Media Transparency

Harvard University

Cambridge, MA 02138

Among academic institutions Harvard University is the number two recipient of conservative money.

Web address:

Total Grants to Harvard University
Total $ Granted: $ 42,106,239
For Years: 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984
# Grants: 465

Grants to Harvard University

Date Amount Purpose Funder
12-30-2005 10,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Gregory P. Mitrovich
Harvard Project on Cold War Studies
Center for Russian & Eurasian Studies
During a twelve month period beginning July 2005 to prepare a journal article(s) and/or a book , TAMING ANTI-AMERICANISM: PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AND THE ORIGINS OF THE AMERICAN CENTURY.
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2005 27,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Thomas W. Merrill
Department of Government
During a six month period beginning October 2005 to complete preparation of a book, DAVID HUME'S RETURN TO THE ORDINARY.
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2005 7,608 H. B. Earhart Fellowship
Ioannis D. Evrigenis
Cambridge, MA
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2005 8,300 H. B. Earhart Fellowship
Kathryn Shea Sensen
Chicago, IL
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2005 1,250,000 General support John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-30-2005 400,000 General support John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-30-2005 200,000 General support John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-30-2005 150,000 General support John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
11-19-2005 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-1-2005 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2005 45,000 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2005 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2005 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-26-2005 50,000 To support a conference (The Adequacy Lawsuit: Its Origins and Ongoing Impact on American Education) The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
4-9-2005 30,000 To support "Net Dialogue" The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-30-2004 27,000 Social Inequality and Distributive Justice in China
Martin Whyte will research and write a book on public opinion trends in China regarding social equality and justice. He will develop and administer a survey in eight urban and rural areas in order to assess whether social and economic disparities might undermine China's stability.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-2004 88,812 The New American Empire? The Beginning of Empires and Imperial Grand Strategy
Stephen Rosen and Kim Kagan will direct a project on political and military evolution of empires throughout history. The project will commission research and convene a conference to examine patterns in the ways great powers evolved into empires. It will also produce a single-author book that will analyze the functional strategies, such as military action, intelligence gathering, and the development of political and social legitimacy, necessary to sustain an empire.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-2004 125,000 Cold War Studies Publications Program
Mark Kramer will edit and publish the "Journal of Cold War Studies" and initiate a new book series.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-2004 26,000 No purpose given. Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-2004 300 H. B. Earhart Fellowship
Joseph Prud'homme
Austin, TX
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2004 8,174 H. B. Earhart Fellowship
Kathryn Shea Sensen
New Orleans, LA
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2004 7,208 H. B. Earhart Fellowship
Ioannis D. Evrigenis
Cambridge, MA
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2004 50,000 Grant to support the operations and publication of "EducationNext" Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
12-14-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-14-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-14-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-14-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-14-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-14-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
10-19-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
10-7-2004 25,000 To support the Project on Religion, Political Economy, and Society The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-28-2004 25,000 To support the Project on Religion, Political Economy, and Society The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-28-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-9-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2004 55,000 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2004 12,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-25-2004 200,000 The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
7-6-2004 200,000 Programs on Constitutional Government John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
7-6-2004 313,970 The research and activities of the Program on Education Policy and Governance John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
6-30-2004 1,000,000 The John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Business John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
4-12-2004 30,000 To support a project entitled "Net Dialogue" The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
3-29-2004 45,000 To support a conference examining the legacy of Brown vs. Board of Education The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-19-2004 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-19-2004 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-19-2004 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-14-2004 750,000 The John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Business John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
1-14-2004 200,000 The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2003 166,666 Education Walton Family Foundation
12-30-2003 771 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Nancy E. Baker
Somerville, MA
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2003 1,350 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Joseph Prudhomme
Austin, TX
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2003 12,315 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Jesse Barnes
Belmont, MA
Earhart Foundation
12-30-2003 6,050 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Kathryn Shea Sensen
Cambridge, MA
Earhart Foundation
10-19-2003 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-19-2003 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-20-2003 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-17-2003 200,000 The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
7-17-2003 307,888 The research and activities of the Program on Education Policy and Governance John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
7-17-2003 200,000 The Program on Constitutional Government John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
7-9-2003 55,000 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
5-20-2003 750,000 The John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Business John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
4-7-2003 335,000 The John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Business John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
1-27-2003 362,675 The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2002 93,000 Social Inequality and Distributive Justice in China
Martin Whyte will research and write a book on public opinion in China toward social equality and justice. He will develop and administer a survey in eight urban and rural areas in China in order tomeasure whether anger about social and economic disparities in China might undermine economic and political reform.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 60,000 Peace Through Victory: The Durable Solution to Civil Wars
Monica Duffy Toft will research and write a book on the resolution of civil wars since 1945. She will compare those civil wars that were ended through negotiated agreements to those that ended after one side triumphed and assess which resolution appeared to lead to a more lasting peace.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 50,000 Transparency Policy Project
Archon Fung, Mary Graham, and David Weil will examine the effectiveness of transparency -- the legally mandated disclosure of information -- as a form of regulation. They will conduct a series of case studies of transparency policies, examine the political and economic forces that sustain transparency policies, and provide an assessment of how transparency policies compare to traditional command-and-control regulatory initiatives. The project's findings will be publishedin a series of papers.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 157,151 Urban Poverty and Housing Vouchers in Chicago
Brian Jacob will examine the impact of housing subsidies on the well being of low-income families. Using data collected during a lottery for housing subsidies in Chicago, he will compare families who received housing vouchers to families who sought but did not receive them. The project's findings will be published in a monograph and a series of articles.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 125,000 Cold War Studies Publications Program
Mark Kramer will edit and publish the Journal of Cold War Studies and initiate a new book series.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 75,000 Who Benefits From National Service?
