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EIN: 52-1351785
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Washington, DC 20036
CEI calls itself "a non-profit, non-partisan research and advocacy institute dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government." The Boston Globe has called it "one of Washington's feistiest think tanks." CEI's commentaries frequently appear in media venues such as ABC's 20/20, American Spectator, Christian Science Monitor, Consumers' Research, Crossfire, Forbes, Good Morning America, Larry King Live, MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, Moneyline, New York Times, Policy Review, PBS, Reader's Digest, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and Washington Times. It postures as an advocate of "sound science" in the development of public policy. In fact, it is an ideologically-driven, well-funded front for corporations opposed to safety and environmental regulations that affect the way they do business. (
Web address:
Media Transparency Profile
Total $ Granted: |
$ 5,031,835 |
For Years: |
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 |
# Grants: |
137 |
Grants to Competitive Enterprise Institute
Click date for grant details.
Date |
Amount |
Purpose |
Funder |
12-30-2005 |
150,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-30-2005 |
150,000 |
Project support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-30-2005 |
30,000 |
During calendar year 2005 to provide support for the Institute's Warren T. Brookes Fellowship program. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2005 |
10,000 |
General operating fund |
Roe Foundation |
12-30-2005 |
7,000 |
General funding |
Rodney Fund |
12-30-2005 |
5,000 |
Public policy education in economics |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-15-2005 |
100,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-14-2005 |
152,490 |
General support |
Barre Seid Foundation |
4-9-2005 |
25,000 |
To support the Death by Regulation project |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-30-2004 |
10,000 |
General operating fund |
Roe Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
150,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
6,000 |
General funding |
Rodney Fund |
12-30-2004 |
25,000 |
During calendar year 2004 to provide support for the Institute's Warren T. Brookes fellowship program. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2004 |
5,000 |
Public policy education in economics |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-2-2004 |
25,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-4-2004 |
25,700 |
General support |
Barre Seid Foundation |
4-12-2004 |
25,000 |
To support the Death by Regulation project |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2003 |
4,640 |
General Operating Support |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
50,000 |
General Operating Support |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-2003 |
20,000 |
Toward the Warren T. Brookes Journalism Fellowship |
JM Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
10,000 |
General operating fund |
Roe Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
3,000 |
General funding |
Rodney Fund |
12-30-2003 |
125,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-30-2003 |
5,000 |
Public policy education in economics |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-11-2003 |
25,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-8-2003 |
30,000 |
General support |
Barre Seid Foundation |
4-10-2003 |
25,000 |
To support the Death by Regulation project |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2002 |
40,000 |
General operating support |
Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
2,320 |
General Operating Support |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-2002 |
25,000 |
General Operating Support |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
5,000 |
Public policy education in economics |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-2002 |
5,000 |
General funding |
Rodney Fund |
12-12-2002 |
25,000 |
To support general operations |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-9-2002 |
30,000 |
General support |
Barre Seid Foundation |
6-27-2002 |
25,000 |
No purpose given. |
Randolph Foundation |
4-9-2002 |
25,000 |
To support the Death by Regulation Project |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2001 |
125,000 |
No comment provided |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
30,000 |
the publication of a new edition of The True State of the Planet |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2001 |
4,460 |
General Operating Support |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
25,000 |
General Operating Support |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
10,000 |
No purpose given. |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-2001 |
10,000 |
General operating fund |
Roe Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
5,000 |
Center for environmental education research |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-2001 |
500 |
General Contribution |
John Templeton Foundation |
11-19-2001 |
55,000 |
General support |
Barre Seid Foundation |
8-16-2001 |
155,885 |
No purpose given. |
Randolph Foundation |
4-9-2001 |
50,000 |
To support the Center for Environmental Education Research |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2000 |
125,000 |
No purpose given. |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
25,000 |
During the period November 2000 through July 2001 to prepare a monograph "When Politics Kills - The Political Economy of Malaria Control," Roger Bate, Research Principal |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
25,000 |
To provide support in 2001 for two research projects on water quality regulation and water quantity policy, David W. Riggs, Project Director |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
10,000 |
No purpose given. |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-2000 |
5,000 |
General operating fund |
Roe Foundation |
12-30-2000 |
5,000 |
Center for environmental education research |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-18-2000 |
25,000 |
No purpose given. |
Randolph Foundation |
10-9-2000 |
50,000 |
To support the Death by Regulation project |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 |
100,000 |
General Operating Support. |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
40,000 |
General support. |
Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
25,000 |
General Operating Support. |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
125,000 |
No purpose given. |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
25,000 |
No purpose given |
JM Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
10,000 |
No purpose given. |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-1999 |
25,000 |
General support |
Barre Seid Foundation |
