EIN: 81-0393444
Bozeman, MT 59718
Known as PERC. Changed its name from Political Economy Research Center in 2003. All grants prior to 2003 were to Political Economy Research Center.
Web address: www.perc.org
Total Grants to Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) | |
Total $ Granted: | $ 5,056,625 |
For Years: | 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 |
# Grants: | 133 |
Date | Amount | Purpose | Funder |
12-30-2005 | 10,000 | General operating fund | Roe Foundation |
12-30-2005 | 3,000 | Environmental economics education | Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-2005 | 25,000 | For general operating support during calendar year 2005. | Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2005 | 175,000 | During calendar year 2005 to provide support for (a) an Earhart Fellows Program at PERC and (b) the Lone Mountain Summit on Free Market Environmentalism. | Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2005 | 7,500 | During a twelve month period beginning September 2004 to prepare one or more journal article(s) on the topic, "Incentives and Performance in Hierarchal Bureaucracies: Evidence from the British Royal Navy in the Age of Sail," Daniel K. Benjamin, Research Principal. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2004 | 40,000 | General operating support | Castle Rock Foundation |
12-30-2004 | 4,000 | Environmental education programs | Armstrong Foundation |
12-30-2004 | 10,000 | General operating fund | Roe Foundation |
12-30-2004 | 7,500 | During a twelve month period beginning September 2004 to prepare one or more journal article(s) on the topic, "Incentives and Performance in Hierarchal Bureaucracies: Evidence from the British Royal Navy in the Age of Sail," Daniel K. Benjamin, Research Principal. | Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2004 | 25,000 | For general operating support during calendar year 2004. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2003 | 20,000 | General operating support | Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-30-2003 | 10,000 | General operating fund | Roe Foundation |
12-30-2003 | 7,500 | During academic year 2002-2003 to prepare a book, INSTITUTIONS AND INCENTIVES FOR CONSERVATION. Bruce Yandle & Eric Noyes, Research Principals. (Amended 11/13/2003, Daniel K. Benjamin, Research Principal.) | Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2003 | 5,000 | The Association of Private Enterprise Education To support the attendance of graduate students at The Association of Private Enterprise Education's annual meeting to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada during April 6-8, 2003. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2003 | 4,000 | During calendar year 2003 to complete preparation of a book, THE NOT SO WILD, WILD WEST: PROPERTY RIGHTS ON THE FRONTIER. Terry L. Anderson and Peter J. Hill, Research Principals. | Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2003 | 12,000 | During calendar year 2003 to prepare a report on the topic, "Controlling the Environmental Impacts of Farms: A Decentralized Approach." Elizabeth Brubaker, Research Principal. | Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2003 | 25,000 | For general operating support during calendar year 2003. | Earhart Foundation |
12-30-2003 | 3,000 | Environmental educational programs | Armstrong Foundation |
12-7-2003 | 1,500 | General support | Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
12-31-2002 | 40,000 | General operating support | Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-2002 | 5,000 | Student Seminar of Free Market Environmentalism | Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2002 | 10,000 | General Operating Support | Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-2002 | 14,500 | General Operating Support | Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-30-2002 | 3,500 | Environmental educational programs | Armstrong Foundation |
12-4-2002 | 1,500 | General Funds | Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
12-31-2001 | 5,000 | During academic year 2001-2002 to prepare one or more journal article(s) on the topic, "Market Processes and the 'Greening of Industry': Historical Perspectives and Policy Implications," Pierre Desrochers, Research Principal | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2001 | 25,000 | To provide general operating support during calendar year 2002 | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2001 | 15,000 | To provide two graduate fellowships in environmental studies tenable during the summer of 2002 | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2001 | 7,500 | During academic year 2002-2003 to prepare a book, INSTITUTIONS AND INCENTIVES FOR CONSERVATION, Bruce Yandle and Eric Noyes, Research Principals | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2001 | 50,000 | environmental seminars for congressional staff members | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2001 | 10,000 | General operating fund | Roe Foundation |
12-31-2001 | 10,000 | Student Seminar of Free Market Environmentalism | Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-30-2001 | 3,500 | Environmental educational programs | Armstrong Foundation |
12-31-2000 | 40,000 | General support | Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-2000 | 15,000 | During a twelve-month period beginning January 2002 to prepare a monograph entitled "Public Lands: Whither Our Resources," Holly Lippke Fretwell, Research Principal | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2000 | 5,000 | During academic year 2001-2002 to prepare one or more journal article(s) on the topic, "Market Processes and the Greening of Industry: Historical Perspectives and Policy Implications," Pierre Desrochers, Research Principal | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-2000 | 10,000 | Student Seminar on Free Market Environmentalism | Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-2000 | 40,000 | General operating fund | Roe Foundation |