Peter Frumkin will research and write a book on the effectiveness of national service programs. He will examine the impact of national service programs on the individuals who participate in them, the organizations that utilize them, and the communities in which they are active.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 84,887 School Boards: Past, Present, and Future
William Howell will convene a conference and commission research that will assess the role of local school boards in shaping American public education. The research will examine recent efforts by cities to weaken school boards and analyze the impact of new approaches to improving school governance. The project's findings will be published in an edited volume.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 55,363 The New American Empire? The Beginning of Empires and Imperial Grand Strategy
Stephen Rosen and Kim Kagan will lead an effort to identify the features that differentiate powerful states from empires and the strategies an empire requires to sustain itself. They will commission and undertake research, convene a conference, and analyze the instruments and policies employed by empires to shape and regulate the internal behavior of other states. The project's findings will appear in a book and an edited volume of case studies.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2002 21,667 No purpose given. Smith Richardson Foundation
12-30-2002 124,184 Religion, Political Economy and Society John Templeton Foundation
12-30-2002 100,000 Department of Government
Grant to support Education Next journal
Final payment on three part 2000 grant award
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
12-30-2002 50,000 Department of Government
Grant to support Education Next journal
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
12-30-2002 50,000 Department of Government
Matching grant to support the Jeanne E. Chall Endowment at Harvard's Graduate School of Education
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
12-31-2001 6,200 H B Earhart Fellowship
Nancy E. Baker
Somerville, MA
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 1,350 H B Earhart Fellowship
Joseph Prud'homme
Austin, TX
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 12,315 H B Earhart Fellowship
Jesse Barnes
Belmont, MA
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 6,000 Department of History
To provide one graduate fellowship in history tenable during academic year 2001-2002 (Mr. Robert MacDougall, Recipient)
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 1,519 Department of History
To provide one graduate fellowship in history tenable during academic year 2001-2002 (Mr. Robert MacDougall, Recipient)
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 6,000 Department of Government
To provide one graduate fellowship in government tenable during academic year 2001-2002 (Mr. Travis D. Smith, Recipient)
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 25,000 David Rockfeller Center for Latin American Studies
During academic year 2002-2003 for the preparation of a research project on the topic, "Business Cycles and Growth: The Chilean Economy and the International Context - Empirical Evidence and Policy Lessons," Hernan Cortes Douglas, Research Principal
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2001 750,000 the John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Business John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 750,000 the John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Business John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 150,500 the research and activities of the Program on Education Policy and Governance John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 691,945 the programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 305,000 the research and activities of the Program on Education Policy and Governance John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 202,648 the Program on Constitutional Government John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2001 153,380 Cold War Studies Publications Program Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2001 227,500 Religion in Global Politics Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2001 117,989 The Labor Market Impact of Immigration Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2001 203,930 Urban Poverty and Housing Vouchers in Chicago Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2001 67,000 Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Russian Studies Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-30-2001 149,096 Religion, Political Economy and Society John Templeton Foundation
12-30-2001 -20,395 Peacemaking and Religion in the 21st Century John Templeton Foundation
12-27-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Mansfield The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-27-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Robert Barro The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-27-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Huntington The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
11-7-2001 62,500 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-26-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Huntington The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-29-2001 50,000 To support a symposium on freedom of the press to be held at the Davis Center for Russian Studies The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-13-2001 62,500 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-2001 25,000 To support "Searching for Heroes in a New Century" The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Mansfield The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-2001 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Robert Barro The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
4-9-2001 25,000 To support "Searching for Heroes in a New Century" The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 6,571 H B Earhart Fellowship
Nancy E. Baker
Cambridge, MA
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 6,000 Department of History
To provide one graduate fellowship in history tenable during academic year 2001-2002 (Mr. Robert MacDougall, recipient)
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 1,519 Department of History
To provide one graduate fellowship in history tenable during academic year 2001-2002 (Mr. Robert MacDougall, recipient)
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 6,000 Department of Government
To provide one graduate fellowship in government tenable during academic year 2001-2002 (Mr. Travis D. Smith, recipient)
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 3,040 Department of Government
To provide one graduate fellowship in government tenable during academic year 2001-2002 (Mr. Travis D. Smith, recipient)
Earhart Foundation
12-31-2000 318,500 The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 329,270 The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 750,000 The John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Business John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 308,000 The research and activities of the Program on Education Policy and Governance (Editor's note: Director is Paul E. Peterson, as of 11/02) John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 35,000 The John M. Olin Critical Issues Series seminars John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 200,000 The Program on Constitutional Government John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 107,050 A book on human rights controversies John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-2000 49,000 The Changing Security Environment: The Rise of China
Stephen Rosen will lead an effort to enhance the policy community's understanding of Chinese perspectives on key strategic issues and on U.S.-China relations. He will organize meetings with scholars from the Central Party School in Beijing where these issues will be discussed with U.S. experts and scholars.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 142,920 Harvard Project on Cold War Studies
Mark Kramer will edit and publish the Journal of Cold War Studies.
The Henry L. Stimson Center
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 89,760 Washington, DC
U.S. Taiwan Policy in Sino-American Relations
Alan Romberg will research and write a monograph on the agreements that have been negotiated between the United States and China regarding the status of Taiwan. He will analyze the relevant primary documents and the background papers pertaining to the negotiations and conduct interviews in China, Taiwan, and the United States.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 59,724 The Labor Market Impact of Immigration
George Borjas will examine the impact of immigration on the employment opportunities of native workers. He will examine the impact of immigrants on economic conditions in particular occupations; their settlement in areas that have not traditionally received immigrants; and the flow of workers that occurs in response to immigration. The project’s findings will be published in a series of research papers.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 60,000 Paralyzing Process? The Impact of Judicial Review on Regulatory Policy
Cary Coglianese will assess the impact of judicial review on federal regulation. He will examine trends in rule making since the 1960s in order to determine whether changes in judicial review procedures can be associated with changes in regulatory output.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-2000 10,000 Kathryn W and Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Russian Studies Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-2000 287,065 Education Walton Family Foundation
12-30-2000 60,000 Peacemaking and Religion in the 21st Century John Templeton Foundation
8-20-2000 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Huntington The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-27-2000 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program under the direction of Professor Robert Barro The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 200,000 The program on Constitutional Government. John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 627,500 Center for International Affairs
The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 35,000 Davis Center for Russian Studies
The John M. Olin Critical Issues Series seminars.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 10,000 Davis Center for Russian Studies
A trustee grant, designated by Mr. James Piereson, to support the translation of Richard Pipes' book about Peter Struve into Russian.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 48,457 Department of Economics
A John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for David I. Laibson.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 308,850 Department of Government
The research and activities of the Program on Education Policy and Governance. [Editor's note: Director of PEP: Paul E. Peterson (as of Nov 2001).]
