1998 200 General Funds Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation
12-3-1998 200 General Funds Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation
12-31-1997 450,000 For Disaster Relief Fund F.M. Kirby Foundation
12-31-1996 2,500 Chestnut Ridge Chapter
Upgrade Computer System
Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 20,000 No description given Scaife Family Foundation
11-9-1994 2,000 To support the African Relief Effort The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-12-1990 1,000 To support its general operations. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 15,000 Disaster Relief Fund Scaife Family Foundation
6-17-1987 25,000 Renovation of facilities. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1984 15,000 Pittsburgh-Allegheny County Chapter
Support for assistance to disaster victims
Scaife Family Foundation

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