12-30-2000 | 3,500 | Environmental educational programs | Armstrong Foundation |
7-13-2000 | 30,000 | No purpose given. | Randolph Foundation |
12-31-1999 | 50,000 | Environmental seminars for congressional staff members. | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 | 15,000 | During academic year 2000-2001 to support preparation of a book, FARMING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, (J. Bishop Grewell and Clay J. Landry, Research Principals.) | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1999 | 15,000 | During 2000 to complete preparation of a book, PRIVATIZATION OF WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, Elizabeth Brubaker, Research Principal. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1999 | 25,000 | To provide general operating support in 2000. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1999 | 150,000 | No purpose given. | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1999 | 10,000 | Student Seminar on Free Market Environmentalism | Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1999 | 15,000 | No purpose given. | JM Foundation |
12-31-1999 | 50,000 | No purpose given. | Jaquelin Hume Foundation |
12-31-1999 | 50,000 | No purpose given. | Roe Foundation |
12-31-1999 | 750 | General Funds | Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
12-31-1999 | 20,000 | Project support | W.H. Brady Foundation |
12-30-1999 | 3,500 | Educational programs | Armstrong Foundation |
12-31-1998 | 50,000 | Environmental seminars for congressional staff members | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 | 177,000 | No purpose given | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1998 | 15,000 | To provide support during academic year 1999-2000 for preparation of one or more journal article(s) and/or a book on Western water rights in the American West, Andrew P. Morriss, Research Principal. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1998 | 15,000 | To provide support for preparation of a revised edition of FREE MARKET ENVIRONMENTALISM, Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal, Research Principals. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1998 | 25,000 | To provide general support during calendar 1999. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1998 | 35,000 | To support the Political Economy Forum | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 | 40,000 | General support; agency promotes free market solutions to environmental problems | Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-1998 | 10,000 | Student Seminar on Free Market Environmentalism | Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1998 | 100,000 | No purpose given. | Jaquelin Hume Foundation |
12-31-1998 | 50,000 | No purpose given. | Roe Foundation |
12-31-1998 | 750 | General Funds | Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
12-31-1998 | 4,000 | Project support | W.H. Brady Foundation |
12-3-1998 | 750 | General Funds | Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation |
8-11-1998 | 3,500 | Educational programs | Armstrong Foundation |
3-23-1998 | 30,000 | No purpose given. | Roe Foundation |
12-31-1997 | 50,000 | Environmental seminars for congressional staff members | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1997 | 200,000 | no description given | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1997 | 10,000 | Student Seminar for Free Market Environmentalism | Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1997 | 15,000 | To develop an outreach project for state-based think tanks | JM Foundation |
12-31-1997 | 13,000 | To provide support for preparation of one or more journal article(s) and/or a book on the privatization of water supply and sewage treatment systems, Elizabeth Brubaker, Research Principal. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1997 | 20,000 | To renew support for a Director of Development to assist PERC with its fund-raising and public relations efforts. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1997 | 25,000 | To provide general support during calendar year 1998. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1997 | 1,000 | Project support | W.H. Brady Foundation |
7-20-1997 | 55,000 | To support the 1997 National Conference for Journalists | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 | 50,000 | Environmental seminars for congressional staff members | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 | 165,000 | GENERAL OPERATING AND INTERNSHIP PROGRAM SUPPORT | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1996 | 10,000 | Student Seminar | Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1996 | 22,000 | General support needs; agency promotes free market solutions to environmental problems | Castle Rock Foundation |
12-31-1996 | 60,000 | Educational Programs | Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1996 | 12,000 | Allan K. Fitzsimmons During 1997 to continue preparation of a book, DEFENDING ILLUSIONS: FEDERAL PROTECTION OF ECOSYSTEMS. |
Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1996 | 15,000 | To provide support for preparation of a book, THE NOT SO WILD, WILD, WEST. Terry L. Anderson and P.J. Hill, Research Principals. | Earhart Foundation |