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 5,000 John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies
A trustee grant, designated by Mr. Piereson, to support the Huntington Prize.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 1,500,000 Law School
The John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Business.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1999 6,906 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Chad Noyes
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1999 12,500 Center for Hellenic Studies
During 2000 to support preparation of one or more article(s) on the topic, "Rational Liberty in Averroes' Commentaries On Aristotle's Rhetoric," Maroun Aouad, Research Principal.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1999 89,125 U.S. Intervention Decisions: Civil-Military Relations and the Need for Reform
John Garofano will research and write a book analyzing decision making on the use of military force. He will conduct archival research on the decision-making behind each of the major military interventions of the United States since 1950.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 39,100 David vs. Goliath: Strategic Interaction and Unexpected Conflict Outcomes
Ivan Arreguin-Toft will research and write a book that will examine why and how strong states lose wars against weaker adversaries.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 45,000 Secretary of State: Eight People Who Shaped America's Relations With the World in the 20th Century
Robert Zoellick will research and write a book that analyzes the U.S. role in the world through the lens of the experiences and philosophif eight American secretaries of state.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 100,000 Harvard Project on Cold War Studies
Mark Kramer will edit and publish the Journal of Cold War Studies.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 42,109 The Elite and Patronage in Russia
Virginie Coulloudon will research and write a book and a series of articles on the operation of the post-communist Russian political system. She will conduct interviews and analyze Russia's political nets to determine whether Russian politics is best understood as an elite contest for power among political and economic clans.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 226,699 Ukrainian Security Program
Ernest May will direct a two-week seminar at the John F. Kennedy School of Government for visiting civilian and military national security policy makers from Ukraine. The project will focus on assisting the participants in the development of a coherent Ukrainian strategic doctrine and a framework for organizing civilian participation in military planning and defense policy.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 106,728 Understanding “The Boston Miracle”
Christopher Winship will assess whether collaboration between community religious leaders and police resulted in decreased crime and racial tensions in Boston. He will study the roles of ministers, police,and the media in changing attitudes toward the police and crime in Boston during the 1990s.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 262,053 Freedom in the Modern World
Orlando Patterson will research and write a book on how different conceptions of freedom affect a wide range of public policy debates. He will commission and analyze survey data on conceptions of freedom and review how freedom has been defined in the modern era.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1999 25,000 Kathryn W. and Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Russian Studies Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-1999 50,000 Program on Education Policy and Governance (Note: This grant was listed as given to 'Program on Education Policy and Governance' [PEPG] - which we believe is Paul E. Peterson's outfit at Harvard - editor) Jaquelin Hume Foundation
12-31-1998 609,000 Center for International Affairs
The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 60,000 Davis Center for Russian Studies
Fellowships, seminars and faculty exchange programs under the direction of Marshall I. Goldman
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 35,000 Davis Center for Russian Studies
The John M. Olin Critical Issues Series seminars under the direction of Marshall I. Goldman
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 34,761 Department of Economics
A John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Caroline Hoxby
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 44,868 Department of Economics
A John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for David I. Laibson
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 50,000 Department of Government
An evaluation of the Washington Scholarship Fund pilot program conducted by the Program on Education Policy and Governance
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 151,350 Department of Goverment.
The research and activities of the Program on Education Policy and Governance under the direction of Paul E. Peterson
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 220,667 Department of Government.
The Program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 50,000 no description given The Carthage Foundation
12-31-1998 15,621 Earhart Fellowship - Bryan D. Garsten Earhart Foundation
12-31-1998 15,577 Earhart Fellowship - David K. Evans Earhart Foundation
12-31-1998 5,050 Earhart Fellowship - Chad Noyes Earhart Foundation
12-31-1998 62,500 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 125,000 Continued support of the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 34,000 To support the "Disappearance of Heroes in America" project The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 56 To support a project on American national identity and interests The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 60,000 To support "The Management of Foundation Assets: Time to Rethink the Pay-out Requirement?" project The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 90,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1998 46,000 The Black Book of Communism
Mark Kramer will oversee the translation and publication of an English-language edition of The Black Book of Communism.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 50,000 Workshop on U.S.-China Crisis Management
Iain Johnston and Huang Jing will commission papers and convene a workshop of U.S. and Chinese experts on crisis management theory and practice.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 81,740 The Elite and Patronage in Russia
Virginie Coulloudon will research and write a book and a series of articles analyzing the operation of the post-communist Russian political system. She will conduct interviews and analyze Russia’s political networks to determine whether Russian politics is best understood as an elite contest for power among political and economic clans.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 150,000 Harvard Ukrainian National Security Program
Ernest May will direct a two-week seminar at the John F. Kennedy School of Government for visiting civilian and military national security policy makers from Ukraine. The project will focus on assisting the participants in the development of a coherent Ukrainian strategic doctrine and a framework for organizing civilian participation in military planning and defense policy.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 35,000 American National Identity and National Interests
Samuel Huntington will research and write a book analyzing the changing nature of American national identity and the potential effects of these changes on the definition of U.S. national interests.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 53,969 A Summer Study of the Future Security Environment
Stephen Rosen will direct a five-day summer study that will produce a report analyzing the likely international security environment in 2030. A core group of analysts will receive briefings from experts on demography, economics, military technology, and social issues and will analyze their implications for the nature of the challenges facing the United States in the future.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 65,530 Domestic Factors in U.S.-China Relations: Sources of Conflict and Cooperation
Robert Ross will direct a research project in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences that will analyze the domestic factors that shape U.S. policy toward China and Chinese policy toward the United States. The project will produce several journal articles and a monograph.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 89,215 U.S. Intervention Decisions: Civil-Military Relations and the Need for Reform
John Garofano will research and write a book analyzing the process for preparing analyses to inform decision making on the use of military force. He will conduct archival research on the decision-making processes behind each of the major military interventions of the United States since 1950.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 49,949 Youth Violence and Community Partnership – Initial Quantitative Research
Christopher Winship will research and write a report on the role of police-community partnerships in reducing crime. He will collect and analyze crime data from Boston neighborhoods in which police have worked with local clergy to reduce juvenile crime.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 218,393 Performance Management Project
Elaine Kamarck and Shelley Metzenbaum will lead a project at the John F. Kennedy School of Government to analyze government efforts to implement performance management practices. They will organize a series of meetings of working groups composed of policy makers and policy analysts to address key issues, such as the outputs governments should measure and how they should do so.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 17,412 Procurement Reform on the Front Lines
Steven Kelman will research and write a book on the federal procurement system. He will survey managers and front line workers at a sample of sixteen procurement offices to determine if policies designed to deregulate the procurement process affected the purchasing behavior of federal employees.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1998 52,500 Davis Center for Russian Studies Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-30-1998 37,215 Holyoke Center
Book Project on Freedom and the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights
John Templeton Foundation
10-8-1998 31,250 To support the program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-29-1998 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in Economics The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-1998 31,250 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
5-10-1998 31,250 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
4-8-1998 30,000 To support the Wianno conference series The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-10-1998 31,250 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 300,000 Center for International Affairs
The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington (three years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 60,000 Davis, Center for Russian Studies
Fellowships, seminars and faculty exchange programs under the direction of Marshall I. Goldman (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 47,450 Department of Economics
A John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Caroline Hoxby
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 178,483 Department of Government
The Program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 200,000 Department of Government.