12-30-1999 |
10,000 |
Center for environmental education research |
Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-1999 |
8,000 |
General funding |
Rodney Fund |
12-31-1998 |
55,000 |
The work of the CEI's Center for Environmental Education Research, directed by Michael Sanera |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
50,000 |
no description given |
Scaife Family Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
75,000 |
No purpose given |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
50,000 |
To support the Center for Environmental Education Research |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
50,000 |
General Operating Support |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
15,000 |
Regulation and Representation Program |
Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 |
20,000 |
No purpose given. |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
50,000 |
No purpose given. |
Jaquelin Hume Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
7,500 |
No purpose given. |
Roe Foundation |
12-31-1998 |
50,000 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-30-1998 |
19,000 |
General funding |
Rodney Fund |
12-9-1998 |
50,000 |
To support general program activities |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-6-1998 |
25,000 |
General support |
Barre Seid Foundation |
9-14-1998 |
5,000 |
Economic educational programs |
Armstrong Foundation |
2-10-1998 |
7,500 |
No purpose given. |
Roe Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
55,300 |
Projects to improve environmental education under the direction of Michael Sanera |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1997 |
75,000 |
no description given |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
50,000 |
No purpose given |
Scaife Family Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
25,000 |
To provide support for research and publication on zoning, property rights and the environment, Robert Nelson, Research Principal. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
95,000 |
Educational Programs |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
10,000 |
No purpose given. |
Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
37,500 |
No purpose given. |
William H. Donner Foundation |
12-31-1997 |
5,000 |
General Funds |
Gordon and Mary Cain Foundation |
11-19-1997 |
20,000 |
To support general program activities of the "Death by Regulation" project |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
9-22-1997 |
20,000 |
To support general program activities of the "Death by Regulation" project |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 |
30,000 |
The publication of a second edition of The True State of the Planet |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 |
75,000 |
No description given |
Scaife Family Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
75,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
15,000 |
General Operations |
Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 |
50,000 |
General Operating Support |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
35,000 |
General operating needs of agency which promotes free market environmentalism |
Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
40,000 |
Educational Programs |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1996 |
15,000 |
To support the Center for Private Conservation |
JM Foundation |
12-22-1996 |
50,000 |
To support program activities |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 |
75,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
75,000 |
Scaife Family Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
15,000 |
General Operations |
Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 |
50,000 |
General Operating Support |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
20,000 |
Educational Programs |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1995 |
15,000 |
To prepare two "working papers" for distribution to corporation advertising executives, policy makers, and public policy organizations on the general topic of markets, culture, and values. |
Earhart Foundation |
9-10-1995 |
25,000 |
To support general program activities |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
7-31-1995 |
25,000 |
General Operating Support |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
4-10-1995 |
25,000 |
To support general program activities |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1994 |
75,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
7-19-1994 |
25,000 |
To support a study of risk management |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
1-19-1994 |
25,000 |
To support a study of risk management |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 |
30,000 |
The publication of a book, Progress and the Planet |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 |
35,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1993 |
25,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1993 |
50,000 |
Scaife Family Foundation |
7-19-1993 |
25,000 |
To support a study of risk management |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
1-19-1993 |
25,000 |
To support a study of risk management |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 |
30,000 |
To support a project presenting a scientifically-based review of key environmental issues |
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 |
35,000 |
General Program |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1992 |
50,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1992 |
50,000 |
Scaife Family Foundation |
12-31-1992 |
35,000 |
The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1991 |
10,000 |
General Program |
Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1991 |
25,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
11-30-1991 |
10,000 |
General |
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1990 |
50,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1990 |
25,000 |
The Carthage Foundation |
8-31-1989 |
10,000 |
General |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1988 |
35,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
10-31-1988 |
10,000 |
General |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
6-30-1988 |
5,000 |
General |
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1987 |
35,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
3-31-1987 |
10,000 |
General |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1986 |
35,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
10-20-1986 |
50,040 |
"Delta Project", an examination of the Wisconsin state budget. |
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1985 |
10,000 |
General |
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1985 |
50,000 |
General operating support |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1984 |
25,000 |
Sarah Scaife Foundation |
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