12-31-1996 | 25,000 | To provide general support during calendar 1997. | Earhart Foundation |
7-28-1996 | 50,000 | To support the 1996 National Conference for Journalists | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 | 50,000 | Environmental seminars for congressional staff members | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 | 165,000 | GENERAL OPERATING SUPPORT AND INTERNSHIP PROGRAM SUPPORT | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1995 | 10,000 | Student Seminar for Free Market Environmentalism | Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1995 | 30,000 | To assist in providing an administrative assistant to the Executive Director. | Earhart Foundation |
8-9-1995 | 50,000 | To support the annual National Conference for Journalists | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1994 | 50,000 | Seminars for congressional staffers on private property rights and environmental policy | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1994 | 150,000 | GENERAL OPERATING AND INTERNSHIP PROGRAM SUPPORT | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1994 | 10,000 | To support educational activities on the relationship between private property rights and the environment | JM Foundation |
12-31-1994 | 10,000 | To provide general support during calendar 1996. | Earhart Foundation |
5-18-1994 | 50,000 | To support the 1994 National Journalists Conference | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1993 | 150,000 | GENERAL OPERATING AND INTERNSHIP PROGRAM SUPPORT | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
5-27-1993 | 48,500 | To support the 1993 National Journalists Conference | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1992 | 200,000 | GENERAL OPERATING AND INTERNSHIP PROGRAM SUPPORT | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
9-30-1992 | 5,000 | General Program | Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation |
6-16-1992 | 47,000 | To support the 1992 National Journalists Conference | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1991 | 25,000 | To support a conference program for congressional staff | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1991 | 20,000 | Media Outreach Program | Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1991 | 50,000 | GENERAL OPERATING SUPPORT | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1991 | 100,000 | OUTREACH ACTIVITIES AND INTERNSHIP PROGRAM | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
11-30-1991 | 5,000 | General | Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation |
11-25-1991 | 5,000 | To support the Center's 1991 Seminar for Congressional Staffers. | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
8-14-1991 | 47,000 | To support the Center's 1991 National Conference for Journalists. | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1990 | 25,000 | To support a conference program for congressional staff | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1990 | 50,000 | INTERNSHIP PROGRAM | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1990 | 100,000 | GENERAL OPERATING SUPPORT | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
7-30-1990 | 45,000 | To support the Center's 1990 Journalists Conference. | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
3-4-1990 | 100,000 | No purpose available | The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1989 | 50,000 | To support a conference program for journalists and congressional staff | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
7-31-1989 | 43,500 | To support the Center's 1989 Journalists conference. | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
7-31-1989 | 5,000 | General | Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1988 | 50,000 | To support the 1989 conference program | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1988 | 100,000 | General operating support | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
6-26-1988 | 42,400 | 1988 Journalists Conference. | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1987 | 50,000 | To support a conference for congressional staff | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1987 | 100,000 | General operating support | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
6-21-1987 | 42,400 | Support of the Center's 1987 Journalists conference. | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
3-31-1987 | 5,000 | General | Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1986 | 44,550 | To support a Congressional Staffers conference and an Advanced Conference for Journalists | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1986 | 25,000 | General operating support | The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1986 | 75,000 | General operating support | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
9-29-1986 | 50,000 | Purpose not available | The Carthage Foundation |
7-14-1986 | 42,800 | Support of the Center's 1986 National Journalists Conference. | The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1985 | 26,225 | To support the Congressional Staff Conference on Natural Resource Economics and Policy | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1985 | 5,000 | Congressional Staff Members Seminar | Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation |
12-31-1985 | 50,000 | General operating support | Sarah Scaife Foundation |
12-31-1984 | 20,000 | To support the Congressional Staff Conference on Natural Resources Economics and Policy | John M. Olin Foundation, Inc. |
12-31-1984 | 100,000 | General operating support | The Carthage Foundation |
12-31-1984 | 35,000 | Natural Resource Policy Study | Sarah Scaife Foundation |