Research on innovation in school governance, conducted by the Program on Education Policy and Governance under the direction of Paul E. Peterson (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 50,000 Department of Government
An evaluation of the Washington Scholarship Fund pilot program conducted by the Program on Education Policy and Governance
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 64,554 Department of History
A research fellowship for Stephan Thernstrom
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1997 150,000 Harvard Ukrainian National Security Program
This grant supports a two-week seminar at the John F. Kennedy School of Government for visiting civilian and military national security policy makers from Ukraine. Under Ernest May's direction,project will focus on the development of a coherent Ukrainian strategic doctrine and a framework for organizing civilian participation in military planning and defense policy.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 64,625 Youth Bulges, Instability, and U.S. National Security: A Pilot Project in New Topics and Approaches in Strategic Demography
This grant supports research and analysis on the connection between demographic and security trends. Stephen Rosen will commission quantitative and qualitative analysis of the strategic consequences of the rapid expansion of younger age cohorts in key states or regions. This project will result in a series of papers.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 64,392 Domestic Factors in U.S.-China Relations: Sources of Conflict and Cooperation
The grant supports research and analysis of the domestic factors that shape U.S. policy toward China and Chinese policy toward the United States across a number of issues. Ezra Vogel and Robert Ross will undertake a collaborative research project with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences that will produce several journal articles and a monograph on how domestic factors prevent or facilitate cooperation in the U.S.-China relationship.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 81,875 The Balarus Factor: Implications for Russia, East-Central Europe, and the West
This grant supports research on the internal political and economic evolution of Belarus and its implications for U.S. interests in Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. James Clem, Elizabeth Tarlow, and Margarita Balmaceda will commission research and convene a meeting of experts to analyze how internal develoments are likely to influence Belarus's future, particularly its relations with Russia. The projwill result in a co-authored monograph of policy recommendations, an edited volume, and an international conference.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 49,995 The Role of the NKVD in Stalinist Society
This grant suports research on the role of the secret police, the NKVD, in the Soviet Union from 1923 to 1953. Adam Ulam, Mark Kramer, and Terry Martin will commission papers and convene a conference on how the NKVD operated in Ukraine. The project's findings will be published in scholarly journals.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 11,495 U.S., China, and Japan Triangular Relations: The Lessons of History for Contemporary East Asia
This grant supports a conference that will examine the historical underpinnings of relations among the United States, Japan, and China. Ezra Vogel will commission papers examining how the three powers have interacted on different policy issues. The papers will be presented at three meetings of scholars from the United States, Japan, and China.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 32,500 New Faces and New Issues in National Security
This grant supports a conference that brings together junior scholars, senior scholars, and policy makers to discuss future security issues and research opportunities. The project, directed by Stephen Rosen, serves as a catalyst for policy-relevant research in the scholarly community and for fostering informal networks between policy makers and scholars.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 53,408 Are GED Preparation Programs an Effective Way to Prepare School Dropouts for Work?
This grant supports research that will examine whether the General Education Development certificate improves job and earning prospects. Richard Murnane will analyze GED test resutls for 600,000 school dropouts and link them to data on employment and earnings. The research will produce a book and articles for the policy community and the public.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 115,672 Organizing the Presidency for the 21st Century
This grant supports the research and writing of a book on the evolution of the presidential advisory system. Matthew Dickinson will analyze case studies of more than 250 presidential decisions and conduct archival research and interviews in order to assess whether changes in the presidential advisory system have had an impact on the quality of decision making.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 218,393 Performance Management
This grant supports research and analysis on the federal government's efforts to implement performance managment practices through the Government Performance and Results Act. Elaine Kamarck will organize a series ofking group meetings comprised of policy makers and policy analysts to address key issues in performance management. The project will result in a book and a curriculum designed to teach performance management.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 132,842 Procurement Reform on the Frontlines
This grant supports the research and writing of a book on the federal procurement system. Steven Kelman will survey managers and front line workers at a sample of sixteen procurement offices to determine if the policies designed to deregulate the procurement process affected the purchasing behavior of federal employees.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1997 6,064 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Steven J. Lenzner
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 15,221 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Bryan D. Garsten
Department of Government
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 12,000 Peter Berkowitz
Department of Government
During the summer of 1998 to continue preparation of a book, GIVING LIBERALISM ITS DUE>
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1997 80,000 Center for Risk Analysis
Educational Programs
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
12-31-1997 5,000 Project on Cold War Studies Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-31-1997 10,000 Kathryn W. and Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Russian Studies Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
12-17-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program in International Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-17-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship in Economics The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-17-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
10-9-1997 31,250 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-9-1997 38,787 To support book project on manliness The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in Economics The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in International Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-9-1997 15,000 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post Graduate Fellowship Program in the Department of Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
6-29-1997 31,250 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
6-22-1997 49,850 To support a project on American national identity and interests The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
5-11-1997 30,000 To support the Wianno conference series The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
3-29-1997 31,250 To support the Program on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-27-1997 31,250 To support the Progam on Constitutional Government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-9-1997 17,500 To support the Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellowship Program in International Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 545,205 Center for International Affairs.
The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington (four years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 26,455 A John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Marc L. Busch John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 50,000 Davis Center for Russian Studies.
Fellowships for graduate students and post-doctoral scholars and seminars on critical issues under the direction of Marshall I. Goldman
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 100,000 Department of Economics.
The John M. Olin Dissertation Fellowships on Economics Policy under the direction of Martin S. Feldstein
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 143,233 Department of Goverment.
The program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 165,000 Department of Government.
Research on innovation in school governance, conducted by the Program on Education Policy and Governance under the direction of Paul E. Peterson.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 30,982 Department of History.
A John M. Olin Faculty Fellowsip for Vladimir N. Brovkin
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 25,000 The First Russian Presidency
This grant supports research and analysis on the evolution of the Russian presidency since the breakup of the Soviet Union. The project will examine the institutional role of the office of the president and analyze how it relates to the key centers of political power in Russia. The project will result in a book.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 109,875 Convergence or Conflict: Global Perspectives on War, Peace, and International Order
This grant supports commissioned research on the perceptions of the international order by the world's major cultures. The project will examine how theseeptions differ and analyze the implications for international politics. The research will be presented in working papers at an international conference and published as an edited volume.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 25,000 Ukrainian National Security Program
This grant supports a two-week seminar at the John F. Kennedy School of Government for visiting civilian and military national security policy makers from Ukraine. The project will focus on the development of a coherent Ukrainian strategic doctrine and a framework for organizing civilian participation in military planning and defense policy.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 119,305 Patronage and the Elite in Russia
This grant supports research on the political system in post-communist Russia. The project will analyze Russian politics as an elite contest for power among political and economic clans and will document how such clans operate. The project will result in a book, academic papers, and a briefing for the policy community in Washington.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 200,000 Harvard Project on Cold War Studies
This grant supports the creation of the Journal of Cold War Studies, a publication dedicated to publishing scholarly research on the history of the cold war.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 53,960 China and Democratic Transition
This grant supports research on the role of the National People's Congress and the village election system in China's political evolution. The project will produce a series of scholarly and policy arti
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 57,500 New Faces and New Issues in National Security Studies
This grant supports a conference that brings together junior scholars, senior scholars, and policy makers to discuss future security issues and research opportunities. The project serves as a catalyst for policy-relevant research in the scholarly community and for fostering informal networks between policy makers and scholars.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 73,019 Are GED Preparation Programs an Effective Way to Prepare School Dropouts for Work?
This grant supports research that will examine whether the General Education Development certificate improves job and earning prospects. The project will analyze GED test results for 600,000 school dropouts and match them with data on employment and earning histories. The research will produce a book and academic articles for the policy community and general audiences.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 237,804 Soft News: The Press and Public Discourse
This grant supports research on the growing prevalance of soft news in major media outlets and its impact on public discourse. The project will analyze the content of network and local television newsand elite and non-elite newspapers, conduct a public opinion survey, and measure the impact of soft news through experimental research. The project's products will include conferences for members of the news media and a book.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 25,000 The New Urban Secession Movements
This grant supports research on local political movements to break up large cities into smaller units. The project will produce case studies of Los Angeles, New York, Boston, and Miami in order to examine whether the dissolution of city governments is an effective public management strategy. The results will be presented in a policy monograph.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1996 30,000 Center for Population and Development Studies
Eberstadt Book
Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1996 20,000 Center for Risk Analysis
Educational Programs
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
12-31-1996 4,852 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Evan Charney
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1996 4,300 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Steven J. Lenzner
Earhart Foundation
10-20-1996 35,000 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in International Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-22-1996 63,000 To support the program for Constitutional government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 143,232 Center for American Political Studies.
The program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 529,235 Center for International Affairs.
The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington (three yars, 1993-96)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 35,767 Center for International Affairs.
A John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Marc L. Busch
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 100,000 Department of Economics.
The John M. Olin Dissertation Fellowships on Economics Policy under the direction of Martin S. Feldstein
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 90,000 Department of Goverment.
The research and conferences of the Program in Education Policy and Governance
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 42,316 Department of History.
A John M. Olin Faculty Fellowsip for Vladimir N. Brovkin
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 50,000 Russian Research Center.
Graduate student and post-doctoral fellowships and seminars under the direction of Marshall I. Goldman
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1995 107,844 Ukrainian National Security Program
This grant supports a two-week seminar at the John F. Kennedy School of Government for visiting civilian and military natoinal security policymakers from Ukraine. The project will focus on the development of a coherent Ukrainian strategic doctrine and a framework for organizing civilian participation in military planning and defense policy.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 49,890 Ukraine -- Five Years of Independence: Ukraine in the World
This grant supports commissioned research and a conference that will assess the status of Ukraine's efforts to consolidate its independence and democratic political system five y after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The project will result in an edited volume on Ukraine's foreign and defense policies.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 200,198 Coping with the Unfamiliar: American National Security Policy After the Cold War
This grant supports a research project at the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies on U.S. national security policy making and defense planning in the post-cold war period. The project will commission a series of monographs and books on U.S. civil-military relations, peacetime defense planning, and the challenges posed by irrational actors to traditional deterrence strategy.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 25,000 New Faces in Security Studies
This grant supports a conference to build a network of scholars working on subjects related to national security. In 1996, the conference, which brought together senior and junior scholars and government officials, discussed the efficacy of economic sanctions and the future of Asian security.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 43,034 Reviewing the Study of School Choice Effectiveness in Milwaukee
This grant supports an evaluation of the effects of Milwaukee's school voucher program for low-income children. The researchers will reanalyze data collected for a previous eation in order to compare the educational achievment of a randomly selected group of students who received the vouchers with a control group. The results will be presented in professional journals and other public policy publications.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 35,000 New Age Orphans: Children Without Functional Families and Their Unmet Needs for Nurture
This grant supports a review and synthesis of recent legal and social science research on child welfare policies. The study will result in a book that will examine the research basis for current policies, with particular attention to the evidence regarding children who remain in dysfunctional biological families as opposed to placement in other family settings.
Smith Richardson Foundation
12-31-1995 80,000 Leadership that Matters: What Moves State and Local Spending?
This grant supports research on the causes of significant increases, decreases, or reallocations in the budgets of state and local governments. Using an extensive database of stateand local government budgets, the project will identify cases in which major changes took place in those budgets and analyze the causes of those shifts.
Smith Richardson Foundation
The Carthage Foundation
12-31-1995 6,404 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Sharon R. Krause
Department of Government
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 4,452 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Evan Charney
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 12,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Roy P. Mottahedeh
Committee on Islamic Studies
Center for Middle Eastern Studies
During calendar 1996 to continue preparation of a book, PLURALISM AND TOLERATION: REIMAGINING THE CLASSICAL TRADITION.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1995 12,000 Fellowship Research Grant
Christopher Layne
Center for Science and International Affairs
John F. Kennedy School of Government
During calendar 1996 to continue preparation of one or more journal article(s) and/or a book, "The Peace of Illusions."
Earhart Foundation
9-10-1995 25,000 To support a study of civil-military relations The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-19-1995 63,000 To support the program for Constitutional government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
6-7-1995 25,000 To support a study of civil-military relations The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-9-1995 25,000 To support a study of civil-military relations The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-15-1995 63,000 To support the program for Constitutional government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-15-1995 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in International Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-15-1995 6,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Economics The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1994 151,161 Center for American Political Studies.
The Program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1994 25,000 Center for American Political Studies.
The completion of a book on the war in Vietnam by Stephen J. Morris
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1994 515,680 Center for International Affairs.
The programs of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1994 10,000 Center for Population and Development Studies.
Research by Nicholas N. Eberstadt on infant mortality and health policy issues
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1994 9,000 Department of History.
The publication of a Russian translation of Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime, by Richard Pipes
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1994 25,000 Graduate School of Education.
The completion of a book by Peter H. Gibbon on heroes in America
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1994 80,000 Russian Research Center.
The John M. Olin Distinguished Fellowships; the John M. Olin Critical Issues Seminars; and the Visiting Scholars Program under the direction of Marshall I. Goldman
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
The Carthage Foundation
12-31-1994 15,202 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Steven J. Lenzner
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 6,004 H.B. Earhart Fellowship
Sharon R. Krause
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 5,955 Fellowship Research Grant
William C. Rice
Expository Writing Program
During the summer of 1995 to continue preparation of a book, TO RECLAIM AN AUDIENCE: THE PUBLIC DIMENSIONS OF ACADEMIC CULTURE.
Earhart Foundation
12-31-1994 1,545 Fellowship Research Grant
William C. Rice
Expository Writing Program
During the summer of 1995 to continue preparation of a book, TO RECLAIM AN AUDIENCE: THE PUBLIC DIMENSIONS OF ACADEMIC CULTURE.
Earhart Foundation
12-8-1994 12,500 To support a study of economic growth The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-8-1994 6,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Economics The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-28-1994 17,500 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Fellows in International Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-19-1994 63,000 To support the program for Constitutional government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-11-1994 25,000 To support a project on risk management reform The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
6-19-1994 23,750 To support a study of the multicultural curriculum The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
6-19-1994 35,000 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Fellows in International Affairs The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
5-9-1994 50,000 To support a book project on behavioral economics The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-27-1994 12,500 To support a study of economic growth The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-9-1994 100,000 To support a program on national security The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-30-1994 63,000 To support a program on Constitutional government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-24-1994 25,000 To support a project on risk management reform The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-24-1994 62,334 To support a study of American politics and culture The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-19-1994 23,750 To support a study of the multicultural curriculum The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1993 25,000 Center for American Political Studies.
An evaluation of school choice programs in Milwaukee by Paul E. Peterson
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1993 150,350 Center for American Political Studies.
The program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1993 460,368 Center for International Affairs.
The John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1993 32,717 Center for International Affairs.
A John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Michael C. Desch
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1993 41,012 Department of History.
The completion of a book by Richard Pipes, Property and Freedom
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1993 26,000 JFK School of Government.
A research fellowship for Alston Chase
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1993 80,000 Russian Research Center.
The John M. Olin Distinguished Fellowships, the John M. Olin Critical Issues Seminars, and the Visiting Scholars Program under the direction of Marshall I. Goldman
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
The Carthage Foundation
12-29-1993 10,000 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Economics under the direction of Prof. Barro The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-29-1993 63,000 Continued support of a program on Constitutional government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-29-1993 5,000 To support research on economic growth The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-1993 100,000 To support a program on national security The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-9-1993 62,335 To support a study of American politics and culture The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-11-1993 24,956 To support a study of civic order in contemporary urban life The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
6-27-1993 88,870 To support a study of U.S. policy in Vietnam and Southeast Asia The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
5-18-1993 20,000 To support a archival research project The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
3-14-1993 50,000 To support general operations of the Russian Research Center The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-14-1993 71,702 To support a program on Constitutional government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-14-1993 112,500 To support a program on national security The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-8-1993 24,957 To support a study of civic order in contemporary urban life The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-3-1993 25,000 To support a study on the decline of socialism The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-3-1993 50,000 To support Bradley Fellowships in Soviet Studies The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1992 50,000 Center for American Political Studies.
The program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1992 217,523 Center for International Affairs
To establish the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1992 455,027 Center for International Affairs.
To support the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1992 29,812 Center for International Affairs.
To support a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Kathryn Spier
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1992 23,875 Department of Government.
To support a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Peter Berkowitz
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1992 62,500 Department of History.
To support a book on private property and freedom by Richard Pipes
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1992 28,375 JFK School of Government.
To support a research fellowship for Lawrence M. Mead
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1992 170,000 Russian Research Center.
To support the John M. Olin Distinguished Fellowship Program, Visiting Scholars Program, Critical Issues Seminar and conferences
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1992 75,000 HARVARD ALCOHOL PROJECT Scaife Family Foundation
12-31-1992 56,000 CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS The Carthage Foundation
12-31-1992 25,000 JOHN F KENNEDY SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT The Carthage Foundation
11-5-1992 6,666 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Russian and Soviet Studies The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
11-5-1992 10,000 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Russian and Soviet Studies The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-30-1992 25,000 Joan Shorenstein Barone Center Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
9-21-1992 12,000 To support Bradley Graduate and Post-Graduate Fellows in Economics The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-13-1992 71,702 To support a program on Constitutional government The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-13-1992 112,500 To support a program on national security under the direction of Samuel Huntington The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-3-1992 50,000 To support a study of economic growth under the direction of Robert Barro The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-29-1992 22,926 To support a study of industrial research expenditures and long-term economic growth by Zvi Griliches The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-1-1992 26,500 To support a book project on the educational choice debate The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-1-1992 50,000 Continued support for Bradley Fellowships in Soviet Studies The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-12-1992 112,500 To support a program on national security under the direction of Samuel Huntington The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-12-1992 87,500 To support Bradley Fellowships in Soviet Studies The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1991 96,114 Center for American Political Studies.
To support the Program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1991 422,756 Center for International Affairs.
To establish the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1991 25,000 Center for Population Studies.
To support Nicholas Eberstadt's research on U.S. infant mortality
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1991 50,000 Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Stephan Thernstrom
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1991 30,875 Department of Government.
To support a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Peter Berkowitz
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1991 170,000 Russian Research Center.
To support the John M. Olin Distinguished Fellowship Program,Visiting Scholars Program, Critical Issues Seminar and conferences
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
The Carthage Foundation
12-18-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post graduate fellows under Professor Nathan Glazer's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-13-1991 25,000 To support research on the economics of the decline of socialism. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-12-1991 102,325 To support research into the role and theory of judicial activism for the preparation of a book by Gary McDowell The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
11-25-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under the direction of Professor Nathan Glazer. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
11-4-1991 15,000 To support research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Robert Tucker's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-14-1991 87,500 To support graduate students and post-doctoral fellows pursuing course work and completing research in the area of Soviet Studies. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-14-1991 39,194 To support research of the policies predicating American intervention in Vietnam. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-14-1991 112,500 To support the program activities of the Olin Institute for Stratetic Studies. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-14-1991 48,824 To support the Program on Constitutional Democracy of the Center for American Political Studies. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-14-1991 652 To support research and post-graduate fellows under Professor Adam Ulam's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-31-1991 50,000 To support Professor Barro's research project examining economic growth. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-30-1991 22,327 To support research on effect of dollars expended for industrial research and development on long-term economic growth The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-14-1991 35,000 To support the medical school's appointment of an economist, Edward Norton. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-14-1991 40,000 To support expenses relating to research into the policies predicating American intervention in Vietnam. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-14-1991 100,000 To support the activities of the national security studies program under the direction of Dr. Samuel Hungington. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-14-1991 87,500 TO support graduate students and post-doctoral fellows pursuing course work in the are of Soviet Studies. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-14-1991 65,336 To support activities of the program on constitutional government under the direction of Harvey Mansfield, Jr. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-13-1991 48,700 To support professor Laurie Mylroie's research into the causes of Middle Eastern conflicts. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1990 62,500 Center for American Political Studies.
To support the Program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1990 96,114 Center for American Political Studies.
To support the Program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1990 405,475 Center for International Affairs.
To establish the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1990 21 Committee on Latin American and Iberian Affairs.
To support a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Paul E. Gootenberg
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1990 75,000 Russian Research Center.
To support the John M. Olin Distinguished Fellowship Program, the Critical Issues Seminar and conferences
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1990 170,000 Russian Research Center.
To support the John M. Olin Distinguished Fellowship Program, Visiting Scholars Program, the Critical Issues Seminar and conferences
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1990 75,000 HARVARD ALCOHOL PROJECT Scaife Family Foundation
11-14-1990 40,000 To support expenses relating to research into the policies predicating American intervention in Vietnam. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-14-1990 100,000 To support the activities of the national security studies program under the direction of Dr. Samuel Hungington. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-14-1990 87,500 TO support graduate students and post-doctoral fellows pursuing course work in the are of Soviet Studies. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-14-1990 65,337 To support activities of the program on constitutional government under the direction of Harvey Mansfield, Jr. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-31-1990 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Robert Tucker's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-30-1990 31,447 To support research on effect of dollars expended for industrial research and development of long-term economic growth. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
5-31-1990 107,655 To support research on Latin America. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
4-12-1990 50,000 To support the research on economic growth under the direction of Robert Barro and Paul Romer. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
3-4-1990 147,000 No purpose available The Carthage Foundation
2-19-1990 31,200 To support research in U.S. involvement in Vietnam and current war between the Vietnamese and Cambodians. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-12-1990 106,275 To support research into the role and theory of judicial activism. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
1-4-1990 39,310 To support professor Glenn Loury's investigation into the role of race in the formulation of U.S. domestic policies. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1989 125,000 Center for American Political Studies.
To support the program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick (two years)
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1989 101,483 Center for International Affairs.
The programs of the John M. Olin Program in National Security Affairs
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1989 25,000 Center for International Affairs.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1989 275,443 Center for International Affairs.
To establish the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1989 27,773 Committee on Latin American and Iberian Affairs.
To support a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Paul E. Gootenberg
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1989 42,300 Department of History.
To support a book on the Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1989 150,000 Russian Research Center.
To support the John M. Olin Distinguished Fellowship Program, Visiting Scholars Program, Critical Issues Seminar and conferences
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
11-2-1989 63,500 To support a study of West German political culture by Jeffrey Herf. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-6-1989 69,340 To support a study of Latin American revolution and american intellectuals by Robert Leiken. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
9-6-1989 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Nathan Glazer's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-14-1989 75,000 To support a study of capital gains taxes by Richard Zeckhauser and Jayenda Patel. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-7-1989 200,000 TO support a Bradley research fellow, an annual conference and research project in the national security program. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-4-1989 130,673 To support the activities of the program on constitutional government under the direction of Harvey Mansfield, Jr. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-31-1989 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Robert Barro's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-31-1989 175,000 To support the Russian Research Center Bradley Fellowships in Soviet Studies. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
4-12-1989 50,000 Office for sponsored research
Research on economic growth
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 113,059 Center for American Political Studies.
To support the program on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 62,500 Center for American Political Studies.
To support the program on Constitutional Government
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 75,200 Center for International Affairs.
To establish the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 101,483 Center for International Affairs.
To support the John M. Olin Program in National Security Affairs
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 25,000 Center for International Affairs.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 52,500 Center for Population Studies.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Nicholas N. Eberstadt
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 48,642 Department of Government.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 37,255 Department of History.
To support the writing of a history of the Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 35,000 JFK School of Government.
To support a book on race and public policy by Glenn C. Loury
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 75,000 Russian Research Center.
To support the John M. Olin Distinguished Fellowship Program, the Critical Issues Seminar and conferences
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1988 31,500 Russian Research Center.
To support the completion of two books on Indochina by Stephen J. Morris
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-11-1988 12,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Richard Pipes' direction The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
11-6-1988 6,750 Department of Economics
Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under professor Robert J. Barro's direction
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
10-5-1988 30,000 JFK School of Government
Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Mark H. Moore's direction
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-7-1988 8,250 Office for Sponsored Research
Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Robert J. Barro's direction
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-13-1988 115,000 Program on constitutional government at the Center for American Political Studies. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
4-25-1988 75,000 Study of Nicaragua and the American intelligentisia. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
2-29-1988 1,000 Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
Human Origins Research Fund
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation
12-31-1987 108,711 Center for American Political Studies.
To support the program for Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. and R. Shep Melnick
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 191,880 Center for International Affairs.
To support the John M. Olin Program in National Security Affairs under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 23,100 Center for International Affairs.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 37,500 Center for International Affairs.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Robert S. Leiken
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 26,150 Center for Population Studies.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for by Nicholas N. Eberstadt
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 54,800 Center for Population Studies.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for by Nicholas N. Eberstadt
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 28,866 Department of Government.
To support a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Mark Beissinger
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 24,659 Deparment of Sociology.
To support a John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Liah Greenfeld
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1987 150,000 Russian Research Center.
To support the John M. Olin Fellowship Program, the Critical Issues Seminar and conferences
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-21-1987 175,000 Russian Research Center
Bradley fellowships in Soviet Studies.
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
11-30-1987 35,629 Center for Population Studies
Research on food distribution and hunger in Africa.
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-24-1987 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Richard Pipes' direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-13-1987 30,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Glen Loury's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-6-1987 30,000 Conference on constitutional government. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
8-6-1987 15,000 Research by graduate and post-graduate fellows under Professor Adam Ulam's direction. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-29-1987 115,000 Department of Government
Support for establishment of a program on constitutional government at Harvard's Center for American Political Studies.
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 21,088 Department of Government.
To support the John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Mark Beissinger
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 223,154 Center for International Affairs.
To support the John M. Olin Program in National Security Affairs
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 25,000 Center for International Affairs.
To support the John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship held by Samuel Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 37,500 Center for International Affairs.
To support a research fellowship for Robert Leiken's work on media treatment of the conflict in Central America
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 22,500 Center for Population Studies.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Nicholas Eberstadt
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 26,150 Center for Population Studies.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Nicholas Eberstadt
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 30,000 Russian Research Center.
To support Michael Kaufman and Michael Dobbs as John M. Olin Journalists in Residence
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 95,000 Russian Research Center.
To support the John M. Olin Fellowship Program, the John M. Olin Critical Issues Seminar and the editing of seminar proceedings
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1986 35,000 Center for Population Studies
Visiting fellow grant
The Carthage Foundation
10-20-1986 44,250 Department of government
Conference entitled "The American Constitutional Experiment."
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
7-21-1986 25,000 Support of graduate/post-doctoral students of the Law School: Bradley Fellows. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
6-14-1986 25,000 Support of graduate/post-doctoral students of the Russian Research Center: Bradley Fellows. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1985 103,525 Center for International Affairs.
To support the John M. Olin Fellowship program in National Security Affairs
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1985 22,500 Center for Population Studies.
To support a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Nicholas Eberstadt, for the study of poverty and policy in Marxist-Leninst nations
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1985 18,000 Department of Economics.
To support three colloquia during the academic year 1986-7
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1985 60,340 Department of Government.
To support the John M. Olin Distinguished Lecture Series, John M. Olin Seminar in Constitutionalism, and a John M. Olin Research Fellowship for Harvey C. Mansfield's work on executive power
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1985 15,625 JFK School of Government.
To support the John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship for Anne Wortham
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1985 33,275 Russian Research Center.
To support a John M. Olin Lectureship in Soviet History for Dr. Vladimir Brovkin
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1985 90,000 Russian Research Center.
To support the John M. Olin Fellowship Program, the John M. Olin Critical Issues Seminar and the editing of seminar proceedings
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1985 7,500 Neiman Foundation for Journalism.
To support a speakers program for the Neiman fellows
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1984 98,967 Center for International Affairs.
To support the John M. Olin Fellowship program in National Security Affairs, 1984-6, under the direction of Samuel P. Huntington
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1984 39,200 Department of Government.
To support the John M. Olin Distinguished Lecture Series in Philosophy and Free Institutions and the John M. Olin Seminar on Constitutional Government under the direction of Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1984 20,625 JFK School of Government.
To support the John M. Olin Faculty Fellowship held by Anne Wortham
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1984 95,000 Russian Research Center.
To support the John M. Olin Fellowships Program and the John M. Olin Critical Issues Seminars under the direction of Adam B. Ulam and Marshall I. Goldman
John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.
12-31-1984 100,000 Center for International Affairs Sarah Scaife Foundation
12-31-1984 30,000 Center for Population Studies Sarah Scaife Foundation